Six Tips For Designing a Memorable Brand | Co.Design When clients call on Yang Kim and Kevin Budelmann, principals of branding firm People Design in Grand Rapids, Michigan, they usually ask for a new logo. "But the logo is just the tip of the iceberg," Budelmann says. Usually, what they really want is a redesigned brand. Kim and Budelmann should know. Since leaving design jobs at Herman Miller 12 years ago, the pair has steadily made a name for themselves with clients such as Steelcase, Whirlpool and ArtPrize. And they've just summed up their learnings in Brand Identity Essentials. "You never see a logo by itself," Kim says. "It's definitely our point of view," Kim adds. Here's six lessons drawn from their book: 1. WordWorld by Siegel + Gale So many companies strike out because they don't do their homework. 2. Kapulica Studio by Bunch Can you have a constant logo that is still recognizable but also for its variety? 3. The Mob Museum, Wall-to-Wall Studios The authors say this submission is funny, appropriate and cool. 4. 5. 6.
La beauté des mathématiques Que vous compreniez quelque chose ou pas aux mathématiques, vous avez très certainement déjà eu l'occasion de voir certaines images, démonstrations ou vidéos marquantes issues de cette science. La vidéo ci-dessous vous offrira ni plus ni moins qu'une plongée dans la Matrice. Yann Pineill et Nicolas Lefaucheux de se sont attelés à briser cette image ennuyeuse dont souffrent les mathématiques. Pour ce faire, ils ont conçu cette vidéo impressionnante. En prenant des situations de la vie courante, en les schématisant puis en les transposant en équations, on obtient les nombreux triptyques de cette vidéo.
Web Design Tutorials for Developers - Web Design Blog – Get the FlatPix UI Kit for only $7 - Learn More or Buy Now Modern development APIs work like agents for sharing information to other 3rd party websites. I’ve written many past tutorials about API development to help anyone new to this process. There are so many web-based services that it’s tough picking something to grab people’s attention. In this tutorial I want to demonstrate how we can access the Forrst API using jQuery. Read More I was browsing through websites one day and came across one really interesting feature. So in this tutorial I want to demonstrate how we can build a very simple HTML5 webpage recreating a full author bio display. Read More Any company selling a service with payment plans usually breaks up the structure into different packages. For this tutorial I want to demonstrate how we can create pricing tables with just a bit of HTML5 and CSS3. Live Demo – Download Source Code Read More Today’s web users expect web pages to be increasingly more interactive.
Color Theory Tutorial by Worqx Why study color theory? If you are involved in the creation or design of visual documents, an understanding of color will help when incorporating it into your own designs. Choices regarding color often seem rather mystical, as many seem to base decisions on nothing other than "it looks right." While attending the University of Minnesota I enrolled in almost every course I could from different departments: graphic design, interior design, and fine arts. Communicating Color What is red? HTML Red Pantone® Red Pantone® Warm Red TRUEMATCH® 6-a Color Application With respect to the arts, color was part of the realistic, visual representation of form, but one group of painters abandoned the traditional practices regarding color in painting. The next several pages of this site offer a tutorial regarding color theory. To begin the tutorial, view: Color Basics Review resources & learn more about color: resources and bibliography To make comments or ask questions: contact worqx
10 Tips for Designing Presentations That Don’t Suck: Pt.1 Powerpoint has produced more bad design in its day that perhaps any other digital tool in history with the possible exception of Microsoft paint. In this post we’re going to address the epidemic of bad presentation design with ten super practical tips for designer better looking and more professional presentations. Along the way we’ll see a number of awesome slide designs from Note & Point along with some custom examples built by yours truly. Let’s get started! Also be sure to check out 10 Tips for Designing Presentations That Don’t Suck: Pt.2! Not a Designer? Most of the content on this site is targeted specifically towards professional designers and developers, or at the very least those interested in getting started in this field. You’ve chosen a visual tool to communicate and should therefore take the time to learn a thing or two about visual communications. Follow the ten tips below and see if you don’t start getting comments about your awesome presentation design skills. Kuler Piknik
50 Totally Free Lessons in Graphic Design Theory 1,200+ courses and ebooks Design, code, video editing, business, and much more. Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator and InDesignGraphic, Logo and Print DesignSketch, Adobe XD & FigmaWordPressJavascript, PHP & PythonAdobe After Effects & Premiere ProMuch More Millions of creative assets Design templates, stock videos, photos & audio, and much more. Graphic TemplatesStock PhotosMusic TracksVideo TemplatesWeb TemplatesDesign AssetsWordpress Themes & PluginsMuch More 1,200+ courses and ebooks Design, code, video editing, business, and much more. Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator and InDesignGraphic, Logo and Print DesignSketch, Adobe XD & FigmaWordPressJavascript, PHP & PythonAdobe After Effects & Premiere ProMuch More Millions of creative assets Design templates, stock videos, photos & audio, and much more. Graphic TemplatesStock PhotosMusic TracksVideo TemplatesWeb TemplatesDesign AssetsWordpress Themes & PluginsMuch More
25 Awesome Tools for Choosing a Website Color Scheme 25 Awesome Tools for Choosing a Website Color Scheme As a designer, color management should be an integral part of your workflow. A website’s color scheme helps shape its identity and therefore should not be carelessly thrown together. Online Tools There are simply a ton of free color tools available on the web. Kuler Kuler is one of the best free online color scheme creation tools out there and my personal favorite. Color Scheme Designer Color Scheme Designer has a beautiful interface that helps you create beautiful color schemes in seconds. colorblind simulation is built in so you can ensure usability will be optimized for all users. Colour Lovers An online community where color aficionados can create, share and browse color schemes. Pictaculous The guys at MailChimp created this excellent free service. Color Spire A simpler, no frills interface that helps you build a five swatch color scheme. Daily Color Scheme Every day brings a new featured color scheme. Instant Color Schemes Color Explorer
Beyond Pink and Blue: A Look at Gender Colors It goes beyond culture. There is science behind the gender-relationships when it comes to colors. A study by John Hallock compares the color preferences among various demographics and takes into account information collected from 22 countries. Our friends at KissMetrics put together this informative infographic that tears down the gender barriers to reveal what really goes on in visualizations. Click any portion to enlarge. Colors by Gender The Color Purple - The most notable gender difference can be seen in the color purple. Blue Reigns Supreme – Both males and females like the color blue, which receives favor with 35% of female respondents and more than half of the male respondents. A Closer Look In 2007, Doctor Anya Hurlbert and Yazhu Ling created an experiment to explore how men and women differ in their perceptions of color. Results of the Experiment The experiment showed that men and women both preferred blue out of the sets of colors. Color Naming: Men Keep It Simple
The Power of Colors: How Colors Are Used in (e-)Commerce to Influence You The color theory, invented by Sir Charles Lemieiux, is a complex science involving psychology, physics, color perception, etc. Color theory tackles perceptual and psychological effects to various color combinations and contrasts. The theory is so complex that it actually deserves the whole encyclopedia of it own, so this post won’t definitely be able to cover it all. The post covers some ways you can be influenced by colors, i.e. how your shopping decisions may be controlled by the right choice of colors in stores (or on e-commerce websites): next time when you see the color tricks, you will recognize them! Generally speaking… How color may help influence your mood and encourage/ discourage you to act – this way your actual behavior can be controlled: Note: this table simplifies color theory a lot: it doesn’t take national and cultural differences into account and of course color may also vary based on the personality type. Stats… What Look Trustworthy: What is Most Associated with Speed: