cyberaction Mettons les porcs sur paille pas les paysans cyberaction N° 024L: Mettons les porcs sur paille pas les paysans [ 3 834 participations ] cyberaction mise en ligne le jeudi 31 octobre 2013 En partenariat avec : SAUVEGARDE DU PENTHIEVRE, ERQUY ENVIRONNEMENT Elle sera envoyée à : Préfet des Côtes d'Armer Le projet d’agrandissement de l’élevage de Monsieur GUINARD ne peut être accepté tel quel puisqu’il ne respecte pas la réglementation en vigueur dans notre département depuis 2002 : le total des apports de fertilisants azotés (engrais + déjections) doit être égal ou inférieur au total des exportations par les récoltes. Plus d'infos André POCHON Trégueux le 28 octobre 2013 Avec le soutien des associations SAUVEGARDE DU PENTHIEVRE ERQUY ENVIRONNEMENT Monsieur le Maire, Messieurs les Conseillers Municipaux, Vous avez donné un avis favorable au projet d’agrandissement de l’élevage de Monsieur GUINARD, qui après l’étude à laquelle j’ai procédé, appelle de ma part les remarques suivantes. Alors quelle solution pour Monsieur GUINARD ? Signer !
#petition You abruptly disconnected state-owned broadcaster ERT’s signals on 11 June. This astonishing action constitutes a dangerous violation of article 11 of the European Union’s Charter of Fundamental Rights, which guarantees every European citizen’s right to freely reported and independent news and information. Your government must immediately restore this public broadcaster’s signals, stop issuing political instructions to its staff, combat overlapping conflicts of interest in the privately-owned media and refrain from any form of police violence or judicial intimidation against journalists. We call for a new basic law guaranteeing media freedom and pluralism. We are signing this petition to stop the Greek government from trying to economize on democracy. Help us to press for a basic media freedom law!
Stop Biotech's new Kiss of Death GMO Apple | Food Democracy Now If you haven’t heard, apples are the single most popular fruit served in school lunchrooms across the U.S. and tragically, a Canadian firm has created a new GMO apple, using a new “gene silencing” technique that could interfere with the expression of genes in humans, even silencing vital human genes, potentially causing serious health problems. Right now, the Obama administration is considering the approval of the world’s first genetically engineered apple, known as the ArcticApple®, which has been engineered to silence the natural browning enzyme that may help apples fight disease and pests. If approved, this GMO apple will appear on shelves unlabeled and without proper regulation. Currently, the Canadian firm, Okanagan Specialty Fruits, is hoping its GMO apple, will be approved in Golden Delicious and Granny Smith varieties, despite the fact that it faces stiff opposition from consumers, apple growers and some of the nation’s leading apple growing associations.
A petition to Food and Drug Administration · Support Sustainable Agriculture Love your local farms, farmers markets and CSAs (Community Supported Agriculture)? They could be in trouble thanks to burdensome new rules proposed under the Food Safety & Modernization Act (FSMA). Unless the U.S. Food & Drug Administration (FDA) agrees to some key changes in the FSMA, the law will erect new barriers for small and mid-scale farmers and processors who have been successfully creating local markets – restaurants, co-ops, groceries, schools – for their locally grown produce. And if the rules don't drive local growers out of business, they will surely drive up the price of local food. Please sign our letter by November 15. The FSMA was signed into law in 2011. The FDA is accepting comments on the proposed new rules until November 15. Background: Small, local growers are not the problem The organic fruits, vegetables and nuts you buy from local farmers have never created a food safety problem. The FSMA gives the FDA sweeping new powers over fruit, vegetable and nut production.
PETITION pour que l'Union Européenne interdise les gaz et huiles de schiste ! Stop the Superbugs! End the Overuse of Antibiotics on Factory Farms Name not displayed, CA Feb 03, 10:36 Ms. Gretchen Edmiston, TX Feb 03, 10:19 My best friend died from complications caused by MRSA, one of the superbugs caused by overuse of antibiotics on factory farms. send a green star Ms. Feb 03, 10:06 Antibiotics use is not the answer - better farming practices on how we keep these animals are the answer. send a green star Mr. Feb 03, 10:05 For the sake of human health, please stop the use of antibiotics in animals on factory farms. send a green star Mrs. Feb 03, 09:52 For the safety of the food we eat. send a green star Mr. Feb 03, 09:51 I don't like to use antibiotics at all but if I have to, I want them to work! send a green star Ms. Feb 03, 09:50 Antibiotics are the serious threat to human health. send a green star Mrs. Feb 03, 09:46 I have to beg for a prescription for antibiotic when I am sick, yet you allow the indiscriminate use in our food supply. send a green star Ms. angel flysagain, FL Feb 03, 09:44 send a green star Ms. Feb 03, 09:33 send a green star Ms. Ms.
