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Observation of Learning, Teaching and Assessment 2012-13 | Leeds City College Vision for Learning
Please find the resources and information to support the 2012-13 Observation of Learning, Teaching and Assessment (OLTA) detailed below. Practitioner OLTA Briefing PowerPoint. The PowerPoint plays quite quickly, to pause the show ‘hover’ the cursor at the bottom left hand side of the viewing window and pause as necessary. The screen can also be maximised by clicking the [ ] symbol at the bottom right hand side of the screen. Link to the PowerPoint which can be downloaded and saved. Observation briefing 2012-13 OTL Practitioner Guide OTL Guide 2012-13 Final 1.0 without hyperlinks Contents: Introduction 1. 2. 3. Criteria for Outstanding Learning, Teaching and Assessment The following grid is based on the Ofsted 2012 Common Inspection Framework (CIF) and is a handy reference tool for assessing the quality of learning, teaching and assessment. Observation of Teaching LCC Revised Observation Form Supporting Documents 1. Support Document 1 – Eg Session Plan 1 2. Support Document 2 – Eg Session Plan 2 3. 4.
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Bloom's Taxonomy - UCF Faculty Center for Teaching and Learning
Introduction Bloom's taxonomy was developed to provide a common language for teachers to discuss and exchange learning and assessment methods. Specific learning objectives can be derived from the taxonomy, though it is most commonly used to assess learning on a variety of cognitive levels. The goal of an educator using Bloom's taxonomy is to encourage higher-order thought in their students by building up from lower-level cognitive skills. Knowledge Definition Rote factual knowledge of specific terminology, ways and means (i.e., conventions, trends, classifications and categories, criteria, methodology), universal axioms and/or abstractions accepted by the field or discipline (principles and generalizations, theories and structures). Comprehension Definition Understanding the meaning of information and materials. Application Definition Using information and materials to solve new problems or respond to concrete situations that have a single or best answer. Analysis Synthesis Evaluation
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The Differentiator
Try Respondo! → ← Back to Byrdseed.com The Differentiator The Differentiator is based on Bloom's Taxonomy, Kaplan and Gould's Depth and Complexity, and David Chung's product menu. Try It In: French Dutch • Tweet It • Like Byrdseed • Pin It Students will judge the ethics of the [click to edit] using a textbook and create an essay in groups of three. Revised Bloom's Taxonomy adapted from "A Taxonomy for Learning,Teaching, and Assessing: A Revision of Bloom's Taxonomy of Educational Objectives" by Anderson and Krathwohl Depth and Complexity adapted from The Flip Book by Sandra N. Depth Big Idea Unanswered Questions Ethics Patterns Rules Language of the Discipline Essential Details Trends Complexity Multiple Points Of View Change Over Time Across the Disciplines Imperatives Origin Convergence Parallels Paradox Contribution Key Words Consequences Motivations Implications Significance Adapted from David Chung and The Flip Book, Too by Sandra N. Group Size One Two Three Four
ISLP — Home
The International Statistical Literacy Project (ISLP) is a project initiated by the International Association for Statistical Education➶ (IASE), which is the education section of the International Statistical Institute➶ (ISI). The main objective of the ISLP is to contribute to promoting statistical literacy across the world, among young and adults, in all walks of life. To this end, we provide an online repository of international resources and news in Statistical Literacy, international activities to promote the resources and the individuals and institutions behind them, and outreach activities to increase awareness. Contact the IASE Executive➶ or the ISLP Director Reija Helenius➶ by e-mail if you have any questions. New Country Coordinator in Finland - Welcome to the ISLP team Jaana Kesti!
The Bloom's Taxonomy Project Part II - The Cognitive Domain
As stated in my previous Hub on this subject, I am not satisfied with the current assessment practices at my institution of higher learning when it comes to developmental mathematics. As I am in a position of authority to advocate and implement changes regarding how the state curriculum standards will be met, I feel it is my duty to address and fix problems I see with the way assessments are currently being delivered. I do not feel that the current assessment practices are fair, they do not reflect a positive learning environment, and they are a poor indicator of the students abilities and their understanding of the material. My campus is most likely no different than any other campus across the country. Instructors are presenting material at a rapid pace with little time for reflection.
Prototype Summative Assessment Tests
About these tests The purpose of these is to provide examples of the type of tests students should be able to tackle, if the aspirations of the Common Core State Standards are to be realized. The methodology of the tests and their balance of different task types is discussed in more detail here. Note: please bear in mind that these materials are still in draft and unpolished form. What tests are available? High School Currently, 6 prototype tests are available aimed at College and Career Readiness at High School - typically suitable for grades 9-10. We have provided 3 types of High School test forms: 40 minute forms are the easiest for teachers to use for periodic assessments without disrupting the timetable, but are limited in the amount of curriculum they can assess. 3 hour forms offer a model for more comprehensive end-of-grade or end-of-term assessments. 90 minute forms offer a compromise between time and breadth of content. Middle School The Task Bank Who are they for?
Bloom's Taxonomy in Developing Assessment Items - Assessment
In developing a WebCT based Precalculus course, we gave an important place to assessment of student learning and understanding. WebCT has a friendly "Quiz" environment -- a program for generating online quizzes, tests, and surveys that students can take on their own computers, a computer network on campus, or anywhere else with Internet access. Features of the WebCT Quiz program include developing and using a large database of questions; randomly selecting or ordering questions from the database; timing or not timing tests; allowing or not allowing tests to be re-taken; restricting test access to specific students. The program offers immediate score feedback to the student, with a "flag" feature showing the status of each question (answered, unanswered). Among various assessment tools, traditional formats play important roles. We developed online assessment items with two objectives: to inform and guide students’ learning, and to inform and guide our teaching practice.