Cinema 4D tutorial - MoGraph 2 - Cubes into Letters [part 1] *FullHD* Como zerar seu desktop com 1 clique - Update or Die! Acho que é a minha melhor contribuição para a humanidade até agora. Pelo menos para os que usam Mac. Se você é como eu (e 97% das pessoas), seu desktop deve ficar mais ou menos assim depois de algumas horas de trabalho: Isso, além de pouco produtivo, deixa seu Mac (e você) mais lento. Aí resolvi criar um botão mágico da felicidade para ficar no dock, que você clica e… Some com tudo que estava no seu desktop, em um passe de mágica. Uêba!!!! Mas onde foi parar sua bagunça? Quando você clicar nesse outro botão no dock… …vai aparecer isso: Toda sua bagunça, agora organizada em ordem cronológica e ainda com uma separaçãozinha para cada dia. É de escorrer uma lágrima. Quer? Fiz um passo a passo, é só seguir. Nesse ponto você deve ter um robozinho no dock e toda vez que você clicar nele, seu desktop ficará limpo, como mágica. Vá em applications > clique na pasta “desktop moved” com o botão da direita e crie um alias. Para deixar os dois robozinhos que ficaram no seu dock mais bonitinhos: E pronto.
Volume Pixel GENERATOR Tools For Cinema 4D | Mustapha FERSAOUI In this Quick Tip, I demonstrate the use of Volume Pixel GENERATOR Tools, showing how it can be employed using different parameters and how to use the different presets Included.Note: these tools offer a lot of possibilities. Other Quick Tip is coming sooner to show you the different possibilities Volume Pixel GENERATOR Tools Contains a large palette of tools for CINEMA 4D. These tools allow you to convert any image or video and text to volume pixel, and also they help you to generate mosaic image and generate “matrix” text effect. All those tools can support dynamic body, as well as effectors and forces. The Requirements. What’s Included? BUY NOW For only €29.90
70 Ultimate Cinema 4D Tutorials & Techniques Feb 12 2010 Today we share a very comprehensive round-up of Cinema 4D Tutorials. Cinema 4D is a modeling, animation and rendering application that is noted for its flexible interface and ease of use. It is capable of procedural and polygonal/subd modeling, animating, lighting, texturing and rendering. Movies like Monster House, Spiderman 3, Chronicles of Narnia, Beowulf and Polar Express are all examples of Cinema 4D Graphics being in use. Cinema 4D comes with an intuitive interface and a sound workflow that let the imagination and creativity of an artist flow freely. Cinema 4D Tutorials Create an Abstract Armored Sphere Scene in Cinema 4DIn this tutorial you will learn how to create a complex abstract Armored Sphere scene in Cinema 4D. Making Of: PrimateranIn this tutorial artist creates a scene that showed a part of the world of the “Primaterans” – a civilization that prefers dark corners of the galaxy, hiding from their enemies until their armada is strong enough to destroy them.
Tutorial Tuesday: X-Particles Tutorial X-TRAVAGANZA - 22 X-Particles Tutorials By Michele Yamazaki on Jun 17, 2014 at 06:00 AM X-Particles for CINEMA 4D is an incredibly powerful particle system which allows users to create fluids, particle paint and more. X-Particles allows precise control over almost all parameters of a particle using Questions and Actions. If you don't have X-Particles, or CINEMA 4D, you can download free trials of the software. Learn more about X-Particles plug-in for CINEMA 4D At first I attempted to put these in some sort of logical order, which proved to be very difficult since some of the tutorials cover multiple elements. Quick Guide to X-Particles Emitter The screaming fast emitter in X-Particles allows for an unbelievable maximum particle count of 1 billion particles! fluid simulation with wet map generation multiphysics constraints collision engine Mike Batchelor of is an expert in X-Particles so you'll be seeing his name here a lot. X-Particles 2.5 Fluids and Foam Quick Guide X-Particles Skinner Corrosion Effect Posted in
Intro to Krakatoa for Cinema 4D - Cinema 4D Tutorials <div class="text-center no-script"> Toolfarm requires javascript to be turned on. Please turn on javascript and reload the page. </div> Burning Question: How can I learn NUKE quickly as an AE user? Nov 12, 2015 The Foundry’s NUKE has become a powerhouse in VFX. Go To Tutorial → Go To Tutorial → C4D Spotlight: MoGraph Tracer Object I have a big list of topics that I’d like to cover in CINEMA 4D as I’m learning it. Go To Tutorial → Go To Tutorial → In Depth: Repairing Damaged Pixels Dead pixels, stuck pixels, bad pixel, burnt pixels, hot pixels… there are lots of types of damaged pixels and they’re annoying. Go To Tutorial → Go To Tutorial → In Depth: Transitions, Part 2: The Swish Pan The swish pan is known by many monikers: whip pan, roll pan, swipe pan, flick pan, zip pan, and whoosh are just a few. Go To Tutorial → Go To Tutorial → In Depth: Gun Fire and Muzzle Flash If you’re planning on making an epic action film like Max Max: Fury Road or Rambo, you’re going to need lots of fire power.