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Scalable Vector Graphics

Scalable Vector Graphics
Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) is an XML-based vector image format for two-dimensional graphics with support for interactivity and animation. The SVG specification is an open standard developed by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) since 1999. SVG images and their behaviors are defined in XML text files. Overview[edit] This image illustrates the difference between bitmap and vector images. SVG has been in development since 1999 by a group of companies within the W3C after the competing standards Precision Graphics Markup Language (PGML, developed from Adobe's PostScript) and Vector Markup Language (VML, developed from Microsoft's RTF) were submitted to W3C in 1998. Since 2001, the SVG specification has been updated to version 1.1. Work is currently in progress on SVG 2, which incorporates several new features in addition to those of SVG 1.1 and SVG Tiny 1.2. Printing[edit] Scripting and animation[edit] SVG drawings can be dynamic and interactive. Compression[edit] Development history[edit]

Hibernate Best Practices Raphaël (JavaScript library) IDictionary Options - Performance Test - SortedList vs. SortedDictionary vs. Dictionary vs. Hashtable Please note that the advantage of Hashtable over generic Dictionary for insert and search operations demonstrated here is actually because the tests are based on NON generic IDictionary interface, so each insert or search action is accompanied with check for the key type. For more information see the Sean's comment below. (Thanks Sean!) Without that Dictionary seem to perform better than the Hashtable. The rest of the test conclusions will not be affected. This is a sequence of tests comparing the performance results for four different implementations of IDictionary and in particular generic Dictionary, generic SortedDictionary, the old non-generic Hashtable and generic SortedList. I performed several tests, comparing the following parameters: memory used in bytes, time for the insertion in ticks, time for the item search in ticks, and the time for looping with foreach in ticks. Performance Coefficient for value x = min(value 1, value 2, … value n) / value x These is the raw data.

RaphaëlJs Tutorial RaphaëlJs Tutorial Author: Sebastián Gurin Copyright (c) 2012 SEBASTIAN GURIN. Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this document under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License, Version 1.3 or any later version published by the Free Software Foundation; with no Invariant Sections, no Front-Cover Texts, and no Back-Cover Texts. A copy of the license is included in the section entitled "GNU Free Documentation License". Read the Full License Text. This is a Raphaël Js tutorial, a tutorial about easy drawing in web pages using the great JavaScript library Raphaël Js. Since this is a JavaScript library tutorial, users should know the basics of JavaScript programming language. Raphaël comes with an nice Reference where all its features are described with examples. The author of this tutorial is also the author of raphael4gwt a Raphaël porting to GWT (Java). For downloading the entire tutorial so you can access all the source code involved you can do: Run Creating a paper

WPF Command-Pattern Applied Download source - 79.5 KB Introduction WPF Commanding offers the base for integration of the GoF Command pattern into an application. This article describes an approach with the following goals: Program Architecture Creation of functional units in hierarchies Reduction of complexity in large applications Automated testing Reusability of the pattern and the commands Command Description Description of a command should be neutral to the GUI in use Commands should be easy to localize Command Runtime Behaviour Static parameter (per command instance) Context sensitive runtime data Source provided runtime parameters (ICommandSource.CommandParameter) UI Integration Images and ToolTips with Gestures for existing command sources (Button and MenuItem) Visualization of a Disabled state for Button controls Selectable binding via XAML or Code-Behind Integration of existing WPF commands as for example the System.Windows.Documents.EditingCommands Command Repository Command Command Runtime Behaviour Usage

Raphaël Reference Creates a copy of existing animation object with given delay. delay number number of ms to pass between animation start and actual animation Returns: object new altered Animation object Animation.repeat(repeat)⚓➭ Creates a copy of existing animation object with given repetition. repeat number iterations of animation. Element.animate(…)⚓➭ Creates and starts animation for given element. params object final attributes for the element, see also Element.attr ms number of milliseconds for animation to run easing optional string easing type. callback function callback function. or animation animation object, see Raphael.animation Returns: object original element Acts similar to Element.animate, but ensure that given animation runs in sync with another given element. el element to sync with anim animation to sync with easing type. element Sets the attributes of the element. attrName attribute’s name value object of name/value pairs attrNames array in this case method returns array of current values for given attribute names key any

XAML Overview (WPF) XAML is a declarative markup language. As applied to the .NET Framework programming model, XAML simplifies creating a UI for a .NET Framework application. You can create visible UI elements in the declarative XAML markup, and then separate the UI definition from the run-time logic by using code-behind files, joined to the markup through partial class definitions. When represented as text, XAML files are XML files that generally have the .xaml extension. The following example shows how you might create a button as part of a UI. Much of the material in the next few sections will be elementary to you, if you have previous familiarity with the XML language. An object element typically declares an instance of a type. Object element syntax always starts with an opening angle bracket (<). This specifies two object elements: <StackPanel> (with content, and a closing tag later), and <Button .../> (the self-closing form, with several attributes). Consider this example:

Chapter 1: Authentication Patterns Web Service Security: Scenarios, Patterns, and Implementation Guidance for Web Services Enhancements (WSE) 3.0 Microsoft Corporation patterns & practices Developer CenterWeb Service Security: Home December 2005 Contents IntroductionImportant ConceptsDirect Authentication vs. Brokered AuthenticationAuthorization MethodsMore Information Introduction As computer systems have increased in complexity, the challenge of authenticating users has also increased. This chapter provides architectural patterns for direct authentication and brokered authentication, along with three brokered authentication design patterns that illustrate authentication using the Kerberos protocol, X.509, and a Security Token Service (STS). Figure 1. Authentication is considered to be a primary security feature because mechanisms used for authentication often influence mechanisms used for enabling other security features, such as data confidentiality and data origin authentication. Important Concepts Authentication. Policy

Layouts Inside Tabs Mauris mauris ante, blandit et, ultrices a, suscipit eget, quam. Integer ut neque. Vivamus nisi metus, molestie vel, gravida in, condimentum sit amet, nunc. Nam a nibh. Sed Non Urna Donec et ante. Vivamus non quam. Nam enim risus, molestie et, porta ac, aliquam ac, risus. Phasellus ac libero ac tellus pellentesque semper. List item one List item two List item three Another Item Another Item Another Item Another Item Another Item Another Item Another Item Another Item Another Item Another Item Another Item Another Item Another Item Another Item Another Item Another Item Another Item Another Item Another Item Another Item Another Item Another Item Another Item Another Item Another Item Another Item Cras dictum. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Aenean lacinia mauris vel est. Suspendisse eu nisl.
