Canva — ефектни банери, инфографики, цитати, статуси, ковъри и др. Софтуер за дизайн, чрез който по-лесно от всякога, без специални умения, ще създавате всякакви графични изображения и текст, които ще изглеждат страхотно! Когато искате да направите набързичко красив флаер за следващата ви онлайн реклама, постер, визитка или картичка за рождения ден на майка ви, или пък желаете набързо да скалъпите ефективен графичен статус с цитат или промоция за Facebook – кое приложение ще използвате? Сложен софтуер или пък друг без особено много възможности, или нещо съвсем различно? Ако всеки път се чудите, нека да ви предложа нещо! С него само за 5 минути работа ще създадете нещо, което определено има шанса да изглежда добре, без да се налага да използвате сложно или платено приложение. Искате ли да разберете повече? Това е едно от първите простички уеб приложения, което действително опростява процеса на създаване, а крайния резултат може да бъде впечатляващ. Намерете това, което искате, а след това просто го плъзнете до работната си площ.
Watch The Crash of 1929 | American Experience | Official Site Newsreel Announcer (archival): The tremendous crowds which you see gathered outside the stock exchange are due to the greatest crash in the history of the New York Stock Exchange in market prices. Narrator: December 31st, New Year’s Eve. The crash and its terrible consequences were still in the future. John Kenneth Galbraith, Economist: The United States is afflicted with new eras. Craig Mitchell, Son of Charles E. Rita Mitchell Cushman, Daughter of Charles E. Craig Mitchell, Son of Charles E. Rita Mitchell Cushman, Daughter of Charles E. Craig Mitchell, Son of Charles E. Rita Mitchell Cushman, Daughter of Charles E. That was the whole tenor of the day. Rita Mitchell Cushman, Daughter of Charles E. Narrator: This was the first time that many ordinary Americans had begun to invest in stocks. Michael Nesbitt, Grandson of Michael J. Narrator: Here was a whole new way to make a fortune. Rita Mitchell Cushman, Daughter of Charles E. Craig Mitchell, Son of Charles E. Manly P. Reuben L.
50 безплатни програми за малкия бизнес | Когато започваме от нулата или вече сме част от малък или среден бизнес, всички се стремим да пестим колкото е възможно повече. Оцеляването в суровия свят на предприемачеството зависи не само от увеличаването на приходите, но и от намаляването на разходите, а едно от големите пера е софтуерът и различните услуги. За радост, в интернет съществуват доста добри алтернативи, които ще ви свършат работа, без да се налага да плащате. Тeзи безплатни програми могат успешно да заместят скъпия софтуер, необходим за извършването на различни бизнес процеси като е-мейл кореспонденция, редактиране и оформяне на документи, антивирусни програми, планиране, инструменти за дизайн, обработка на различен тип файлове и много други. И за да подкрепим средностатистическият предприемач събрахме няколко безплатни алтернативи на скъпи софтуерни продукти и услуги, които без колебание могат да ги заместят, използвайки ги напълно легално за вашия бизнес. Обработване и създаване на документи, таблици, списъци, планове
A Selected Wall Street Chronology | American Experience | Official Site 1653: Early History Dutch colonists construct a wooden stockade across lower Manhattan to protect the north side of their settlement against attacks by the British and Indians. By the turn of the 18th century, the British have taken over the colony and dismantled the barrier, turning it into a paved lane called Wall Street. September 21, 1776 A devastating fire, probably the work of colonial arsonists trying to disrupt the British occupation of the city during the American Revolution, destroys hundreds of structures in the vicinity of Wall Street. January 14, 1790 In his landmark Report on the Public Credit, the young nation’s first treasury secretary, Alexander Hamilton, proposes a method for the U.S. to handle federal and state debt by issuing government bonds, and establishes the principle of free trade for securities in the marketplace. 1793 The locus for securities transactions in New York moves to the Tontine Coffee House, across the street from the Merchants’ Coffee House.
