33 Genius Three-Ingredient Recipes |
Posted by on Mar 24, 2014 in Food Hacks | 12 comments If you are looking for some New recipes, some new ideas that will make you happy, than you are on the right place. These 33 easy and amazing food recipes will make you happy and you will enjoy in your food. All you need to do is to chose one of this food ideas and try it, or you can try all of them.
The 10 Best Games for Learning About the Stock Market
Much like skydiving, playing the stock market is not an activity you want to learn through your mistakes. Fortunes are made and lost all the time by people who think (or thought) they had a handle on stock trading. If you have a few million you can afford to lose, or you're investing with someone else's money (you're a bank, in other words), by all means, jump right in. But for the other 99%, we recommend simulating the experience of stock market investing first, to learn what to do and not do with your hard-earned cash. Here are the 10 best games to help you do that. WeSeed:While some of the games on this list may be more concerned with purveying entertainment than education, WeSeed's No. 1 goal is to teach people about the stock market and take the fear out of investing.
10 Books You ABSOLUTELY MUST READ If You Are Tired Of Being Broke (No Self-Help Rah-Rah Bullshit)
1. Buffettology: The Proven Techniques for Investing Successfully in Changing Markets That Have Made Warren Buffett the World's Most Famous Investor I NEVER buy books on stock market. 2. Words That Sell lists the words and phrases that stimulate sales, grouping them in a logical, easy-to-find manner. 3. Guy Kawasaki wrote the best book on startups. 4. This book is a fascinating journey into the meaning of truth, lies and BS. 5. The title might sound cheesy, but the book really does share insights on what affluent, and successful really mean. 6. I thoroughly enjoyed reading this book, for a multitude of reasons. 7. If you’ve been a regular fan like I have of frenetic sales guru Jeffrey Gitomer’s columns in the Business Journal, you’ll want to grab his infamous power book on selling, The Little Red Book of Selling. 8. I've read a lot of great books, but this one is the one is truly unique. 9. 10.
30 Clever Gadgets Every Geek Should Have
We all have tons of things at home that are compulsive buys, or just straight up decorations that have no use other than to look good. This sweet bike pizza cutter is both functional and nice to look at. This is the Fixie Pizza Cutter and it does a hell of a job cutting up your pizza to enjoy or just sitting there to look fancy. The rest of these gadgets have similar form and function that any smart geek would enjoy. It get's tiring holding book's open. Get it here. For the minimalist household. Never lose your keys again, well hopefully. Kinda geeky, but that is okay. This would probably good for the kids, no accidental finger stapling. They have many more dorky items like this at Cocoon. Kind of a neat concept, check it out here If you got to have it you can get it here Fun way for the kids to not be scared of the dark. Get it while it is still available on OOMS. Stack the plastic once, well before it is time to completely refill your stock. Good way to keep the germs off the pump.
10 Coffee Mugs to Get You Through Your Monday Meeting
Home > Guides > 10 Coffee Mugs to Get You Through Your Monday Meeting By Christina Broat on April 21, 2013 Mondays, amiright? Here are ten coffee mugs that will have you feeling caffeinated and clever from 8 a.m. on: 1. Perfect for a little distraction when Steve from accounts starts droning on about numbers. 2. This one’s actually better to pass off to a coworker. 3. Nothing says “don’t mess with me” like brass knuckles. 4. Perfect for Pantone fanatics and those who have the luxury of other people prepping out their morning java. 5. Even the most optimistic people can agree that Monday sucks. 6. 2 Carat Cup (Amazon, $10) Remember when “if you love it so much, why don’t you marry it?” 7. It’s clear, you’re not ON until you’ve had your morning cup of coffee. 8. As if the difference my morning buzz makes isn’t readily apparent on our face, this mug also shows the dramatic improvement coffee makes in my mood. 9. The profanity is abrasive, but the message is true. 10. Which mug is your favorite?
Philographics Philographics is a series of posters that explain big ideas in simple shapes. They are the result of combining the world of philosophy with graphic design. You can get the entire set of 95 designs as a book or a selection of them as posters. Cart - 0 items
Секрет китайского воздержания
Китай дважды отказался выбрать в ООН сторону в конфликте, развернувшемся вокруг Крыма. В первый раз это произошло 15 марта, когда Совбез ООН пытался «наказать» Россию санкциями. 27 марта во время голосования на Генеральной ассамблее (ГА) ООН в поддержку территориальной целостности Украины представитель КНР вновь воздержался. Стабильный нейтралитет был оценен руководством России, да и самому Пекину принес немалую пользу. В целом, Китаю свойственно подобное поведение: Пекин старается не вмешиваться в геополитические игры, не касающиеся его непосредственно. Однако есть ряд обстоятельств, говорящих о том, что в данном случае китайское «воздержание» равнозначно поддержке действий России в отношении Крыма. В свое время Дэн Сяопин сформулировал суть внешней политики Пекина, использовав всего 24 иероглифа. Однако в данном случае речь шла уже не о санкциях против, допустим, зимбабвийского диктатора Роберта Мугабе (Москва и Пекин дружно ветировали этот проект в 2008 году), а о самой России.