Celebration of the 40th anniversary of the launching of Limits to Growth in Washington, DC On Thursday March 1st 2012, to celebrate the 40th anniversary of the launching of Limits to Growth, the first report to the Club of Rome, a symposium entitled “Perspectives on Limits to Growth: Challenges to Building a Sustainable Planet” was hosted in Washington, DC by the Club of Rome and the Smithsonian Institution’s Consortium for Understanding and Sustaining a Biodiverse Planet. The joint symposium of Club of Rome and the Smithsonian Institution celebrated the 40th anniversary of the launching of Limits to Growth, the first report of the Club of Rome published in 1972. This book, which sold over ten million copies in various languages, was one of the earliest scholarly works to recognize that the world was fast approaching its sustainable limits. Forty years later, the planet continues to face many of the same economic, social, and environmental challenges as when the book was first published. Click here to download the full program
Charles Leadbeater : comment faire passer l’innovation publique à l’échelle Charles Leabeater, pionnier anglais de l’innovation publique et fondateur de Participle, donnait le 26 octobre dernier une conférence sur l’innovation publique (vidéo) chez nos amis du MindLab à Copenhague. Une intervention courte et dense qui pose d’intéressantes questions sur l’innovation publique. MindLab Morgen, Charles Leadbeater from MindLab on Vimeo. Vous aimeriez imaginer notre futur après le pic de pétrole? Vous aimez la fiction et le suspense? Vous aimeriez imaginer notre futur après le pic de pétrole? Lisez absolument En panne sèche d'Andreas Eschbach, aux éditions L'Atalante (735 pages). Résumé : Markus est un jeune allemand ambitieux qui part faire fortune aux États-Unis. Là, il rencontre un Autrichien qui possède le secret pour produire du pétrole à volonté, sur la base de la théorie de l'origine abiotique du pétrole(*).
Kelle FabriK Metadesigners Open Network An early prototype of The Lovers' Clock artwork See this set of notes on finding a more synergistic form of temporality Revue de l'innovation: Title goes here La revue de l'innovation favorise l’échange d’idées et de renseignements sur l’innovation dans le secteur public. En ligne depuis plus de dix-huit ans, La Revue de l’innovation est bien plus qu’une simple publication électronique. Elle constitue une lecture essentielle pour les praticiens, chercheurs, étudiants et tous ceux qui sont intéressés par l’innovation dans le secteur public. Rob Hopkins Un article de Wikipédia, l'encyclopédie libre. Rob Hopkins (né en 1968 à Londres)[1] est un enseignant en permaculture. Il est l'initiateur du mouvement des villes en transition[2],[3].
Resilient Cities - ICLEI: Home 15 April 2014 Together with eight international organizations ICLEI joined a new urban resilience partnership which was announced at the World Urban Forum in Medellin, Colombia last week. “There has been a tremendous outpouring of support for urban resilience in recent years. This new collaboration represents a consolidation of those efforts as we prepare for an explosion of urbanization in the 21st century” said Margareta Wahlström, UNISDR Chief and Co-patron of the Resilient Cities congress 2012 and 2013. Global Public Innovation Network - Ash Center The Global Public Innovation Network, established in 2002, is a collaborative network of 10 public policy awards programs from around the globe. With support from the Ford Foundation and contributions by the individual programs, the Innovation Network gathers and disseminates knowledge about innovations in public service provision, public action, and governance. These innovations represent significant contributions to the collective well-being of citizens and to the reduction of social, economic, political, gender, and ethnic inequalities. By sharing successful local practices through an international network, the impact of each awards program can extend far beyond its country’s borders. Innovation Network activities include workshops, research, and publications. Partner Programs
1. Les plis de Territoires 2040 La DATAR lançait officiellement, le 22 octobre 2009, en présence de Michel Mercier, ministre de l’espace rural et de l’aménagement du territoire, et sous la direction de Pierre Dartout, délégué interministériel à l’aménagement du territoire et à l’attractivité régionale, une démarche de prospective à l’échelle nationale intitulée Territoires 2040, aménager le changement. Celle-ci s’inscrit dans la tradition presque cinquantenaire de la délégation en la matière tout en s’en dé-marquant : par l’initiation de ce cycle de réflexion tournée vers la stratégie et l’action, la DATAR renouvelle en effet profondément sa manière de faire de la prospective. Au-delà des résultats proprement dits qui feront l’objet d’une diffusion sous la forme de publications, de conférences et de débats, il paraissait intéressant de présenter la démarche à travers la description de son déroulement, de sa genèse, des choix conceptuels et méthodologiques qui la sous-tendent.
Public Innovation, Fraunhofer FOKUS Public Innovation focuses on the innovation promotion and generation role of the public sector and its related institutions. The challenge is in identifying, measuring and explaining public innovation on the one hand and assessing its impact on and interrelation with innovations in the private sector. The service offering of Fraunhofer FOKUS’s Public Innovation research group targets three research areas: Knowledge regimes and technology transfer (KTT) Innovation driven private-public partnerships (PPP) and public procurement (PP) Standardization, certification and accreditation (= Quality Infrastructure) (QI) Background Info: Urban Bricolage anniekoh: The temporary public art work Loaded Text has made me more obsessed with ways of making planning public. The artists Kate Ericson and Mel Ziegler “hand wrote the entire 65-page text of the Downtown Durham Revitalization Plan on a 150-foot stretch of damaged sidewalk” (source) Description from the Museum of Durham History on a retrospective of the work created in June 1989 by artists Kate Ericson and Mel Ziegler in downtown Durham:
A Pilot Centre for Excellence in Public Sector Design [Ken Pettifer is acting Deputy Secretary at the Department of Industry, Innovation, Science, Research and Tertiary Education] One of the ideas included in the Australian Public Service (APS) Innovation Action Plan released in 2011 was the establishment of an APS Design Centre that could assist in developing and testing new approaches to complex policy challenges and to enhance government program delivery. This in turn was based on a recommendation within Empowering Change that the APS establish a MindLab style collaborative experimentation program. In December the Secretary of my Department, Dr Don Russell, gained agreement and support from the Secretaries Board for an 18 month pilot. This will provide an opportunity to demonstrate the value of design thinking across the APS and to ensure the Centre’s activities complement the growing body of design expertise the already exists within a number of APS agencies. Rating: +10 (from 10 votes)
A report on ‘Peak Money and Economic Resilience’, a Transition Network one-day conversation 27 Apr 2012 A report on ‘Peak Money and Economic Resilience’, a Transition Network one-day conversation A while ago, Transition Network held a ‘Thinky Day’ around the Big Society and how Transition might best respond to that. These bringings together of people to explore the ‘edge’ of Transition are very useful, and yesterday saw the next one, entitled ‘Peak Money and Economic Resilience: a Transition Network one-day conversation’, held at the offices of Calouste Gulbenkian in London. About 50 people came together to explore the scale of the economic challenges we are facing, what Transition is already doing to respond to that, and what else it might do, or how it might adapt what it does to be more appropriate to these fast-changing times.