Data Visualization and Infographics Examples and Resources Things wordy, geeky, and webby Since taking a class that discussed Edward Tufte‘s work, I’ve been fascinated by turning information into visual data. His site contains many examples that you could easily spend hours on the site. I have. Plus, I spent several days browsing sites with articles, resources, and examples of infovis (information visualization) in action. It’s not just about presenting data in a presentation or making things colorful. It’s a struggle for me as I haven’t practiced this process or created any charts in a long time. Updated: 9 February 2013 ShortURL to this post: Examples 5 Amazing Infographics for the Health Conscious10 Outstanding Social Media Graphics10 Revealing Infographics about the Web10×10 is “100 words and pictures that define time.”35 Great Social Media Infographics3D Animation of Linux Code Development7 Nights of Bright Eyes article and accompanying visual analysis of Conor Note the .org! Blogs Resources
Open Definition | Defining the Open in Open Data, Open Content and Open Services OMB – FEA Segment Architecture Based Planning Fraught with Empirical Dilemma (Cognitive Dissonance) « Ingine – Enterprise Transformation November 12, 2008 by Srinidhi Boray The new Federal Segment Architecture Methodology Link below. The New Guidance is still based on Federal Reference Models and the emphasis on Service Reference Model continues to exists. This means the ‘Reuse Plan’ continues to be based on SRM. Check out Step 4 under ‘Analysis’. Reference: FEA Practice Guidance (This is the old link prior to 2009) OLDER : Segment Architecture based Planning By Srinidhi Boray Following inaccuracies in the OMB’s Reference Model and Segment Architecture Methodology – allows for inadvertently promoting bureaucracy in the agency’s OCIO rather than reducing it. 1. To understand “reuse plan” with regards to agencies redundancy reduction planning it is worth establishing clarity between “empirical” and “analysis,” with regards to “common services” a term defined within the Federal Enterprise Architecture Reference Model framework that was established by the Office of Management and Budget (OMB). o Empirical - 2.
Tipped over: social influence "tipping point" theory debunked Clive Thompson has been getting some well-deserved attention for his recent Fast Company piece, in which Columbia University sociologist Duncan Watts explodes the hierarchical theory of social influence and trend propagation popularized by Malcolm Gladwell in the bestselling book The Tipping Point. Gladwell's model, which has itself become something of a cultural epidemic, posits that a few hyperconnected "influentials" are the key to the runaway viral spread of fads, fashions, ideas, and behaviors. These pivotal individuals, according to Gladwell, determine which trends will wither on the vine and which will "tip," becoming mass phenomena. In a way, the best vindication of Watts' critique is that, despite being "precisely the type of person you'd peg as an Influential," his objections have taken so long to gain traction.
Singapour : Données publiques / Open Data DC Meltdown & Role of EA in establishing ‘Accountability’ in Federal IT Spending « Ingine – Enterprise Transformation September 25, 2008 by Srinidhi Boray By Srinidhi Boray As the Wall Street melts down, so does the DC. One quick survey and it will yield how lacking many big institutions are. In the federal sector, The Clinger Cohen Act was established to bring in greater accountability in addition to several other things. Link to Campbell Brown’s article on CNN “”What’s amazing to me is that the administration seems a little surprised that Congress and the American people are not marching in lockstep with them on this and not fully appreciating the urgency. Well here’s why, in one word: accountability.”””” Going forward, that now Fannie and Freddie have directly come under Federal administration, hopefully accountability creating systematic process will be established based on the Federal Enterprise Architecture guidance, should they survive as behemoths. Like this: Like Loading...
Extreme Presentation Method Pays Bas : Données publiques / Open Data Enterprise Architecture – Economic Model – System Dynamics « Ingine – Enterprise Transformation August 22, 2007 by Srinidhi Boray By Srinidhi Boray Enterprise Architecture Assists in Understanding Enterprise’s Unique Economic Model Remember : With Increasing Complexity Degree of Freedom Reduces When System Strives for Extreme Commoditization – Individual Should Strive for Specialized & Unique Competencies On 26th Feb’ 2009 CNN Reports – Reason for GM failure blamed on steep Fixed Cost. However one may attempt to distort reality, in the end one cannot play with numbers, as numbers are mere numbers. Gartner has begun to endorse the view proposed in this article. As an anti-thesis – this is also said of Maths by Albert Einstein “as far as the laws of mathematics refer to reality, they are not certain; and as far as they are certain, they do not refer to reality.“ This is where Enterprise Architecture improves upon on by providing better abstraction and logical reasoning by introducing structure derived from ontology that is intrinsically ‘architecture’. Like this: Like Loading...
The Work of Edward Tufte and Graphics Press Edward Tufte is a statistician and artist, and Professor Emeritus of Political Science, Statistics, and Computer Science at Yale University. He wrote, designed, and self-published 4 classic books on data visualization. The New York Times described ET as the "Leonardo da Vinci of data," and Business Week as the "Galileo of graphics." He is now writing a book/film The Thinking Eye and constructing a 234-acre tree farm and sculpture park in northwest Connecticut, which will show his artworks and remain open space in perpetuity. He founded Graphics Press, ET Modern gallery/studio, and Hogpen Hill Farms LLC. Visual Display of Quantitative Information 200 pages Envisioning Information 128 pages Visual Explanations 160 pages Beautiful Evidence 214 pages Same paper and printing as in original clothbound editions. All 4 clothbound books, autographed by author $150 Available directly from Graphics Press. Die visuelle Darstellung quantitativer Informationen, (200 Seiten), $12 数量情報の視覚的表示, (200 ページ)、$12