Create a Presentation Your Audience Will Care About - Nancy Duarte
by Nancy Duarte | 9:00 AM October 10, 2012 Generating ideas is the easiest part of creating a presentation. The hard part is deciding what to keep. Many of your ideas may be fascinating or clever, but you can’t squeeze them all in — and no one wants to hear them all, anyway. The people in the audience are the stars of your show. If they don’t buy what you’re saying, it won’t go anywhere. Spell out the big idea: Your primary filter should be what I call your big idea: the one key message you must communicate. Try expressing your big idea in a complete sentence to make sure it’s fully baked. Once you’ve spelled out your big idea, generate lots of supporting material to give yourself more to choose from when it’s time to pick your best stuff. By the way, you don’t have to start from scratch when generating content: Dig up other presentations, industry studies, news articles, reports, surveys — anything that’s relevant to your big idea.
Public Speaking
A few tips on how to make public speaking a little easier and less stressful. Confidence The biggest part of public speaking is having the confidence to get up in front of a bunch of people and try not pass out. So confidence is key to doing a good job and impressing your fellow peers, teachers or boss. Fake it 'til you Make it Anybody can be as prepared as possible but as soon as they see all the faces in front of them, their mind may go blank. Be Prepared Planning is imperative to how your content and professional image can come across. Be a Professional During your presentation carry a few notecards with you just so have a little reminder every once in a while. My message is: Be confident, be prepared, smile and be a professional.
Organization & Preparation Tips | Garr Reynolds Official Site
Before you even open up PowerPoint, sit down and really think about the day of your presentation. What is the real purpose of your talk? Why is it that you were asked to speak? What does the audience expect? In your opinion, what are the most important parts of your topic for the audience to take away from your, say, 50-minute presentation? Before you begin to formulate the content of your presentation, you need to ask yourself many basic questions with an eye to becoming the best possible presenter for that particular audience. Who is the audience? What are their backgrounds? What is the purpose of the event? Is it to inspire? Why were you asked to speak? What are their expectations of you? Where is it? Find out everything you can about the location and logistics of the venue. When is it? Do you have enough time to prepare? No matter how great your delivery, or how professional and beautiful your supporting visuals, if your presentation is not based on solid content, you can not succeed.
Anatomía de una Landing Page perfecta
A diario, en nuestra vida digital, nos encontramos con muchas Landing Page, ( o páginas de aterrizaje o destino ) a las que llegamos tras un clic en un aviso, resultado de Google, campañas de adwords, banners o un enlace patrocinado de una campaña SEM. Muchas campañas fracasan por no dar la importancia necesaria a la elaboración de esta página, la cual puede ser vital en una campaña de marketing . Es fundamental elegir y diseñar una buena Landing Page, para proporcionar la información necesaria, de forma clara y muy atractiva, que permita retener al usuario y cumplir las expectativas que ha encontrado en el enlace o banner patrocinado. Si el visitante no ve cumplidas sus expectativas, en pocos segundos abandonará la página, afectando negativamente al retorno de la inversión en publicidad. Fuente: ¿Consideras esta página una pieza importante en una campaña de marketing online? Artículos relacionados: Si te ha gustado Compártelo
Disarm Your Audience When You Present - Nancy Duarte
by Nancy Duarte | 8:00 AM November 12, 2012 When you walk into a room as a presenter, it’s easy to feel as if you’re the central figure: You’re up front, and people came to hear you. In reality, though, you’re not the star of the show. The audience is. It’s in their power to embrace — or reject — your ideas. You’re presenting because you need them to change their beliefs or behavior in some way, and people find it hard to change. Resistance doesn’t have to be a bad thing. Here are the most common types of resistance and some tips on getting ready for them: Logical resistance: As you plan your presentation, try to come up with arguments against your perspective. Practical resistance: Is it physically or geographically difficult for the audience to do what you’re asking? Anticipating resistance forces you to really think about the people you’re presenting to, and that makes it easier to influence them.
Peut-on extraire des données de votre cerveau
Pourrait-on vous amener à divulguer votre code bancaire simplement en vous faisant penser à lui ? L'activité électrique de votre cerveau peut-elle trahir vos secrets ? C'est la démonstration qu'ont accomplie des chercheurs lors de la récente conférence sur la sécurité informatique Usenix. L'étude (.pdf) des chercheurs (présentation en vidéo) menés par Ivan Martinovic du département des sciences informatiques de l'université d'Oxford, a consisté à créer un programme personnalisé conçu dans le but de vous faire penser à des données sensibles telles que l'emplacement de votre maison, le code secret de votre carte de crédit ou votre mois de naissance. Pour les chercheurs, des développeurs malveillants pourraient utiliser cette technologie, utilisée dans de plus en plus de jeux, pour créer un "logiciel espion de cerveau", une application incitant les joueurs à réfléchir à des informations sensibles qu'ils pourraient donc voler. Hubert Guillaud
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reputación online: 10 consejos
“Se necesitan 20 años para construir una reputación, y cinco minutos para arruinarla. Si tú piensas sobre esto, debes hacer las cosas diferentes” (Warren Buffet). Una gran cita de uno de los hombres más exitosos e inteligentes del mundo. Las preguntas que suelen hacerse con más frecuencia cuando se trata de marketing de una marca y estrategia de social media son “¿Cómo puedo generar un público y construir mi reputación? Los mentores en medios de comunicación sociales coinciden plenamente, son auténticos, reales, coherentes, comparten contenido útil y participan en la conversación, pero también hay otras aspectos importantes para construir nuestra propia reputación online. Actuar igual a que si conociéramos a los seguidores en persona. Estar más interesados en los demás que en uno mismo. Mostremos parte de nuestro mundo personal. Conozca a sus seguidores y qué es lo que les interesa. Colabore en conectar personas. Temple su humor. Se consistente y preséntate. Dar y recibir.
Authentic Presentations Take Practice - Nancy Duarte
by Nancy Duarte | 12:00 PM November 28, 2012 Lots of us fall into the “smart” trap when presenting: we work so hard to be polished and articulate that we overcompensate and come across as flat, boring, and egg-headed. We’ve all certainly heard (and suffered through) talks like this. So how is it that great communicators manage to engage and entertain their audiences while sounding smart? We all have different personalities, of course. And then, at the other end of the spectrum, there’s Susan Cain, whose style was very subdued when she gave one of the most buzzed-about talks at TED 2012, “The Power of Introverts.” She spoke quietly and convincingly. The funny thing is, it takes practice to be as natural as Steve Ballmer and Susan Cain in front of a group. Use your physical expression to its fullest by: Peeling yourself away from your slides. Opening up your posture. Using gestures to amplify what you’re saying. It’s easy to get caught up in what the audience thinks about you.