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A Comprehensive Guide for Effective Use of iPad in Teaching

A Comprehensive Guide for Effective Use of iPad in Teaching
iPad, this mystic gadget that has been making the news since its launch a few years ago, has now secured a strong foothold inside different educational settings. Its sharp design, practical portability, and the sublime sense of mobile gadgetry it bestows upon its users and, above all, its widespread among learners , all of these factors combined made this tablet an indispensable tool in the learning toolkit of students. With this huge presence inside our schools, several school districts have finally adopted it as a teaching and learning tool to be used inside the classroom. App developers, on their part, have also noticed this increasing potential of iPad in education and therefore started creating and developing apps targeting the educational audience. From apps for toddlers to advanced research apps, the app store now is teeming with all kinds of educational apps. In this context, several teachers are planning to incorporate iPad for the first time in their classroom instruction. Related:  I Pad

The iPad Effect: A Top-10 List » Third Graders, Dreaming Big It’s only been a few months, but I’ve already noticed some drastic changes in our classroom when the iPads roll in…. I’ve labeled these Top-10 phenomena as being The iPad Effect, as they seem to occur every Tuesday and Thursday…. 1. Days when there are no iPads in the classroom, students seem to ask to leave to hydrate at the bubbler far more often than they do when the iPads ARE in the classroom. 2. We try to time our bathroom visits with regular breaks in our routine. 3. Seems that iPads are the latest cure for stomachaches, headaches, hang-nails, sore arms and legs and boo-boos. 4. I can say with confidence, during my eight years of teaching, I seldom have had students ask to do MORE work than what is required. 5. In a room full of students recording their voices, and playing them back, you would think that focusing would be more difficult. 6. Face it. 7. Students who are off-target in their behavior risk missing out on part of their iPad time. 8. 9. 10.

The Best Free iPad and iPhone Kids' Apps According to Apple | Groovin' On Apps EmailShare 18EmailShare There’s a difference between popular kids’ apps and games that grab the world’s fancy momentarily, and the best kids’ apps and games that become all-time favorites, classics and “must-haves.” So which type of kids’ apps do you seek? Either way, Apple’s got you covered. Ultimately, Apps for Kids and Games for Kids give you the best kids’ apps and games according to Apple. You might also like our related post, Apple’s Top Apps and Games for Kids That You Can Try for Free. You can get nearly one-fifth of Apple’s top recommended kids’ apps and games for free Cool beans, right? But first, a few words about how to use the table below. Now, have at ‘em. Top Recommended Free Kids Apps and Games on the App Store

Freebie Friday: 50+ Editable iPad Graphic Organizers and Project Templates I gotta say… today should be named freebie Friday because I have happen upon the mother load of iPad templates and resources for K-5. Oak Dome offers all of this content for FREE on their site (so please know that these are TechChef curations NOT creations). As I curate all of my content on Pinterest, all 50 or so of the graphic organizers and project templates are pinned there (also easier to view them by the image rather than the title). K-5 iPad Graphic Organizers and Templates (Pages and Keynote) from OakDome.Com So what are they exactly… you ask? While these were designed for use with the iPad, truly they can be opened and edited on a Mac as well. In search for more task cards and editable templates for the iPad… check out “100 iPad Task Cards” HERE. Thank you all for your readership and loyalty to TechChef4u in 2013. If you would like to see Lisa Johnson present – visit the TCEA 2014 site: TIC Technology Integration Conference Chic Geek iJewelry on etsy! 1,500+ iPad Lessons Pinned HERE!

iPads in Guided Reading Before a class set of iPads I was differentiating my literacy centers for guided reading. Here were some of literacy centers and how I differentiated them: 1. Word Study--At the beginning of the year, it is beginning sounds. As the year progresses it is ending sounds, short vowel sounds, blends, digraphs, long vowels, irregular verbs. The three students that come to this center listen to their individual tape player and complete their work. I made copies of the CD's or tapes so I would not use my originals in tape decks (so little hands would not ruin the tape by pushing record). Now, I use iPads during guided reading. Here are some of the apps I use. I am working on incorporating Raz-kids where the students will also be assigned leveled books based on their guided reading.

