Studios - Contact Us "Fully re-mastered with HD visuals and audio, a stunning rendition of the original game that will delight faithful fans and new players alike!" "Coming soon to Xbox 360!" "Doormakers to adventure since 1996" Developers of the Fable and Black & White franchises based in the quaint, English town of Guildford. Games for Team Building | Activities, Initiative Games & Problem Solving Exercises
SIMmersion Informational Video Rich Learning by CSP Formation |Comment se compose un parcours de Rich Learning® ? | Le Rich Learning, c'est quoi ? Une formation blended originale et exclusive, le Rich Learning®, structurée en 5 dimensions séquencées dans la durée et alternant différents modes pédagogiques (vidéo, quizz, e-learning, présentiel, études de cas, serious game, forum...) Chacune de ces dimensions est une étape clé dans le processus d'acquisition de connaissances et de compétences du stagiaire. Il y retrouve ses objectifs d'apprentissage en phase avec l'avancement de la formation. 1 à 2 jours de présentiel5 à 10 h de travail individuel (30 à 50 % du parcours)12 à 15 Add’tools sélectionnés pour chaque stage afin de garantir une stimulation ludique et variée tout au long du parcours6 mois d’accès illimité aux ressources pédagogiques 1 évaluation régulière des acquis1 calendrier prévisionnel individualisable
2010 Trends 2010 Trends – Unity Technologies CEO David Helgason We’re living in exciting times, and in some ways we here at Unity Technologies are in a unique position to be part of them. Here are the trends that we think are most important for the Unity community as a whole in 2010 along with what you can do to be part of We’re living in exciting times, and in some ways we here at Unity Technologies are in a unique position to be part of them. Here are the trends that we think are most important for the Unity community as a whole in 2010 along with what you can do to be part of them. Without further ado. The Year of Gamification, Part 1We call the adoption of game technology and game design methods outside of the games industry “gamification”, and this is a really broad trend. Unity and other game technologies are being used across more than a dozen sectors that have little or nothing to do with games. Action item: Sell your skills outside the games industry. Well, welcome to the new world.
Sustainability Learning through Gaming | Computing for Sustainability I’ve long been looking for approaches that use gameplay to engage in sustainability. I’ve previously been disappointed in a lack of systems thinking, and decisions in game design that damage a sustainable game’s utility. While participatory model development rather than gameplay, this was premise of my PhD Spatial Process Modelling. Prompted by Stefan Kreitmayer I’ve been reading an interesting paper by Carlo Fabricatore and Ximena Lopez presented at ECGBL: Sustainability Learning through Gaming: An Exploratory Study This paragraph is laden with potential: Educating for sustainability demands approaches and tools promoting systems thinking and learning to deal with traits of complexity, such as change, uncertainty, and emergence. So is this quote: All these steps are carried out directly in the gaming environment that serves as a frame for meaning making (Gee 2007). Their model of gameplay doesn’t seem to have interaction with other players, nor environmental scanning. Like this:
MACH-My Automated Conversation coacH MACH:My Automated Conversation coacH Photo by Manohar Srikanth Interested to use MACH? -- Click here. MACH, My Automated Conversation coacH, is a system for people to practice social interactions in face-to-face scenarios. The system was validated in the context of job interviews with 90 MIT undergraduate students. The video below describes the motivation behind the project. Here is the overall video. Here is an example of one of the MIT undergraduate students before and after the intervention. Here is a clip demonstrating MIT students interacting with MACH. The video below demonstrates a scenario where MACH interrupts the participants for speaking for long time. Publications: M. M.E.
Serious Game - Jeu sérieux. Formation Serious Game par Qoveo. Business Games, Business Simulations, Edugames, Sensibilisation, Serious game sur mesure et sur étagère Répondre aux besoins de formation en entreprise et développer les compétences des collaborateurs grâce à un Serious Game ? Oui ! Aujourd’hui le Serious Game est un outil incontournable de réussite. Le jeu sérieux consiste à utiliser les technologies propres aux jeux vidéo à des fins utilitaires : apprendre, informer, expérimenter, entraîner. L’objectif est de simuler dans un environnement vidéo ludique, une situation professionnelle et de placer l’apprenant dans un contexte d’action. Leur conception repose sur l’association équilibrée d’un scénario pédagogique et d’un scénario ludique. Adapté aux situations professionnelles, le Serious Game tend à améliorer les performances des vos collaborateurs ! Un jeu sérieux se compose de 5 éléments : Des défis : Situations et/ou problèmes que l’apprenant devra résoudre et qui sont directement reliés à un objectif pédagogique explicite. Le jeu est un bon moyen d’apprendre, un excellent support de formation et de communication dans les entreprises !
Can’t play, won’t play | Hide&Seek - Inventing new kinds of play I like neologisms. We need new words because we have new ideas, and ideas are the only things that break the law of the conservation of energy. Where once there was nothing there now is something, and the history of the neologism is a history of those moments of pure creation. ‘Gamification’, that said, can go take a long walk off a short pier. I’m heartened beyond measure to see that it’s been deleted from Wikipedia. ‘Gamification’, the internet will tell you, is the future. That problem being that gamification isn’t gamification at all. Games manage to produce all these drivers by being complex, responsive mechanisms. Games give their players meaningful choices that meaningfully impact on the world of the game. And living or dying is important. It’s crucial that we stop conflating points and games. Firstly, because it devalues points. But secondly, because it misrepresents games. Gamification is the wrong word for the right idea. So, in summary: Or, in other words:
“8 Tips for Measuring the Impact of Serious Games” | Pamela M. Kato, EdM, PhD Serious games are great! When you play them, the good ones (!!), you get the feeling that they are a breakthrough in learning. But that is not enough. Games are expensive to make, they come in all different levels of quality, and sometimes when you hear that a martian on an imaginary planet is teaching kids how to become successful entrepreneurs, you have to wonder if they really “work.” But because serious games seem to have an impact beyond the outcomes we have traditionally measured in training and teaching, this often means that we have to be smart, thoughtful and innovative to do a good job of measuring what they can do. Based on my experience having successfully used a range of traditional and non-traditional measures in assessing behavior change, I’d like to share some of my thoughts and advice on finding and developing measures to assess what your serious game does. Get your brain power-up because here are some tips about how to go about measuring what serious games can do. 1. 2.
4 New Articulate Storyline Games You Have to See That’s right, new Articulate Storyline games. Need I say more? The eLearning Template Library just keeps getting better every week! Just reading the names of these new games get me excited: Big Business, Mountain Summit, Race for the Treasure, and Casino Challenge. These games look fun, but they are even more fun to play! Click on the images below to demo the new Articulate Storyline games. That’s not all! New Articulate Storyline Games! Check out our library of Articulate Storyline Games. New Articulate Storyline Character Packs! Check out our library of Articulate Storyline Character Packs. New Articulate Presenter Player Skins! Check out our library of Articulate Presenter Player Skins. New Stock Graphic Icons! Check out our library of Stock Graphic Icons. Note: These templates are available for download for all current Template Library subscribers.