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One Cool Thing a Day - Today

Convierte videos de Vine a GIF en Mac OS X Si eres un apasionado de la nueva moda en internet, es decir Vine, te vamos a descubrir una aplicación que te encantará. Se llama VineGigfR y con ella podrás capturar todos los videos de Vine en GIF que quieras. De momento sólo está disponible para el sistema operativo de Apple, OS X. Suponemos que ya conocerás Vine. La idea ha gustado muchísimo, sobre todo a los que ya suelen ser usuarios muy activos en Twitter. ¿Qué es exactamente? Básicamente VineGigfR convierte esos pequeños vídeos de seis segundos en animaciones GIF que puedes guardar y subir a cualquier sitio. Además, es muy sencillo de utilizar. El único punto negativo que le vemos a VineGifR es que guarda todos los archivos resultantes con el mismo tamaño, 240×240 píxeles, cuando los vídeos de Vine tienen más resolución. Si te lo quieres descargar lo puedes hacer desde la plataforma GitHub pinchando aquí.

The Self-Directed Student Toolbox: 100 Web Resources for Lifelong Learners Friday 1st March, 2013 No matter your age, profession, or abilities, there's always something new to learn. Lifelong learning, as this process is often called, can begin in childhood and extend branches into various experiences and careers. Most often, however, we hear about lifelong learning with respect to adults who have finished school or begun careers and are still striving to learn more. To help those ambitious learners, we've compiled a great collection of resources that can make it easier to head back to college, find learning resources on the web, or even pursue a different career path. Adult Education Guides The sites listed below will help you to prepare for lifelong learning practices, from developing positive attitudes about learning to providing information you'll need to gain credit for life experiences. AdultEducationPath : You'll find a lot of guidance in pursuing education on this site that can help you choose a program, find a job, or explore distance learning. Blogs

FontStruct | Build, Share, Download Fonts How 15 Real Businesses Are Getting Creative With Vine for Marketing A lot can happen in six seconds. You can text your mom, read an email (or delete 20), or give an epic high five. But can you create a lasting impression within six seconds? Marketers seem to think so. Since Twitter unleashed Vine unto the world last month, brands have been quick to use the 6-second video app as a free marketing platform. Because you know, not all brands have over $3 million to spend on a 30-second Super Bowl spot. Additionally, a 6-second video app caters to our shrinking attention spans. Excuse me for one second. Sorry about that, was refreshing my Instagram feed. PSA: If a video clip below doesn't display (it appears Vine videos have intermittent rendering issues), please follow the respective link in the tweet to view the original source. UK-based online-only retailer ASOS used Vine to put a clever spin on the limits of online shopping. Loving #vine? 2) Gogo 3) Animate and Create Who doesn't like a good old-fashioned flick book? 4) SweetShot Photography 5) Toyota

6 Very Cool Uses for Google Spreadsheets « Tech to Live By In case you don’t know, Google Spreadsheets is basically an online version of Microsoft’s Excel. It’s got most of the basic functionality and a few of the advanced features with the added benefit of being hosted online and accessible to/editable by multiple users at the same time. If you need super hardcore analysis features, Excel is still your best option (though I’ve been known to start a document online then export to Excel at the end for the one feature I needed). I’ve used Google Spreadsheets for everything from making to do lists and managing projects to collecting information from friends. List View List view is a very simple, clean and fast way to interact with a spreadsheet. You can read a bit more about this feature here. Use Live Google Search Results in your Spreadsheet The GoogleLookup function has got to be one of the most under discussed but potentially powerful features in all of the Google arsenal. For now, you can read more about these functions here and here.

Bizarre Websites On Which You Can Kill Time With Style - Smashing Magazine AlanWattsLectures Alan Watts - Short Intro 35,901 views 5 months ago This short intro is only for use on my channel. First lecture part: Out Of Your Mind Series - The Nature Of Consciousness "Big bang" part: Out of Your Mind Series - The Nature of Consciousness Vancouver sunrise timelapse: painting jars timelapse: Google Brings Global Science Fair Online STEM | News Google Brings Global Science Fair Online Google revealed Tuesday that it's launching the Google Science Fair, which the company described as the "first global online science competition." Google partnered with a number of organizations to launch the competition, including CERN, the Lego Group, National Geographic, and Scientific American. Students aged 13 to 18 are eligible to participate in the inaugural Google Science Fair singly or in groups of two or three. Registration is opening today and will be open through April 4. Judging criteria will focus on quality of the data, the writeup, and the significance of the concept for the project, as well as the quality of the video or presentation that the students must produce for the project. The initial round of judging in May will result in 60 semifinalists. Prizes will be awarded to the 15 finalists, along with a grand prize winner and a people's choice winner.

45 Cute Animal Photos That Will Cheer You Up! Our affection to animals is a great one. Apart from human begins, animals are also a favorite subject of photos because most of them look adorable, and we all love to capture their cute and funny movement. Even tho life gets hard every now and then, they remind us that everything will be ok. Studies have even shown that owning a dog or cat can reduce stress. Cuteness is best demonstrated through small babies who have all the key features that usually attract the eyes of all and sundry and make a person loveable yet there remains an ever so impossible burning desire to own the intangible aspects. For your inspiration, we collected the following cute animal photos that will cheer you up! Note: All photos were collected from I Am Begging for Some Tuna! My Friend’s Hedgehog Gave Birth Poof Luke, I am Your…Dog… You Clearly Look Confused My People Need Me! Too Full Hugs Teacup Puppy They Call Me Billy the Pig Computers Are So Boring… Dreamy Wrinkles Just the Cutest Little Dance XiagnSui Chick

El Community Manager Perfecto La motivación es una de las claves para poder alcanzar las metas propuestas a corto, medio y largo plazo. Sin ella, difícilmente se puede lograr nada, salvo que la casualidad lo permita y esto sólo sucede en muy pocas ocasiones. Emilio Duró. Post, para quienes se inicien en este mundo del Social Media , se motiven y quieran llegar a ser Community Managers. Aquí os dejo algunos consejos que en su día a mí me dieron y otros que por experiencia he aprendido. 1 USA HERRAMIENTAS. 2 ORDEN Y LIMPIEZA. 3 Sabes redactar anuncios. 4 DOMINA EL PHOTOSHOP. 5 SE FORMA Y ACTUALIZA TODOS LOS DIAS. 6 MONITORIZA. 7 NO VENDAS. 8 EXISTE UN MAS ALLÁ. 9 INFORMES. 10 LEE. Por último, pero no por ello menos importante sino todo lo contrario, NUNCA NUNCA utilices una herramienta que al publicar un post en Twitter, salga automáticamente en Facebook. Soy profesional 2.0, a la que le apasiona la investigación, el Community Management, el Social Media, la decoración de interiores y la música electrónica. Google+

Contents, Interactive Mathematics Miscellany and Puzzles Since May 6, 1997You are visitor number E66B7E in base 20 Raymond Smullyan, a Mathematician, Philosopher and author of several outstanding books of logical puzzles, tells, in one of his books, a revealing story. A friend invited him for dinner. Having told this story, would it be wise to announce up front what this site is about? |Contact||Front page||Index||Store| Stolen Camera Finder - find your photos, find your camera - StumbleUpon
