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How to Create Your Own Online Course: 100 Tools, Guides, and Resources

How to Create Your Own Online Course: 100 Tools, Guides, and Resources
How to Create Your Own Online Course: 100 Tools, Guides, and Resources Perhaps you have a special skill, talent, or knowledge-base that you want to share with others, and maybe you’ve heard that teaching online courses can make you a little extra money. The resources below will help you discover how to combine both what you have to offer and what you wish to gain by guiding you through creating and establishing an online course. No matter what age of student, subject you want to teach, or size of the class, you will find resources and information to bring your class online. Learning Management Systems Learning Management Systems host your online class and provide a place for students to receive and turn in assignments, class communication, and more. Moodle. Resources for Getting Your Class Online Read these articles to find out everything from using a free blog to host your class to selecting and implementing a Learning Management System. How to Teach an Online Course using WordPress.

Enfants et écrans : psychologie et cognition L’Académie des sciences vient de publier un rapport (.pdf) sur la relation des enfants aux écrans (disponible également sous la forme de livre aux éditions Le Pommier), un rapport qui tord le cou à nombre d’idées reçues sur le sujet et fait le point sur les connaissances scientifiques, éducatives et neurobiologiques. Comme le précisait Jean-François Bach, secrétaire perpétuel de l’Académie des Sciences lors de la présentation publique du rapport, l’Académie a souhaité éclaircir les bases scientifiques de nos usages excessifs des écrans (voir les vidéos des présentations). Un rapport qui a voulu insister pas seulement sur les effets délétères des écrans – des effets qui existent, qui influent par exemple sur le temps de sommeil, l’attention, mais de manière plus rare qu’on a tendance à le penser – mais surtout sur les effets positifs de notre exposition aux écrans et notamment de l’exposition des plus jeunes aux écrans. A l’inverse, chaque culture apporte également son lot d’avantages.

Estimating Costs and Time in Instructional Design Note that budgeting is not included in most ISD models, but as more and more Learning/Training Departments are being called upon to justify their expenses, I'm including it here. Budgeting Learning activities are budgeted in a wide variety of ways, so the degree of estimating the costs will depend upon the organization you are working for. Generally speaking, the closer you are to your customers or clients, the less you have to estimate. Budgeting training is often a difficult chore as plans are often based on training an “average person.” Although the budget may not be correct the first time, especially if the training is new or complicated, it still should be performed at this time to give the training staff a goal to aim for. After performing the initial budget, it might seem that the training program will be quite expensive, but as Gary Wilber, CEO of Drug Emporium, Inc. said, “The expense isn't what it costs to train employees. Training Cost Guidelines Estimating Development Hours

Educational Games Online - Free Games from The Problem Site Guess the two-digit number Discover the answer to a probability question Math problems and brainteasers Solve the riddles to find the treasure Tanya Rogers Executive Producer BSc (Joint Hons), PGCE, MSc (PsyRes), ILTM Contact Email: Office: 217 Phone: +44 (0)1970 622795 Fax: +44 (0)1970 622190 Responsibilities Manage the development, design and delivery of educational materials for the Department. Provide advice & consultancy on instructional design, educational strategy, service delivery & policy development. Teaching Areas Undergraduate Teaching SKIP SKills Induction Programme; Literacy & Learning; Group work; Human Communication; Research Methods; Research Ethics. Postgraduate Teaching SKIP SKills Induction Programme; Research Methods; Research Ethics; Quantitative Data Analysis & SPSS. Research Instructional Design; Open & Distance Learning (which by its nature includes e-learning); Research Ethics; Psychology & Learning; Social Cognition in Electronic Interactions; Models of learner support; Assessment Methods. Biography Additional Interests Professional Activities •The British Psychological Society •The Higher Education Academy