Tell Obama to Keep Antibiotics Out of Your Food | Food Democracy Now Re: Docket No. FDA-2010-N-0155-0139 A copy of your letter of support will be delivered to President Obama and FDA Commissioner Margaret Hamburg: Dear President Obama and FDA Commissioner Hamburg, I was encouraged to learn that the Food and Drug Administration is taking steps through the proposed Veterinary Feed Directive, or VFD, rule to increase veterinary oversight when antibiotics are administered to livestock in feed and water. And while I commend the agency for taking action, it’s time that the FDA preserve the efficacy of life-saving antibiotics by putting public health over the profits of the factory farm industry. As a concerned citizen, I’m asking that the FDA mandate the elimination of routine sub-therapeutic use of antibiotics in livestock feed. Given the vast quantities of antibiotics used in food animals today and the growing problem of antibiotic resistance, responsible use of these drugs is vital. Sincerely, [Your Name]
Sign the Petition to President Obama and USDA Secretary Vilsack · Get the USDA to Rescind Its 'Filthy Chicken Rule' Poultry is already the most deadly source of food borne illness. And working in a slaughterhouse is already the most dangerous job in America, according to some reports. So what is the U.S. Department of Agriculture's (USDA) plan to protect consumers and workers? It wants to privatize poultry inspection, putting companies in charge of their own inspections, and then increase the slaughtering line speed. Please sign our petition, asking the USDA to rescind what Food & Water Watch has dubbed the "Filthy Chicken Rule." Food & Water Watch calls the USDA's plan the "Filthy Chicken Rule," because the plan almost guarantees higher levels of contaminants in slaughtered birds. Potentially harmful bacteria lurks in almost all U.S. chicken. Yet if the USDA gets its way, the few government inspectors left would have to inspect three birds per second. We could also call the USDA's new plan the "Dead Inspector Rule." Or maybe we should call it the "Injured Worker Rule."
Homepage | Moratoire OGM PETITION - Projet d'aéroport Notre-Dame des Landes : Non merci ! Refuser de polluer n’est pas un crime (la saison 2) ! – Agir pour l'Environnement Stoppons la vente des pesticides sans attendre 2022 ! – Agir pour l'Environnement Pour que les maraîchers aient le droit d’utiliser des semences reproductibles et de produire les leurs ! I want to tell you that these are critical times as our agriculture is dying but I do not think you expected me to draw this conclusion that, you, who seems to have realised the need for a soil that living beings are aspired to stay on for generations to come! I refer to your willingness to promote agro-ecological practices in our country. But if I allow myself to challenge you it is because I am talking about the problem of sowing seeds which is the basis of our food system. I imagine that your capacity as a human being does not allow you to know on your fingertips all issues related to our diet, so allow me to make a synthesis: In the space of a century, we have lost 75% of our vegetable varieties! France, who held one of the richest heritages in the world of food by the plurality of its climate, now finds itself bereft of its history, the one that brings us together around a table! In order to illustrate the situation, let's take the example of the apple:
cyberaction Pour notre droit à la souveraineté alimentaire - Non aux royalties sur les semences de ferme 3) cyberaction N° 492 : Tarifs progressifs : une belle innovation, mais le diable se cache dans les détails ! Montreuil, le 5 septembre 2012 – La proposition de loi présentée ce matin par le député François Brottes pose d'intéressantes bases pour rendre les tarifs de l'énergie plus intelligents. Si elle était adoptée, elle encouragerait la maîtrise de l'énergie et pénaliserait les consommations exubérantes tout en veillant à ne pas être injuste socialement. ... suite 4) cyberaction N° 491 : Justice pour Mumia Abu-Jamal In extremis, Mumia Abu-Jamal échappe à un nouveau déni de justice ! Dans le plus grand secret, la justice fédérale de Pennsylvanie a rendu une ordonnance le 13 août 2012 condamnant Mumia à la prison à perpétuité sans possibilité de libération conditionnelle. Participation à la cyberaction 5) Pétition : Comité de soutien à Jean Yves Piriou Participation à la Pétition