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High efficiency flat light source could be the end for the light April 19, 2006 The end of the lightbulb is nigh! Scientists studying organic light-emitting devices (OLEDs) have made a critical leap from single-color displays to a highly efficient and long-lived natural light source. The invention is the latest fruit of a 13-year OLED research program led by Mark Thompson, professor of chemistry at USC and Stephen Forrest of the University of Michigan. View all "This process will enable us to get 100 percent efficiency out of a single, broad spectrum light source," Thompson said. Thompson and Forrest previously invented efficient single- color displays now ready to enter the market in next-generation cell phones. The Nature paper presents a quantum mechanical trick that solves this problem. When the oppositely charged molecules meet in the emissive layer, electrons jump from the negatively charged molecules to the positive ones, and ultimately relax to their starting energy.
PowerPoint Notes for Graziano and Raulin Research Methods We have included a set of PowerPoint lectures for students to use to study. These are in a format that can be viewed, but not edited. In general, they provide a good overview of the chapters and appendices. Instructors have access to PowerPoint lectures that can be edited and customized for their individual courses. If you have PowerPoint on your computer, perhaps as part of the Microsoft Office Package, you can run these presentations by simply clicking on the links in the table below. To navigate through the PowerPoint lectures: Use the space bar or the Page Down key to move forward one page Use the Page Up key to move back one page Use the Home key to move to the first slide Use the End key to move to the last slide Use the Esc key to close the slide show and return you to this page
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