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How The Economic Machine Works by Ray Dalio

How The Economic Machine Works by Ray Dalio

Watch The Crash of 1929 | American Experience | Official Site Newsreel Announcer (archival): The tremendous crowds which you see gathered outside the stock exchange are due to the greatest crash in the history of the New York Stock Exchange in market prices. Narrator: December 31st, New Year’s Eve. The crash and its terrible consequences were still in the future. John Kenneth Galbraith, Economist: The United States is afflicted with new eras. Craig Mitchell, Son of Charles E. Rita Mitchell Cushman, Daughter of Charles E. Craig Mitchell, Son of Charles E. Rita Mitchell Cushman, Daughter of Charles E. Craig Mitchell, Son of Charles E. Rita Mitchell Cushman, Daughter of Charles E. That was the whole tenor of the day. Rita Mitchell Cushman, Daughter of Charles E. Narrator: This was the first time that many ordinary Americans had begun to invest in stocks. Michael Nesbitt, Grandson of Michael J. Narrator: Here was a whole new way to make a fortune. Rita Mitchell Cushman, Daughter of Charles E. Craig Mitchell, Son of Charles E. Manly P. Reuben L.

Die Rückkehr der Leibeigenschaft Nullstundenarbeitsverträge in Britannien, immer mehr Werksvertragsverhältnisse in Deutschland: In der Arbeitswelt ist der Neoliberalismus weiterhin eine soziale Kraft. Von Pit Wuhrer Wer traut den Neoliberalen noch über den Weg? Wer glaubt noch an die Verheissungen marktradikaler Konzepte? Gesellschaftlich hat die Ideologie der Wirtschaftsradikalen während der letzten Jahre ziemlich abgewirtschaftet. Dass der freie Markt alles besser regelt, dass Privatunternehmen effizienter sind als die öffentliche Hand, dass ohne staatliche Eingriffe (und Hilfe) die Wirtschaft floriert – all diese Glaubenssätze sind seit Beginn der Finanzmarktkrise 2008 verdampft. Nur bei den PolitikerInnen, so scheint es, stellt der Neoliberalismus noch eine Kraft dar. Diese Form von Leibeigenschaft sei «nur eine Randerscheinung», beteuerte die Regierung – bis Anfang August ein unabhängiges Institut aktuelle Zahlen veröffentlichte. Die Rückkehr des Tagelohns im 21. Die Regierung fördert dieses System.

American History A Selected Wall Street Chronology | American Experience | Official Site 1653: Early History Dutch colonists construct a wooden stockade across lower Manhattan to protect the north side of their settlement against attacks by the British and Indians. By the turn of the 18th century, the British have taken over the colony and dismantled the barrier, turning it into a paved lane called Wall Street. September 21, 1776 A devastating fire, probably the work of colonial arsonists trying to disrupt the British occupation of the city during the American Revolution, destroys hundreds of structures in the vicinity of Wall Street. January 14, 1790 In his landmark Report on the Public Credit, the young nation’s first treasury secretary, Alexander Hamilton, proposes a method for the U.S. to handle federal and state debt by issuing government bonds, and establishes the principle of free trade for securities in the marketplace. 1793 The locus for securities transactions in New York moves to the Tontine Coffee House, across the street from the Merchants’ Coffee House.

Publications in German to "Publications in English" to "Publications in other languages" Und die Schuld trägt immer der Schuldner Die Furche 28, 9.7.2015. Fetisch "Wettbewerb" E&W, Erziehung & Wissenschaft, Zeitschrift der Bildungsgewerkschaft, 02/15. Die Große Depression, der New Deal, ihre Bewertung durch den Mainstream und die Krise Europas In: Jürgen Kromphardt, Harald Hagemann (Hg.), Für eine bessere gesamteuropäische Wirtschaftspolitik, Band 8 der Schriftenreihe der Keynes-Gesellschaft, 161 - 202. Die vernünftigste Steuer in diesen Zeiten, LE MONDE diplomatique, Deutsche Ausgabe, Dezember 2014. Die große Depression, der New Deal, ihre Bewertung durch den Mainstream und die Krise Europas WIFO Working Papers 483/2014, 17.11.2014. Theoriebildung als Krieg Süddeutsche Zeitung, WIRTSCHAFT, Samstag, 8. Marktreligiosität und der lange Weg in die große Krise - Deregulierung, Privatisierung, Konkurrenzwahn, Finanzalchemie und ihre Folgen für Gesellschaft, Wirtschaft, öffentliche Güter und den Schienenverkehr Mai 2012.

Two Enduring Viewpoints Compete < The Formation Of A National Government < History 1990 Congress quickly created departments of State and of the Treasury. Washington appointed Thomas Jefferson as Secretary of State and Alexander Hamilton, his aide during the Revolution, as Secretary of the Treasury. Simultaneously, the Congress established the federal judiciary, setting up not only a Supreme Court, with one Chief Justice (John Jay was named to the post) and five associate justices, but also three circuit courts and 13 district courts. In the first administration, both a Secretary of War and an Attorney General were also appointed. And since Washington generally preferred to make decisions only after consulting those men whose judgment he valued, the American Cabinet came into existence, consisting of the heads of all the departments that Congress might create. Hamilton and Jefferson represented two powerful, though to some extent antagonistic, forces in American life. Hamilton did much else. The Genét incident strained American relations with France.

