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Significado paisajes Eine umlaufende 360°-Wandprojektion ermöglicht ein immersives Erleben und erstaunliche sensorische Illusionen. Die Besucher werden in Sinneslandschaften im Raum erfasst und können durch ihre Präsenz und ihre Bewegungen den Raum gestalten. Eigenheiten von historischen Stilrichtungen in Kunst und Design werden visuell und akkustisch aufgegriffen und können nun vom Besucher kontempliert und spielerisch interpretiert werden. Das Leipziger Museum für Angewandte Kunst und Design hat eine bewegte Geschichte. 1874 gegründet, 1926 Umzug in ein neues Gebäude namens Grassimuseum, 1943 stark zerstört, ab 2001 umfangreich saniert. Die Wiedergeburt des Museums begann 2007 mit der Fertigstellung der ersten von drei Dauerausstellungen und wurde am 4.März 2012 mit der feierlichen Eröffnung der dritten abgeschlossen. Es ist etwas Besonderes, wenn noch lebende Künstler und Designer schon zu Lebzeiten prominent in einem Museum ausgestellt werden.

A Hunk Of Planet Dissolves Before Our Eyes It begins with a growl. Then there's a crack — a slurpy, sucky, crunchy noise. A guy is on the phone, and his pal interrupts him and says, "It's starting, Adam, I think. Adam? It's starting ..." The two are up on a bluff, overlooking a giant ice field. Animated GIFs Overlay Surreal Scenes On Historic Images [Pics] Visual artist and filmmaker Bill Domonkos’ most recent work sees posts of GIFs to his Tumblr that combine scenes and imagery using special effects and editing. Domonko places animated imagery on top of static archival images and film footage ensuring it comes from a refreshingly different angle using manipulation to experience a whole new form of GIF art. Inspired by the obscure world of cinema, his mostly black and white work includes a still X-ray with a man doing pull-ups off its ribs and a jockey guiding his race horse through a bathroom sink. Click through the gallery to experience more of his brilliantly dark work:

Lo scultore Byles vive per un anno nei boschi e “scolpisce” la foresta incantata. Il video MIMPI credits stain, lazyfish, alg, alexander stavtsev MIMPI /mobile interactive multiparametric image/ is an experiment with abstract generative image and simple multiuser interactivity. Everyone can have an influence on the image with tilting an iOS or Android device connscted to the gallery wireless network.

Tate Gallery Unleashes Night Robots To Livestream Art London art gallery Tate Britain, in partnership with design studio The Workers, will soon be giving art enthusiasts a chance to access the gallery at night via a team of remote-controlled robots that will roam the gallery at night and livestream the art pieces. Art enthusiasts can skip the crowds of gallery visitors during the day and book a time slot for them to access the art gallery at night through the remote-controlled robots. The robots are fitted with lights and a camera and are connected to a website where users will be able to view the art work displayed at the gallery. Users will be able to steer the robots and direct them around the paintings and exhibits — enabling the users to view and appreciate the gallery’s collection without any obstruction. The project was created by The Workers as their entry into the inaugural IK Prize, a Tate-sponsored competition for digitally innovative projects that can “enhance public enjoyment of art.” Tate Britain

[Video] Jim Campbell's Sculptural LED Light Installations Even the Lumiére Brothers would glow over the work of artist and light engineer, Jim Campbell. The prolific pioneer of patchwork bulb-wiring's career spans three decades, and his work keeps on getting better—the artist's newest works have been called "consummate" and "transformative" by Art Daily after their debut this month at Bryce Wolkowitz Gallery. It goes without saying that the mastery of his specific genre of low resolution re-imagings, communicated through programmed bulbs and LEDs, is a practice thirty years in the making. Good thing he's got a retrospective show coming up. Rhythms of Perception, the artist's first major exhibition in a New York museum, brings a survey spanning his career in contemporary art to the Museum of the Moving Image on March 20, from his earliest pieces to his project in Madison Square Park and his new work, showcased in our documentary on the luminary (above!). Campbell's installation at San Diego Airport.

Digital Tree Sculpture Lets Loved Ones Post Pictures To Airport Travelers Singapore’s Changi Airport, in partnership with LG Electronics, unveiled a ‘Social Tree’ that allows travelers to connect with their friends and family. The airport has won praise and accolades, including the Skytrax 2013 World’s Best Airport award. The ‘Social Tree’ is the latest technological addition to the aiport’s already impressive offering of first class entertainment and connectivity facilities. The tree is a towering 8.7m high and 11.1m wide and is composed of 64 LG screens that wrap around the top of the tree in a 360 degree fashion.
