How To Create “Search By Category” Functionality In WordPress Search by category is a an usual functionality in almost websites that allows you to search in a specific category instead of whole website for more accurate results. It is very useful if your website is well-structured by categories (for example: an e-commerce websites that each category presents one type of products). Unfortunately, this functionality is not implemented in WordPress. Add list of categories to search form To search by category, we need to implement the search box first. This is done simply by adding the function wp_dropdown_categories() into the search form. <form id="searchform" method="get" action="<? If your theme doesn’t have the searchform.php file, try to find the code of search form in header.php file (or sidebar.php, it depends on the location of search form in your blog) and then replace it with the code above. If you want to know more about wp_dropdown_categories() function, you should read the Codex. Add category to search parameters
Mettez les « 4 P » au rancart ! Mettez les « 4 P » au rancart ! Par Guillaume Brunet, le 22 juin 2010 Voici donc ma première chronique parue dans le numéro de juin de MARKETING QC où on retouve aussi la collaboration de mes amis Yannick Manuri, Michelle Blanc et Samuel Parent. Produit, place, prix et promotion. Bien entendu vous connaissez déjà les 4 P, cette règle d’or du marketing. Pour ma part, je recommande d’en ajouter un cinquième des plus essentiels : Évaluation, le chaînon manquant de ce qui est maintenant convenu d’appeler les 5 E du marketing. Alors que les marques se contentaient de vendre des biens et services, l’augmentation constante de la concurrence, et la diminution de la durée de vie moyenne des produits les poussent aujourd’hui à mettre à la disposition du consommateur non plus de simples produits, mais de véritables expériences de consommation. Les moyens de diffusion de l’information également ont évolué et se sont multipliés. Évangéliser Les méthodes de promotion également ont changé. Commentaire
Create a Letterpress Effect with CSS Text-Shadow The letterpress effect is becoming hugely popular in web design, and with a couple of modern browsers now showing support for the text-shadow CSS3 property it’s now simple and easy to create the effect with pure CSS. No Photoshop trickery here! Letterpress – Isn’t that a type of industrial print method? With the recent support of text-transform in Safari and Firefox (3.1+) the effect can easily be created without needing to use any image replacement techniques. View demo Start out by creating a simple background. <! <h1>Line25</h1> <h2>Pure CSS Letterpress Effect</h2> Set up a plain HTML document, then add a few lines of text to test the effect on. Style up the text using the usual CSS properties to edit the size and basic appearance. Now we’re ready to apply the text-shadow property. color: #222; text-shadow: 0px 2px 3px #555; To create the letterpress effect, we need to add a shadow that’s lighter than the colour of the text to ensure the effect works correctly. Simple!
Coup de gueule contre le boycott de Facebook ! Facebook sort d’une période de turbulence inédite. Les internautes ont fait trembler le réseau au point que son patron, Mark Zuckerberg, a présenté des excuses personnelles à ses utilisateurs la semaine dernière. En cause: les options de gestion de vie privée! Elles ont été jugées si dangereusement faibles que certains acteurs influents du net ont décidé de se désinscrire du site et ont appelé les internautes à en faire de même. Évidemment cette campagne est excessive! Ce conservatisme, cette peur du changement si contagieuse, m’a rappelé l’époque ou certains prétendaient que le téléphone mobile était synonyme d’esclavagisme et la cause de la fin de la vie privée… Ils juraient ne jamais y céder et pourtant! Facebook n’est pas dangereux en soi. Nous vivons, depuis l’avènement de l’Internet, depuis les années 2000, dans une société de plus en plus transparente. Pour autant, évidemment Facebook pose des problèmes. Facebook est loin d’être parfait. A lire cette semaine sur le net:
Am I Really Any Good at this Design Thing? :: Echo Enduring Blog The design community is a wonderful thing. I really mean it. Despite the fact that some aspects of it can occasionally seem a little repetitive with the reams and reams of pointless lists that I have seen over and over again, the community endures. Am I Really Any Good at this Design Thing (image from ShutterStock) Personally, I know that I am very grateful for all of the relationships that I have established and seen grow since I really became a part of the community. Yet, like so many great things in life, the community can be something of a double edged sword – though not necessarily in a conscious or deliberate way. That’s what this article is about. I’m sure that I really don’t need to say this, but the internet’s a big place – I mean it’s really big. Today, I took a venture out to Smashing Magazine to look at their numbers: 207,622 subscribed readers and an even higher number of followers on Twitter! A Big Measuring Stick So the community is big. It’s just human nature.
