The Upturned Microscope | Musings of a biologian Peinture chinoise Nous appelons peinture chinoise l’art pictural traditionnel exercé en Chine depuis plus de mille ans. Ses racines prennent source dans un mode de pensée original beaucoup plus ancien qui met l’accent sur l’unicité de l’homme et du cosmos et le dynamisme ininterrompu au sein même de cet univers. Plus que la représentation d’une forme, la peinture chinoise recherche à exprimer l’âme (principe de vie), le mouvement interne des êtres. D’une manière générale, la peinture chinoise est composée d’un ou plusieurs poèmes, de calligraphies, d’une image peinte et du sceau de l’artiste. La peinture chinoise Gongbi (lit. “ Le pinceau soigneux ” ou “ Le pinceau habile ”) se distingue par sa finesse et sa précision dans le détail. Le but de la peinture chinoise est de réaliser dans la plus grande concision une œuvre au charme artistique porteur d’un sens touchant l’infini. Les formats utilisés en peinture chinoise sont très variés. Les points essentiels de la composition des peintures chinoises sont :
thatsnothowyoupipette Filed under: thatIShowyouDIEbymypipette, bitch! "From Doctor Who season 6 episode 7, ‘When a Good Man Goes to War’ She’s using the pipette as a weapon. I’d like to think that she would forcibly eject the tip into her attacker’s eye.” Ok, I was emailed about these shirts. At first I was like, “I will not be your shill !!!!’ Here is a woman that is entirely confident in her pipetting abilities. More Farscape. Thanks to follower SC for the gifs! Ok. Thanks to follower Tall Kat who sent in this submission and, apparently, is tall. Hey guys. Clipped from CSI: Miami, obviously. Thanks for the tip, Anonymous blog follower! Don’t use your pipette as some sort of sexual gratification tool. Filed under: ThatIShowyoupipette Check out this cool pipette tip video set to the RATATAT song “Bare feast” Born to pipette! I just remembered that show, “Fringe.” Ok, so this is Todd Alquist from Breaking Bad Season 5, epsiode 13. edit: still no lab coat or gloves.
Don’t Worry Mom – The Roads in Iceland Aren’t That Bad November 2007 : Monday Nov 2007 : Monday I drove up to the extreme north of Iceland yesterday to do some serious exploration. I told my mom not to worry… the roads are not too bad. I could try to describe how cold it is, but I will not. zenhabits 33 Unbelievable Places To Visit Before You Die – Earth Is So Amazing Salar De Uyuni, Bolivia Source: earthporm.comDuring the rainy season, the world’s largest salt flat becomes the world’s largest mirror. The Salar was born when several prehistoric lakes joined into one. The salt flat is so reflective, it’s used to calibrate satellites. Tianzi Mountains, China Source: michaelyamashita.comThese unqiuely tall and thin mountains are so alien that they were used in James Cameron’s “Avatar.” Source: michaelyamashita.com Sentinels of the Arctic, Finland Source: niccolobonfadini.comniccolobonfadini.comThese sentinels are actually giant trees covered in snow and ice. Source: apod.nasa.gov Reed Flute Caves, China Source: rootfun.net Source: natureflip.comThis 240-meter-long cave system has been one of Guilin, China’s most popular attractions for over 1200 years. Source: amusingplanet.com Skaftafell Ice Cave, Iceland Source: all-that-is-interesting.comIce caves are temporary structures that form at the edge of glaciers when flowing water melts a hole into glaciers.