Headlines | American Experience | Official Site The Crash of 1929 | Primary Source Stock market news moved from the financial pages to the front pages as the number of first-time investors grew in the 1920s. Throughout 1929 daily papers reported that the future looked bright for investors — even after the devastating market crash in October. Read newspaper excerpts from three New York papers: The World, The New York Herald Tribune, and The New York Times. Wave of Buying Sweeps Over Market as Stocks Swing UpwardRadio Flashes High; General Motors and Steels Soar By Laurence Stern The atmosphere of doubt and caution which Wall Street in recent weeks has come to regard almost as habitual on Thursdays was swept away yesterday in a rush of buying… Perhaps the market’s own strength weighed as heavily with speculative minds as the logic of the situation, since the tape is the one institution Wall Street does not argue with. — The World, March 15, 1929 Stocks Soar As Bank Aid Ends Fear of Money Panic By W. — New York Herald Tribune, March 28, 1929

Nobody Understands Debt This misplaced focus said a lot about our political culture, in particular about how disconnected Congress is from the suffering of ordinary Americans. But it also revealed something else: when people in D.C. talk about deficits and debt, by and large they have no idea what they’re talking about — and the people who talk the most understand the least. Perhaps most obviously, the economic “experts” on whom much of Congress relies have been repeatedly, utterly wrong about the short-run effects of budget deficits. People who get their economic analysis from the likes of the Heritage Foundation have been waiting ever since President Obama took office for budget deficits to send interest rates soaring. Any day now! And while they’ve been waiting, those rates have dropped to historical lows. But Washington isn’t just confused about the short run; it’s also confused about the long run. This is, however, a really bad analogy in at least two ways. First, families have to pay back their debt.

Making the World Safe for Banksters: Syria in the Cross-hairs | WEB OF DEBT BLOG “The powers of financial capitalism had another far reaching aim, nothing less than to create a world system of financial control in private hands able to dominate the political system of each country and the economy of the world as a whole.” —Prof. Caroll Quigley, Georgetown University, Tragedy and Hope (1966) Iraq and Libya have been taken out, and Iran has been heavily boycotted. Syria is now in the cross-hairs. Why? In an August 2013 article titled “Larry Summers and the Secret ‘End-game’ Memo,” Greg Palast posted evidence of a secret late-1990s plan devised by Wall Street and U.S. The “end-game” would require not just coercing support among WTO members but taking down those countries refusing to join. Bank deregulation proceeded according to plan, and the government-sanctioned and -nurtured derivatives business mushroomed into a $700-plus trillion pyramid scheme. These countries were not all Islamic. Here is some data in support of that thesis. The End-game Memo The Holdouts

Demographische Horroszenarien - Warum wir positiv in die Zukunft blicken können Anzeige Die Deutschen sterben aus, die Rente ist nicht sicher: Mit solch düsteren Ausblicken machen Politik und Wirtschaft den Menschen Angst - und rechtfertigen soziale Einschnitte in der Gegenwart. Wir sollten kritischer mit den Zukunftsprognosen umgehen, die uns da vorgelegt werden. Ein Gastbeitrag von Gerd Bosbach Das Wort Demographie ist populär, vor allem, wenn es um Einschnitte ins soziale Netz geht. Sozialstaat ist in der Sackgasse - wer zahlt morgen die Renten?" Die Beobachtungen zur alternden Gesellschaft waren in der Tat auch schon damals korrekt. Doch dieser Blick in die Vergangenheit der Demographie ist nicht erwünscht. Erstes Beispiel: Der angebliche Fachkräftemangel. Auch in den Hochschulen wird viel vorhandenes Potential verschenkt. Zweites Beispiel: Die Mär von den unbezahlbaren Renten.

The Difference Between Macro and Microeconomics Although there are other branches of economic study, micro and macroeconomics are the most well-known. Over the years, both have become an increasingly common part of high school and college-level curriculums. Despite their popularity, however, the principles of these disciplines are frequently misunderstood or confused. While they share some of the same concepts and are interrelated in important ways, there is a fundamental difference between micro and macroeconomics. The simplest way to distinguish microeconomics from macroeconomics is to think about the names of these two fields. As its name indicates, microeconomics is the study of economics on a smaller, more detailed scale. Definition and Meaning of Microeconomics Microeconomics looks at the behavior of individual people and companies within the economy. Definition and Meaning of Macroeconomics The most concrete definition of macroeconomics is that it is a study of "the big picture" in the economy. By Kelly Anderson

THE SEVEN BIGGEST ECONOMIC LIES The President’s...) The President’s Jobs Bill doesn’t have a chance in Congress — and the Occupiers on Wall Street and elsewhere can’t become a national movement for a more equitable society – unless more Americans know the truth about the economy. Here’s a short (2 minute 30 second) effort to rebut the seven biggest whoppers now being told by those who want to take America backwards. The major points: 1. Tax cuts for the rich trickle down to everyone else. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Demagogues through history have known that big lies, repeated often enough, start being believed — unless they’re rebutted.

(en anglais)
Permet de réviser efficacement les chapitres 1 et 2 notamment. En 30 min. by robin.stpaul Dec 20
