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Cruzine - the place, where knowledge becomes live. Mike Butkus International Center for Studies in Creativity - Buffalo State - Books, Blogs, Video & More... - Links - Creativity Centers at Universities and Colleges Search Give Now International Center for Studies in Creativity Home Dr. PreviousPauseNext BBC: Can you learn to be creative? Featured Items Previous Next Follow us on Twitter! Tweets by @ICSCreativity [More] Programs Master's Program Graduate Certificate Program Creative Studies, Minor Leadership, Minor Explore Why Study Creativity? Scholarships Alumni Success Stories ICSC Press International Center for Studies in Creativity - Buffalo State - Books, Blogs, Video & More... - Creativity 101 Search Give Now International Center for Studies in Creativity Home Dr. PreviousPauseNext BBC: Can you learn to be creative? Featured Items Previous Next Follow us on Twitter! [More] Programs Master's Program Graduate Certificate Program Creative Studies, Minor Leadership, Minor Explore Why Study Creativity? Scholarships Alumni Success Stories ICSC Press

La Creatividad, algo más necesario cada día La creatividad, denominada también ingenio, inventiva, pensamiento original, imaginación constructiva, pensamiento divergente o pensamiento creativo, es la generación de nuevas ideas o conceptos, o de nuevas asociaciones entre ideas y conceptos conocidos, que habitualmente producen soluciones originales. Yo añadiría algo más, la creatividad es algo que nos hace únicos, es un elemento diferenciador y que muchas veces puede marcar la diferencia entre el éxito y el fracaso. Y visto como está el mundo hoy, cada día que pasa más me doy cuenta de que la única forma de sobrevivir en este mundo es ‘ser creativo’. Y es que además de unir creatividad a inventiva, considero que lo que que distingue a una persona creativa de la que no lo es, es la voluntad de modificar o transformar el mundo. Hoy por hoy es lo que necesitamos, ‘cambiadores del mundo’. La creatividad siempre ha ido ligada al mundo emprendedor.

Kickstarter: The World's Top Platform to Fund Creativity Bio Yancey Strickler Yancey Strickler is a cofounder of Kickstarter, the world's largest funding platform for creative projects. Every week, tens of thousands of people pledge millions of dollars across the site to projects in music, film, art, technology, design, games, fashion, food, publishing, and other creative fields. Since its launch in April 2009, the site has channeled more than $150 million in funding to creators who maintain full ownership and creative control of their work. Prior to Kickstarter, Strickler was a music journalist. Jason Tanz As executive editor, Jason Tanz oversees the magazine’s print and tablet editions. To download this program become a Front Row member. ZOOM IN: Learn more with related books and additional materials. For related Britannica content, please search on Britannica's Web site, at

The Most Memorable Creative Projects of 2011 It’s that time of the year when we slowly begin wrapping up the 2011. Before we say goodbye, lets take a quick moment to look back at some of the best and most memorable projects of 2011. There is no mechanism in deciding these and neither-nor all projects here are spectacular and magnificent but instead we feel they offer a brief insight and a form of introduction to what may lie ahead. 10. In 2010 MIT Media Lab approached TheGreenEyl and E Roon Kang to update their identity for the lab’s 25th anniversary. 9. Created by David Bowen, Tele-Present Water installation draws information from the intensity and movement of the water in a remote location. 8. In the world populated by file formats and continued fight over ownership, open source and value of data, Kim Asendorf created ExtraFile, a conceptional software with practical usage. 7. In the decade when videogames were born, everything virtual looked like rectangular blocks. 6. 2011 will be remembered as the year of thermal printers.

In The Quest For New Ideas, Can The Internet Replace Random Real-Life Discovery? Graham Yost had an uphill battle when he created Justified. He set out to translate Elmore Leonard's stylish prose, dazzling dialogue, and knotty plotting into a weekly TV series--one that might exceed and outlast Leonard-based predecessors Karen Cisco and Maximum Bob, both swiftly canceled. Unlike those other shows, Justified was not based on a novel, but rather the short story, "Fire in the Hole." And also unlike them, Yost's show succeeded for five critically beloved seasons. In order to get this far, however, he and his writers had to go rogue, venturing well outside the margins of the late, great author's work. Justified is the story of Raylan Givens, a U.S. Scavenge As Much Of the Good Stuff As You Can I can’t remember how many bad Elmore Leonard adaptations I actually saw--I would sort of get wind of most of them and stay away. When I spoke to Elmore for the first time, he said he really liked the pilot. Know What To Change And What To Leave Alone It’s like building a bridge.

Four Simple Ways to Create More and Worry Less | Studio Mothers: Life & Art Sometimes creative angst gets the better of us. How often do you find yourself thinking “I don’t have enough time,” or “My work’s not good enough,” or “I’ll never reach my creative goals”? Here are four simple ways to avoid those minefields and stay focused on what really matters: your creative work. 1. Turn rejection into affirmation. If this sounds like a tall order, just try it. 2. a) Creating your best work. b) Playing the numbers game to get your work in front of as many sets of eyes as it takes. If you feel discouraged by this process, go back and read #1 above. 3. Working regularly may be the most beneficial thing you can do for your creative bandwidth. 4. The piece above originally appeared as a guest post at the fabulous Bliss Habits. Like this: Like Loading...

Write to Done Arouse your creativity Electric flesh-arrows … traversing the body. A rainbow of color strikes the eyelids. A foam of music falls over the ears. Creativity is like sex. I know, I know. The people I speak of are writers. Below, I’ve exposed some of their secret tips, methods, and techniques. Now, lie back, relax and take pleasure in these 201 provocative ways to arouse your creativity. Great hacks from Merlin Mann of 43 Folders ART journaling goodness & FREE digital kit - creativityUNLEASHED by traci bautista TODAY I'm the featured artist on 30 journals 30 days. So hop on over to Dirty Footprints Studio's blog to check out my interview about my Art Journaling inspirations which includes images and links to videos. check out my recent collection of art journals {photo set} *******FREE art journaling digital kit****** As a special BONUS and thank you to all of you for being part of my creative journey, I'm giving away a FREE DOWNLOAD! ART JOURNALING FREE digital download {17.2MB} click here to download The FREE download is for personal use only. be INSPIRED! you need adobe reader to view PDF. >>---------------------->>> for more art journaling goodness... click here for more info & to register. {above} new ART journaling goodies in my treiCdesigns DIGITALS shoppe.happy creating! mixed media. art journaling. painting. doodling. creative business e-courses printables + art journaling cards

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