Secrecy Is the Key to the Next Phase of Social Networking | Wired Design Secret co-founders David Byttow and Chrys Bader want to create a more authentic internet. Image: Secret Over the past week, I’ve been getting a steady stream of push notifications alerting me that another one of my friends has joined the new social media app Secret. This is, of course, is the whole point of the app. Deep down we all want it, but earnestness on social media is embarrassing. Like Facebook and Twitter, Secret’s declared purpose is to connect people. It’d be easy to call the rash of anonymity-based apps a direct backlash to Facebook, but that isn’t quite right. A Safe Space for Squishy Feelings Authenticity on the web is a slippery idea. But Bader and Byttow like to believe there’s a place for a more authentic web, and they hope Secret will give rise to it. A secret someone in my circle shared. If your friends “heart” something you post, it travels to their friends, and if those friends like, it travels even further. Unintended Uses
How I Filmed Nanook of the North Adventures with the Eskimos to Get Pictures of Their Home Life and Their Battles with Nature to Get Food. The Walrus Fight. By Robert J. Flaherty, F.R.G.S. (1922) Originally appeared as Robert J. In August 1910, Sir William MacKenzie whose transcontinental railway, the Canadian Northern, was then in the initial stages of construction, commissioned the writer to undertake an expedition to the East Coast of Hudson Bay to examine deposits of certain islands upon which iron ore were supposed to be located. All told I made four expeditions on Sir William's behalf, during a period of six years, along the East Coast of Hudson Bay, through the barren lands of the hitherto unexplored peninsula of Ungava, along the west coast of Ungava Bay and along the southern coast of Baffin Land. My interest in films, from then on, grew. New forms of travel film were coming out and the Johnson South Sea Island film particularly seemed to me to be an earnest of what might be done in the North. Mr.
as Social and Political Theory RJ Burrows, March 1995 Abstract For Fred Jameson cyberpunk represents 'the supreme literary expression if not of postmodernism, then of late capitalism itself'. This might well be so, but this paper examines the contention that cyberpunk represents more than just poetics. For some analy sts it also provides a sociologically coherent dystopic vision of a very near future, which is about to collapse on the present. Whether writers such as William Gibson intend it or not, their 'fiction' is being systematically read as social and cultural t heory. At this time of fin-de-millennium pessimism and the loss of the potency of visions of utopian transcendence and hope in a better future some social and cultural analysts have begun to turn to sources of inspiration outside of traditional social scientific and political discourses in order to try and make some sort of sense of our contemporary condition. The relationship between cyberpunk and sociology takes three broad forms. Cyberspace Cyberbodies
Vic Berger IV Is Vine's Strangest Political Satirist Image via Vic Berger on Twitter Vic Berger IV is not a man with a Jeb Bush neck tattoo, but he played one on TV. During the mounting madness of the Republican presidential primary season last year, the video editor and Tim & Eric collaborator hoaxed the Bush campaign—and a news media all too eager to monetize awful decisions—when he promised to get #Jeb4Prez permanently etched on his flesh if his Vine of the family fail-son touting Apple products hit one million loops. "I still can't believe it happened," Berger says. "I was trying to show that he's just pandering and trying to prove how 'relatable' he is, but when Jeb and his people tried to make me get this dumb tattoo to reach the youth of America, they proved my point for me." When it comes to Berger's take on America's most terrible famous people, the prank's just the tip of the iceberg. "Those are my guys," Berger says. Jeb Bush Donald Trump Trump is such an awful guy. Chubby Checker Chubby is by far my favorite to work with.
Understanding Drugs and Addiction — King's College London We are all touched by addiction – personally, within our circle of family and friends, and within our community. Addiction and its related harms can be crippling for those affected and the people around them. But how does addiction develop? What can we do to treat it? What can we do to prevent it? In this course we explore how addiction develops, and look at the risks environmentally, genetically and personally for developing addiction. We examine what happens when a drug enters your body and your brain and how your brain changes – how this process, can make recovering from addiction such a challenge. King’s College London Institute of Psychiatry is a world leader in the science and treatment of addiction. Each week, our teaching is supplemented by some of the world’s leading scientists who will present cutting edge neuroscientific research. By understanding addiction, we can shed light on the greater issues of self-control and choice.