flash: notions fondamentales pour les graphistes Flash , formation Flash sur Tuto Cette formation Flash CS5 s'adresse à tous les créatifs qui veulent débuter dans ce logiciel sans s'encombrer de notions complexes et superflues. Concentrez vous sur l'essentiel et le cœur des fonctions du logiciel, tout en restant complet et polyvalent. Des outils de dessin, à l'animation image par image, en passant par l'encodage de vidéos et leur affichage via un composant Flash, toutes les fonctions utiles aux graphistes sont expliquées avec des exemples simples. Le format des vidéos est adapté à une démonstration rapide et claire, afin d'apprendre facilement chaque outil et fonction principale de Flash CS5. Pas de ligne de code compliquée ou de fonctions cachées, ici tout est découpé par chapitre, avec une notion précise par vidéo. Chapitre 1 : Découvrir Flash CS5 Ce chapitre est dédié à votre première prise en main avec l'outil et ses fonctions principales. Chapitre 2: Les outils Découvrez le fonctionnement des outils de Flash CS5, ainsi que leurs options principales.
Styling Checkboxes and Radio Buttons With CSS and JavaScript This JavaScript and CSS will allow you to use custom images to style checkboxes, radio buttons and drop down menu select lists. Have you ever wanted to use your own images for checkboxes, radio buttons or select lists? This script will let you do that. Easily. The unobtrusive script gracefully degrades, so if JavaScript is disabled, normal form input objects appear instead of your customized elements. The example This script is stand-alone and does not require jQuery or other library to work. View a more comprehensive example How does it work? In a nutshell, the JavaScript looks for every form element with class="styled" on it; hides the real form element; sticks a span tag with a CSS class on it next to the element; and, finally, mouse events are added to the span that handles the visual stages form inputs go through when they are clicked. Download the full script Download the CSS file var checkboxHeight = "25"; var radioHeight = "25"; var selectWidth = "190"; The CSS The HTML Checkbox Usage
Mesh networking Illustration of a mesh network. A mesh network can be designed using a flooding technique or a routing technique. When using a routing technique, the message is propagated along a path, by hopping from node to node until the destination is reached. To ensure all its paths' availability, a routing network must allow for continuous connections and reconfiguration around broken or blocked paths, using self-healing algorithms. A mesh network whose nodes are all connected to each other is a fully connected network. The self-healing capability enables a routing based network to operate when one node breaks down or a connection goes bad. Advantages[edit] Point-to-point line configuration makes identification and isolation of faults easy.Messages travel through a dedicated line, directly to the intended recipient; privacy and security are thus enhanced.Should a fault occur in a given link, only those communications between that specific pair of devices sharing the link will be affected.
Five Second Project “CMYK” | greyscalegorilla/blog UPDATE 2: Hey everyone this is Neal. So here is the low down on what is happening and why a lot of entries have not been posted. A couple of days before the deadline Vimeo updated their privacy settings, and that screwed up everyones videos that they uploaded. I was not able to add any videos to the channel. I had tried to message everyone that entered and ask them to change their settings but it was very time consuming and I am sure everyone didn’t get the message that I sent out. I still have all the emails in my inbox, so what I need you guys to do is go to your entries and make sure the privacy settings are set so that I can add the video to a channel. UPDATE: Hi everyone. Four colors constantly surround us: Cyan Magenta Yellow and blacK. What Are Five Second Projects? Rules 1. Why Should You Enter? 1. How Do I Enter my Video? 1. Sorry we are no longer excepting entries. Watch the videos at the vimeo channel, or at the FiveSecondProjects Archive
Group : Screenflick - Screen Recording / Capture I don't have Mac OS X 10.6 or later. Can I still buy Screenflick 1.6? Sure. Although 1.6 is no longer under development, if you need Screenflick 1.6 to run on Tiger (10.4) or Leopard (10.5), you can find the download link at the bottom of this page. Why is the video dark when I record a game like "Amnesia"? It's darker because the gamma alters the display's gamma. Why do I see a white and grey checkerboard when recording DVDs? This is OS X's DRM at work. Why isn't audio from this application being recorded? When you start a recording with system audio turned on, Screenflick switches the system-wide default audio output device to the "Soundflower" virtual audio device, which Screenflick then uses as an input to record audio from. What needs to happen is the program playing audio needs to decide that it should play that audio to the Soundflower device, rather than your speakers. Launch the program which plays the audio after you start a Screenflick recording.