Change for the Better – 1:1 iPad Program | Learning Journey There is no question that our 1:1 iPad Program is making a significant difference to the learning experiences occurring in our classrooms. Change is everywhere. It is change enabled by simplicity. iPads are brilliantly simple and are at the same time powerful. This has made technology accessible to both students and teachers. Teachers One of the biggest shifts in our school has been the shift by teachers. This has happened rapidly. Technical Support and Enablement .Provision of a Technology Coordinator: In our own experience having a teacher continuously available to assist, advise, arrange, support, respond has made the effective roll out possible. In the Classrooms – The StudentsManagement: it is really important to establish a code of conduct / behaviour around student use of iPads. Parents One of the great assets which schools sometimes underutilizes are parents. With many possibilities on the horizon e.g. Like this: Like Loading...

How To Safely Clean Your Tablet Or Smartphone's Touchscreen Cleaning a smartphone touchscreen is simple. You don’t need a special cleaning kit or cleaning solution to safely clean your tablet or smartphone’s touchscreen – you can do it with materials you probably have on hand. However, you do need to know what to avoid – many common types of cloths and cleaning solutions can damage a touchscreen. Once you understand what to do and what not to do, you can safely clean a smartphone or tablet’s touchscreen in just a few seconds, removing the build-up of oil, dust, and other grime that can accumulate on these devices as we rub our fingers over them all day. What Not To Do Before we go over a quick and easy method to safely clean your device’s touchscreen, let’s cover some things you should never do to clean a smartphone touchscreen: NEVER use harsh chemicals, including Windex, anything with ammonia, or alcohol-based cleaners. This process will be different if you have a screen protector on your screen. Get a Microfiber Cloth Why a microfiber cloth?

A Simple Way To Introduce Your Students To Coding A Simple Way To Introduce Your Students To Coding As apps and digital projects become more important to how we live and play, learning how to design and create those ideas is going to become more important as well. And if the current trend continues, more accessible than ever. While many coding resources for students exist, many of these look like they were designed by lifeless robots. Coding already has a reputation as geeky, dry, and alphanumeric, as opposed to the svelte, elegant, and engaging interaction that code produces. HopScotch is an iPad app that introduces students to the concept of coding by using simple graphics, lots of color, and easy to use tools. Using HopScotch, students can become familiar with the relationship with numbers and letters here, and subsequent movement or animation there. Coding is as much about planning, structure, design, and careful processes as it is software and programs–which, as an aside, makes it a brilliant way to teach the writing process itself.

The Best Resources For Beginning iPad Users Though I haven’t gotten an iPad yet (NOTE: Now I have!), we did get one for my mother-in-law. So, with an eye towards helping her now, and me in the future, I put out a call to readers to their suggested resources as well as hunting for them on my own. You might also be interested in The Best Sites For Beginning iPhone Users Like Me. Here are my choices, and choices suggested by readers (their recommendations are better than mine!) iPad Getting Started is from TC Geeks. The 10 best iOS apps of 2011 comes from The Telegraph. The best iOS apps for children, 2011 is also from The Telegraph. The top 50 iPad apps is from The Guardian. Choosing the Right Keyboard For Your iPad is from Read Write Web. The Best iPad Apps: 10 Essential Apps For The New iPad You Got For The Holidays is from The Huffington Post. Educreations lets you easily create video lessons. Fill Your New Kindle, iPad, iPhone with Free eBooks, Movies, Audio Books, Courses & More is from Open Culture. iPads In The Art Room Melissa A.

The 5 Steps of Effective Technology Integration - Getting Smart by Dave Guymon - edchat, EdTech, education In schools, districts, and departments of education alike, a trend toward integrating technology into the education process is on the rise. One could argue that it always has been. But with the proliferation of Internet access in school buildings and the ubiquity of mobile computing devices, educators are taking note and beginning to consider new ways they can include these tools into their classroom instruction. The formalized field of educational technology is still in its infancy. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. That a shift toward technology in education is on the rise isn’t what excites many educators in the profession. ChemCrafter
