Au fil de l'eau, créations en bois flotté Party Ideas - A Pumpkin And A Princess This post is brought to you by Nestle and Disney Pixar. Monsters University is out today! Are you excited? Monsters Inc was my oldest son’s favorite movie when he was little and it’s now my 2 year old’s favorite.In fact, that and Cars are the only movies he will sit down and watch. I bought the giant sully at Disneyland for my oldest when he was two and it’s now my two years old’s toy. To make the Mike Wazowski juice boxes you will need: juice box Green Duck Tape hole punch vinyl or paper circle punch Step one: Remove the straw from the back of the juice. Step two: Cover the sides of the juice box starting from one end, under the bottom and to the other side of the juice box. Step three: Repeat the same method by wrapping the duck tape from the front to the back of the juice box. Step four: Place vinyl circle cutouts for the eye. In honor of the release we had a monstrous picnic outside for Madi and Zach. You’ll definitely see a few more Monsters Inc party ideas in the next few weeks!
Gestures of Craft by Elke van den Hoogen Gestures of Craft by Elke van den Hoogen is a beautiful project about the lost art of craftsmanship. Industrialization changed our world, it gave us a lot of new opportunities for production and automation. But a side effect of the industrial revolution is that less people are expert craftsmen. A lot of old crafts are forgotten and with this project Elke wanted to bring these crafts back to life! Every craft has its own ways of working, different skill sets are needed and smart solutions that got developed by experience, make the craftsman! Elke created 4 different objects inspired by craftsmanship. Nowadays we’re not used to making an effort to turn on a light, you walk over to the switch and turn it on. The ladder lamp will make make you aware of the effort that had to be done in the past to turn on the lights. The other 3 objects are about the craft of braiding (chair), watchmaking (ring) and typesetting (wall decoration). The last one, typesetting, is almost poetic.
Home - Rosewicket Wicca Coven - Iceweasel Food I’m starting to think I buy bananas just to watch them die a slow death in my own home. Does anyone else feel the same? There are three sitting on my counter right now that are on their last legs. It’s either today or never for those guys. Diply has gathered together 22 tasty banana bread recipes that I can’t wait to try. Here’s the link to all 22 recipes… Diply: 22 Banana Bread Recipes That Will Get You Baking What is your least favorite part of cooking? Who knew that a paper plate could be so helpful? The kitchen is a popular place. Here’s the video… Enjoy! Um, yes please! Using Jello to flavor and color frosting is a great idea! Just because I know you want more…here are 7 other tips on how to become a better baker. Find all 16 hacks here… Diply: Be A Genius In The Kitchen With These 16 Baking Hacks I have been trying to eat healthy. This is a really simple DIY. Buzzfeed has a roundup that looks quite tasty and healthy. Do you know what ‘depression recipes’ are? This hack is brilliant!
Mechanical Hand Students will make a simple mechanical hand with one articulating part. Once complete, students can test the ability of their hand by trying to pick up as many straws as possible. Extra class time (and there should be plenty!) can be devoted to further testing and redesigning to make the best mechanical hand possible! Lesson Plan: Grade range: 3-5 Prep: 2/5 Setup: 2/5 Cleanup: 1/5 Prep: Cut many 1/2 sticks Setup: Set up glue guns This project will require two 1-hour classes. Start-of-class lecture (day 1) Demonstrate your mechanical hand and the design challenge Explain how it is operated and how it grasps Show step-by-step how to make only the hand (steps 2-3) Start-of-class lecture (day 2) Show step-by-step how to finish the mechanical hand Remind students of the design challenge and encourage them to try new ideas
Biodiseño: la era de los productos con organismos integrados El diseño industrial ya no se conforma sólo con impulsar la biomimética, o diseños que imitan la naturaleza para mejorar sus prestaciones, rendimiento, durabilidad, resistencia, sostenibilidad, etc. Llega el turno del biodiseño, o diseño biológico, en el que la propia vida se integra en los diseños cotidianos. El biodiseño surge de la biotecnología aplicada a las manufacturas futuras y los resultados preliminares en numerosos prototipos "vivientes" promete, pero suscita un debate ético inevitable: el de su uso responsable. Innovaciones a golpe de hacha de guerra Desde la época clásica a nuestros días, la propia historia de las innovaciones está relacionada con las grandes transformaciones, a menudo bélicas y administrativas. Las tecnologías más decisivas han sido usadas para dañar a otros, y existe el riesgo de que el biodiseño siga el mismo camino, dando pie a híbridos entre máquinas y organismos tan nocivos como los tentaculares "centinelas" del filme The Matrix. Otros ejemplos:
COSMOS Charging Station at Comic-Con | COSMOS | FOX BROADCASTING - YouTube - Iceweasel Herbs and Oils Tea tree oil is all natural and has a whole heap of medical uses that aren’t widely know about; I had no clue! This oil doesn’t have a single synthetic chemical and we really should learn how to use it better. Best Plants has rounded up 14 amazing way we can do just that. I know I was surprised. Are there any other ways you can think of? Find all 14 here… BestPlants – 14 Extraordinary Uses For Tea Tree Oil Image Credit: I am really excited to feature Natural Living Ideas great roundup on witch hazel. See all 14 remedies here… NaturalLivingIdeas – 14 Reasons Why Witch Hazel Should Be In Every Home Image Credit: Isn’t coconut oil great?! See all 10 here… NaturalLivingIdeas – 10 Mind Blowing Reasons Why You Need Coconut Oil In Your Life Coconut oil is so popular; it is 100% natural, affordable, and easy to come by. See all 160 amazing uses here… LewRockwell – 160 Uses For Coconut Oil Image Credit: Check out all 7 here… Thanks Martha!
Crafty Companion | cross stitch with a geek flair Hardware modular "libre": productos ensamblados como mecanos - noticias - *faircompanies Como en cualquier otro "lenguaje" humano , el hardware modular ( consultar Low-tech Magazine ) usa un conjunto de piezas estándar para ensamblar infinidad de objetos, un modo barato y efectivo de conjugar estandarización con personalización. En los sistemas modulares, los mejores creadores de productos son el equivalente a los mejores poetas de haikus ; los maestros de la economía de piezas -en este caso, piezas físicas-, en definitiva. Lograr lo máximo con lo mínimo. " Menos, pero mejor ". El hardware modular quiere aprender del software libre Pero los productos físicos modulares ( hardware modular ) tiene todavía mucho que aprender. Como el sector del automóvil, el de la informática nació con el esfuerzo de artesanos y diseñadores que se sirvieron de la modularidad para que los componentes internos -motores, en el caso del automóvil; y circuitería, en informática- fueran reemplazables y fáciles de personalizar. Innovación cerrada y guerras de estándares La inspiración de Arduino
Nigeria - Commonwealth Forum of National Human Rights Institutions - Iceweasel National Institution National Human Rights Commission of Nigeria Mandate The National Human Rights Commission was established by the National Human Rights Act, 1995 in line with the resolution of the General Assembly of the United Nations which enjoins all member States to establish Human Rights Institutions for the promotion and protection of human rights. Functions The Commission’s Strategic Work Plan is based on the thematic areas of focus mentioned above and includes the following: public education and enlightenment, training, mediation, on-the-spot assessment, policy-oriented research and so on. Contact information National Human Rights Commission, No.19, Aguiyi Ironsi Street, Maitama, P.