CV Dazzle: Camouflage from Face Detection Clay Shirky Clay Shirky (born 1964[2]) is an American writer, consultant and teacher on the social and economic effects of Internet technologies. He has a joint appointment at New York University (NYU) as a Distinguished Writer in Residence at the Arthur L. Carter Journalism Institute and Assistant Arts Professor in the New Media focused graduate Interactive Telecommunications Program (ITP).[3] His courses address, among other things, the interrelated effects of the topology of social networks and technological networks, how our networks shape culture and vice-versa.[4] Education and career[edit] Shirky was the first Professor of New Media in the Media Studies department at Hunter College, where he developed the MFA in Integrated Media Arts program. In the Fall of 2010, Shirky was a visiting Morrow Lecturer at Harvard University's John F. Views[edit] In his book Here Comes Everybody, Shirky explains how he has long spoken in favor of crowdsourcing and collaborative efforts online. [edit]
Las frecuencias cerebrales y los estados de conciencia que las caracterizan El autoconocimiento podría ser la más lúcida herramienta existencial a nuestra disposición. El famoso adagio de Sócrates, “Conócete a ti mismo”, bien podría sintetizar la respuesta a cualquier pregunta posible que surja a lo largo de nuestras vidas. Es por eso que entre más familiarizado estás contigo mismo y con lo que sucede en tu interior dentro de los incontables planos que te conforman, probablemente estarás más cerca de alcanzar tu fin ‘máximo’ –generalmente asociado a la felicidad, la plenitud, o la paz interior. Las frecuencias cerebrales se refieren a los patrones de oscilaciones neurales que se registran dentro del sistema nervioso central. Beta (12-30Hz) Es la frecuencia más común en el cerebro de un adulto promedio mientras está despierto. Alpha (7.5-12Hz) Las frecuencias alpha florecen dentro de estados de relajación profunda, incluidos ciertos momentos en los que ‘soñamos despiertos’ y ciertos parajes mentales a los que accedemos a través de la meditación. Theta (4-7.5Hz)
¿Una ciencia ficción capaz de crear el futuro? Uno de los autores de ciencia ficción más reconocidos de los últimos tiempos, Neal Stephenson, ha hecho un reciente llamado a generar una ciencia ficción más optimista, que vaya más allá de los recurrentes escenarios apocalípticos y las distopias deletéreas que dominan el género, para imaginar las futuras grandes empresas del hombre y dilucidar posibles soluciones al predicamento existencial. Stephenson incluso ha creado el proyecto Hieroglyph cuyo fin es estimular la creación de obras de sci-fi que avancen en esta vertiente, con la esperanza de ver nuevos Julio Verne. La propuesta de Stephenson puede resultar un tanto ingenua desde el punto de vista del gran arte, el cual supuestamente no acepta ninguna limitante o constricción además de su propia naturaleza e inquietud –y si estos escenarios decadentes y cataclísmicos permean es porque esto es lo que atañe al intelecto actualmente, esto es lo que transmite el mundo para ser reproducido en el gran espejo de la mente.
Este podría ser el rostro del ser humano dentro de 100 mil años El rostro humano en la actualidad. Show captions Showing image 1 of 4 La evolución no es tal sin adaptación, o al menos esa fue la gran premisa revolucionaria con que Darwin sorprendió al mundo. Esto se cumple en todas las especies, según la teoría de la selección natural, y el ser humano no ha sido la excepción. Dicha pregunta también se la planteó el investigador y artista Nickolay Lamm, quien en colaboración con Alan Kwan, genetista computacional, quiso responder cómo será el rostro del ser humano dentro de 20 mil, 60 mil y 100 mil años. Como se ve, Lamm aventura que la transformación más notable ocurrirá en los ojos. De acuerdo con Kwan, la frente del ser humano también ganará en tamaño, siguiendo la tendencia observada ya al comparar cráneos actuales con los de personas de los siglos XIV y XVI: facciones menores pero frentes más amplias que dan cabida a un cerebro de dimensiones mayores. [Yahoo]