Overcoming depression caused by ghost possession SSRF publishes these case studies with the intention of providing some direction to our readers with regard to problems that manifest at a physical or psychological level, but which can have their root cause in the spiritual dimension. When the root cause of a problem is spiritual in nature we have observed that the inclusion of spiritual healing remedies generally gives the best results. SSRF advises continuation of conventional medical treatment along with spiritual healing remedies for the treatment of physical and psychiatric illnesses. Readers are advised to take up any spiritual healing remedy at their own discretion. 1. Elizabeth is a successful young woman of 27 years, with a good track of career in research and development. “I come from a very good family. “I started working during my studies and managed these two obligations simultaneously with ease. 2. This is a photograph of Elizabeth during this diagnosis and treatment session. ^Top 3. Details about the spiritual treatment:
Simple Icon Hover Effects with CSS Transitions and Animations Previous Demo Back to the Codrops Article Mobile Desktop Partners Support Security Settings Time Videos List Refresh Images Edit Link Mail Location Archive Chat Bookmarks User Contact Note that the dashed border on a round pseudo-element (border-radius: 50%) does not work in FF 21.0 Mobile Desktop Partners Support Security Settings Support Fav Contract Refresh Settings Time Videos List Refresh Archive Chat Bookmarks User Contact Images Edit Link Mail Location If you enjoyed these effects you might also like: Creative Button Styles Creative Link Effects
HTML_CodeSniffer Check that your HTML code conforms to your coding standard HTML_CodeSniffer is a client-side script that checks HTML source code and detects violations of a defined coding standard. HTML_CodeSniffer is written entirely in JavaScript, does not require any server-side processing and can be extended by developers to enforce custom coding standards by creating your own "sniffs". To get you started, HTML_CodeSniffer comes with standards that enforce the three conformance levels of the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, and the web-related components of the U.S. "Section 508" legislation. An auditor interface is provided by a bookmarklet to let you try out these accessibility checks on any web page. WCAG 2.0/Section 508 Bookmarklet Issues detected by the bookmarklet: HTML_CodeSniffer Get the Accessibility Auditor Bookmarklet Drag this link to your bookmarks bar to install This bookmarklet has been designed to work with Google Chrome, Firefox 10+, Safari 5+ and Internet Explorer 8+
3D Transforms & More CSS3 Goodies Arrive in GSAP JS GSAP's CSSPlugin is now super-charged to handle some slick new CSS3 properties like 3D transforms, boxShadow, textShadow, borderRadius and clip. Plus you don't need to worry about a litany of vendor prefixes. GSAP makes it easy to create next-generation effects today. [Note: the animation below is NOT a video - it's regular DOM elements being animated with GSAP. And yes, the scrubber works!] 3D transforms textShadow boxShadow borderRadius clip -moz- -o- -webkit- -ms- -no-more- These features work in virtually all modern-day browsers (see caniuse.com for details about browser support for each feature). 3D Transforms Browser support: GOOD (Chrome 12, Safari 4, Firefox 10, IE 10, iOS 3.2, Android 3.0) see details GSAP makes it a breeze to create amazing 3D effects. In order to get the most out of these 3D properties, it's important to understand how perspective and transformPerspective work. no transformPerspective No visual distortion at all. Caveats: textShadow boxShadow sharp shadow blur shadow
200+ Consciousness Raising Documentaries Do you feel like having a ‘Movie Night’ without having to go anywhere? Here is a list of over 200 consciousness expanding movies and documentaries that will assist you in your evolution – All of which can watched for free online in the links below. How many of them have you seen? Enjoy! Leave a comment below if there are any other videos that you would like to recommend! Also, if there are any broken links, please let us know as well! 1. The First 119 Originally posted on: OpenBoxThinking 120. 169.
