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How to Write a Résumé That Doesn't Annoy People - David Silverman

How to Write a Résumé That Doesn't Annoy People - David Silverman
by David Silverman | 11:34 AM June 5, 2009 A Google search for “résumé” results in over 178,000,000 hits, whereas “possum” nets only 5,340,000. Thus the documentation of work experience is 33 and 1/3 more popular than arboreal marsupials. “Administered resolution of issues and implementation of ideas surfaced by individuals.” Huh? We all know that there are more jobs being lost than created, and that an opening will get dozens, if not hundreds, of applicants. I’m not immune. Other people have their own peccadilloes. 1. 2. 4. 5. 6. 9. What do you think? This content was adapted for inclusion in the HBR Guide to Getting a Job.

How to Write a Resume - Resume Writing Tips & Sample Resumes