TwistedSifter FOLLOW ME : IL PHOTOGRAPHIE SA COPINE AUX QUATRE COINS DU MONDE Pour sortir de l’ordinaire, un photographe russe a eu l’idée de lancer le projet « Follow Me ». Pour être original et voyager avec plus de romantisme, le photographe russe Murad Osmann a eu l’idée de créer un projet photographique personnel appelé Follow Me. Ce dernier regroupe diverses photos du monde entier mais d’une manière unique. En effet, une série de photographies basée sur le même système, à savoir des vues du photographe à la première personne entraîné par la main de sa petite amie vers de nouveaux paysages. On peut facilement reconnaitre Venise, Disneyland Paris, Londres à l’occasion des Jeux Olympiques 2012 ou encore New York. Source:hitek.fr Page visitée (5728) fois Tags: Amour, copine, couple, photo, photographie, projet
Vintascope Newspaper Blackout Brazilian ad agency uses blackout poetry to sell soap and deodorant The agency Salve recently did a campaign focused entirely around blackout poetry for their client, Natura. Here’s a bad Google translation of the messaging: Tododia has hidden poetry. At each step of the routine. Probably no coincidence that I’m headed to Brazil this weekend to talk about what’s stealing like an artist and what’s stealing like an ad agency. —Austin A blackout by David Rogers, a student at VCFA David very kindly let me know about a fun glitch using the TurboScan iPhone app: “Sometimes the transformation from Blackout to ScanOut gives the poem a subtle emphasis that’s transformative.” Funny enough, I already had the same app on my phone, so I started using the effect on some of my own poems. —Austin This tumblr is now four years old!
fotojournalismus A boy sleeps amid the rubble of his destroyed house in Gaza Strip on September 1, 2014. (Ahmed Hjazy/Barcoft Media) Tibetan Plateau, July 2015 Photographs by Kevin Frayer/Getty Images micdotcom: Cafe Art, a United Kingdom-based social enterprise, distributed 100 single-use cameras to homeless people in London in July and asked them to take photos with the simple theme, “My London.“ Eighty cameras came back, with more than 2,500 pictures on them. Photographs by Kazuyoshi Nomachi 1- Nuba, Sudan 2- Atbara, Sudan 3- Dallol, Ethiopia 4- Ruwenzori, Uganda 5- Lake Abbe, Djibouti 6- Lake Natron, Tanzania 7- Amhara, Ethiopia 8- Mount Kilimanjaro, Tanzania 9- Dallol, Ethiopia 10- Ruwenzori, Uganda The Omo Valley, Ethiopia Photographs by Hans Silvester [+] Uzbek women work in cotton fields in southern Tajikistan, 2010. Photo by Carolyn Drake Young Buddhist novice monks play at a Tibetan nomadic summer grazing area on July 24, 2015 on the Tibetan Plateau in Yushu County, Qinghai. kafkasapartment:
Officials Say the Darndest Things That sentence – that motivation for the report – may show deep, emotional feeling on the part of the senator, but I don’t think it leads you to an objective report. Former CIA and NSA director MIchael Hayden, on Sen. Diane Feinstein’s motivations behind the CIA interrogation report: to “ensure that an un-American, brutal program of detention and interrogation will never again be considered or permitted.” Dumb, dumb, dumb. Sen. Patrick Leahy, D-Vt., reacting to news that USAID created a social network to try to undermine the Cuban government. I have full access to the recliner. Kansas Senator Pat Roberts, on his “residence" in his home state, a donor’s house that he pays $300 a month to occasionally stay at overnight. Baltimore’s police commissioner, whilst fielding questions about why the city’s homicide rate spiked last year though it fell elsewhere in the country.
WHEN PARENTS TEXT™ Today marks the 3rd year of When Parents Text. When we started the site in 2010, we had no idea what it would become. In three years we have published over five thousand texts, welcomed over 70 million visitors, designed an app, and published a book (now in its fourth printing). The transition from friends to business partners was fun, but not always easy. And after three years, we have decided to go back to being just friends. This is the When Parents Text Finale! We will leave the archive of texts up on our site and our app, and continue our Tumblr and Facebook pages. This past weekend we went to our hometown and the Panera where it all started. Feel free to follow our other projects. Lauren Kaelin is an illustrator and paints memes. She started Benjameme.net as an excuse to paint the internet. Benjameme Facebook Her Instagram Sophia Fraioli works as a Production Manager for Stylesight. Her Instagram Thanks for everything. Bowtie man 4eva ;-)8 Lauren and Sophia