Button Styles Inspiration Winona Ujarak Wayra Tamaya Rayen Pipaluk Moema Based on the "Add New Location" button concept by Charles Patterson. Isi Aylen Saqui Wapasha Nina Nanuk Nuka Antiman Itzel clip-path does not work in IE, so you'll see the line under the icon. Naira Quidel Sacnite Shikoba Based on Portfolio Update! Icons "Vicons" by Victor Erixon. If you enjoyed this demo you might also like:
L'israélien Brow.si adapte vos sites web aux smartphones. Gratuitement ! La Start-up israélienne MySiteApp vient de lancer son nouveau produit phare Brow.si, qui vise à améliorer le contenu mobile pour les éditeurs Web. Sur les smartphones, il est courant que la lecture d’articles soit laborieuse et que le partage sur les réseaux sociaux soit inaccessible ou compliqué, Brow.si apporte des solutions concrètes à ces problèmes du web mobile. Installer Brow.si est d’une grande simplicité. Alors que l’utilisation du web mobile est plus laborieuse que celle d’une application spécialement conçue pour les smartphones, l’apport de Brow.Si au web mobile change la donne en apportant de nouvelles fonctionnalités sous une présentation standardisée et un confort d’utilisation exceptionnel. Le modèle économique est le suivant : une fois Brow.si installé, les revenus générés par les bannières ou le rich media sont partagés entre brow.Si et l’éditeur du site. Brow.si vient également de lever 1 million de dollars de la part d’investisseurs. Commenter cet article
Resources for Web Designers - Design Contract Template This is the version of my contract that I offer for you to use as a base for creating your own web contract. Please do NOT copy this and put on your own website, as stated in the terms of use on the previous page. This AGREEMENT is dated and in effect as of the _____________, ______, between _____________ of ________________, hereafter referred to as "Client" and _____________________, hereafter referred to as "Consultant". This agreement is with respect to the re-design of (Company Name's) website, hereinafter referred to as the "Work." Whereas, Consultant is a professional web designer of good standing; Whereas, Client wishes Consultant to create certain Work described more fully herein; and Whereas, Consultant wishes to create such Work; Now, therefore, in consideration of the foregoing premises and the mutual covenants hereinafter set forth and other valuable considerations, the parties hereto agree as follows: The full length of this contract is as follows:
Why Awaken Kundalini? Everybody should know something about kundalini as it represents the coming consciousness of mankind. Kundalini is the name of a sleeping dormant potential force in the human organism and it is situated at the root of the spinal column. In the masculine body it is in the perineum, between the urinary and excretory organs. In the female body its location is at the root of the uterus, in the cervix. This center is known as mooladhara chakra and it is actually a physical structure. To awaken kundalini you must prepare yourself through yogic techniques. Although kundalini is said to reside in mooladhara chakra, we are all at different stages of evolution, and in some of us kundalini may have already reached swadhisthana, manipura or anahata chakra. Once the multipetalled lotus of sahasrara blossoms, a new consciousness dawns. How man discovered Kundalini Right from the beginning of creation, man witnessed many transcendental happenings. Art by Teddy G | View full collection Petty, A.
Animated Transition Effects in CSS and jQuery A library of animated transition effects, powered by CSS Animations. Browser support ie Chrome Firefox Safari Opera 9+ A few weeks ago we published a tutorial about how to create an Ink Transition effect using a PNG sprite and the steps() CSS timing function. That resource has since become one of the most popular here on CodyHouse, therefore we decided to team up with talented motion designer Gabriele Mellera to create a small library of transition effects! If you want to learn how to create your own transition effects, here is our thorough tutorial: Ink Transition Effect Tutorial We created a separate html file for each effect. The CSS file is organized in different sections. If you want to change the color of the transitions, all you need to do is importing the PNG image sprites into a graphic tool, and change the color of the filled area.
Extensions Google Chrome pour développeurs et designers En tant que développeur web, vous êtes probablement à l’affut des dernières sorties des produits ou des mises à jour des navigateur web. Chrome, le fureteur relativement nouveau de Google, ne fait pas exception à la règle, bien au contraire. Cependant, lors de sa première apparition, le fureteur présentait plusieurs lacunes au niveau de ses extensions qui étaient, pratiquement inexistantes. Et bien, les extensions sont maintenant supportées dans Chrome et quelques-uns des outils que vous étiez habitué à utiliser avec Firefox sont maintenant disponibles pour le navigateur de Google. Mais ce n’est pas tout, en plus de ces « plugins » vraiment utiles, Google en a ajouté quelques-uns uniques à son nouveau fureteur qui augmentera sans doute votre niveau de productivité. Voici donc une liste des 10 meilleurs extensions pour Chrome qui feront peut-être changer d’avis certaines personnes réticentes au navigateur. 1. Firebug Lite est une version légère de Firebug . 2. 3. 5. 6. 7. 8. MeasureIt! 9.