Why We Want You to Be Rich: Two Men, One Message - Donald Trump, Robert T. Kiyosaki, Meredith McIver, Sharon L. Lechter Headlines | American Experience | Official Site The Crash of 1929 | Primary Source Stock market news moved from the financial pages to the front pages as the number of first-time investors grew in the 1920s. Throughout 1929 daily papers reported that the future looked bright for investors — even after the devastating market crash in October. Read newspaper excerpts from three New York papers: The World, The New York Herald Tribune, and The New York Times. Wave of Buying Sweeps Over Market as Stocks Swing UpwardRadio Flashes High; General Motors and Steels Soar By Laurence Stern The atmosphere of doubt and caution which Wall Street in recent weeks has come to regard almost as habitual on Thursdays was swept away yesterday in a rush of buying… Perhaps the market’s own strength weighed as heavily with speculative minds as the logic of the situation, since the tape is the one institution Wall Street does not argue with. — The World, March 15, 1929 Stocks Soar As Bank Aid Ends Fear of Money Panic By W. — New York Herald Tribune, March 28, 1929
3 Must-Use Tactics to Differentiate Your Company From the Competition Every business faces an identity crisis during its evolution. Executives of young companies are constantly questioning how to build a differentiated identity in a saturated industry. Even pioneers in uncharted territory will, before too long, need to find their voice. Intense competition means you’re onto something good. There are three fundamental strategies that are instrumental in distinguishing a company from its peers: Related: 7 Tools to Help Startups Dominate in Large Markets and Compete With the Giants 1. The prospect of achieving true value-driven business hinges on your ability to recruit the best talent in the industry. Nothing gets top-tier employees more excited than being challenged to take on outsized responsibility, yet most work environments still adhere to a stripes-earning, teeth-cutting, dues-paying mentality that stifles growth. 2. Adhering solely to industry standards and best practices is a surefire way to camouflage a company in the market. 3.
What It Takes to Go From Dead Broke to 6 Figures in 6 Months As entrepreneurs we know life is often a roller coaster with lots of uncertainty and chaos. When you’re in the struggle, it’s tough to see a clear path to success, but it’s crucial to let your vision guide you, not your current circumstances. You must embrace those challenges, because that’s where your hunger for a better life is developed. Nobody wants to be broke, and nobody wants to struggle, but it’s part of the process. It’s asking the right questions, and taking the right action while in the struggle, that can change everything. Absolute clarity. It's easy to make decisions once you determine what your real values are. Reflecting back on the lowest points of my life, I’ve realized I didn’t take responsibility for anything. Clarity is the ultimate power, and if you want results you’ve never had you need to get 100 percent clear on what you want. Related: This Mental Trick Can Help You Bust Through Obstacles on the Way to a Goal Your Confidence Account. It’s inevitable.
3 Bad Sleep Habits You Need to Break As an entrepreneur focused on how to grow your business, taking the time to develop a sleep routine is probably the last thing on your mind. But some sleep advice simply can't be ignored without paying the price in productivity. Deprive yourself of quality sleep long enough and you’ll wind up chipping away at your business and health. Here are three bad habits you'll need to break, if you want to improve the quality of your sleep: Bad Habit #1: You pull all-nighters then oversleep on weekends.You've likely heard you should go to bed and get up at the same time every day to help optimize your sleep. Why is this so important? Related: 5 Ways to Stop Stress Before It Starts "It's like living on the east coast for the week, flying to the west coast for the weekend and then turning back around and flying back to the east coast on Sunday night," says Taylor. If you can't get to sleep for more than 15 or 20 minutes, Kohler suggests you get out of bed.
10 Movies Every Entrepreneur Needs to Watch No one ever said being an entrepreneur would be easy. A million obstacles seem to stand in the way each and every day. The naysayers and budget woes can be enough for the average person to start waving the white flag. But you are not an average person: You’re an entrepreneur. Yet when this whole entrepreneur thing becomes overwhelming, take a break and look for some much needed motivation. Whether it’s a heartwarming adventure, irreverent comedy or thought-provoking documentary, a film can inspire and motivate a weary business owner. With that in mind, here are 10 movies that every entrepreneur needs to watch: Related: Why 'Ghostbusters' Should Be Every Entrepreneur's Favorite Movie 1. Why watch it? 2. Why watch it? 3. Why watch it? 4. Why watch it? Related: Need Inspiration? 5. Why watch it? 6. Why watch it? Related: How 'The Wolf of Wall Street' Helped Me Increase My Sales by 50 Percent 7. Why watch it? 8. What watch it? Related: 10 Must-See Documentaries for Entrepreneurs 9. 10.
(en anglais)
Permet de réviser efficacement les chapitres 1 et 2 notamment. En 30 min. by robin.stpaul Dec 20