Le droit à la formation suscite peu d’intérêt au sein des entreprises Huit ans après la loi qui l'a établi en 2004, le droit individuel à la formation (DIF) tâtonne encore. Selon deux enquêtes publiées fin avril sous le titre "DIF: Huit ans après sa création, quelles évolutions?" par le groupe Demos, un acteur important du marché de la formation professionnelle, la moitié des travailleurs ne l'ont jamais utilisé, mais cette part est en légère diminution. Le dispositif reste peu utilisé par les salariés, mais 97% de ceux qui ont été interrogés savent ce qu’est le DIF (95% en 2011) - l’année suivant la création du dispositif, le pourcentage était proche de zéro. Car, dans le détail, le DIF reste entouré d’un grand flou. Or, un tiers des salariés ne connaissent pas le niveau de leur crédit d'heures de formation cumulées, ou encore les formations qu’ils peuvent suivre. Résultat : huit ans après sa création, 47% des salariés n’ont jamais utilisé leur droit à la formation. Manque d’intérêt Les inégalités demeurent

Sloan Consortium Group News Did you know that in education, quality matters is more than a saying, but an actual not-for-profit organization? In 2003, MarylandOnline began a three-year grant program to develop standards to certify online courses and materials. This greatly impacted teaching and learning, and Quality Matters gained state and national recognition. When the grant expired in 2006, Quality Matters continued on and now has more than 550 subscribers comprised of universities, colleges, technical schools, and other academic organizations, including University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Texas A & M University, Penn State, and Regent University. Today, Quality Matters has trained over 10,000 faculty and staff and is the gold standard for online course design. To learn more about Quality Matters, visit Another important standard Quality Matters addresses is "accessibility." Before you can use CaptionTube, you need to be able to access videos on YouTube.

50 Excellent Online Communities for Lifelong Learners - Learn-ga Whether you are looking for a little added information on what you are already studying in school in Alabama or would like to connect with others who share your interests as a business professional or avid hobbyist, these online communities all offer an excellent opportunity to continue your search for knowledge. From reading to learning a new language to becoming a financial wizard to travel to saving the Earth, these groups offer a chance for learning as well as reaching out to others online. Books and Reading These online communities are united around a love for books and reading. Find others who share your passion here, from Connecticut to Nevada. Goodreads. Foreign Language If you are a native of Mississippi with a southern drawl trying to learning a foreign language or have already mastered both accent and vocabulary and would like to help others practice a new language, then check out these communities that are all about sharing a thirst for languages. italki. Finance Travel Exploroo.

So you want to be an e-learning consultant... If you've ever considered taking the plunge and becoming a freelancer, you may first want to ask yourself some hard questions about the consulting life. Can you live without a guaranteed salary? Do you enjoy business development and meeting people? Juggling Skills Required Being a free-agent is very case-specific. There are lots of variables in business, some that you can control and many that you cannot. I work in all three consulting areas, partly because I haven't had an excess of work in any one area so that I can ignore the others. Developing Your Business Once you are clear about your service offerings, your next step is to grow your network. Blogging is one of the best ways that many consultants have found to meet potential clients and sustain existing clients. The barriers to enter freelance consulting have never been lower. Consulting competition is increasing, especially with baby-boomers taking early retirement and wanting to keep working. The Freelance Challenge Table Table 1.

Travail collaboratif à distance et formation par alternance Le travail collaboratif à distance est une formalisation parmi d’autres d’un travail en réseau, il peut être mis en place dans le cadre fermé d’un ENT (Espace Numérique de Travail) ou bénéficier des nombreux outils disponibles sur les réseaux sociaux. Il s’inscrit pleinement dans ce qu’on appelle le Web 2.0 (Internet vu comme un lieu de mise en commun, de partage et de création de ressources). Il faut le différencier du travail coopératif pour lequel chacun des acteurs a une mission bien définie au départ, travaille chacun de son côté pour une mise en commun lors de la réalisation finale. Le travail collaboratif met en jeu des interactions entre les acteurs d’un projet et permet à chacun de s’exprimer et de mettre en oeuvre ses compétences pour telle ou telle étape du travail demandé. Les atouts du travail collaboratif en formation, en terme de compétences à acquérir, développer ou mettre en oeuvre : Quels outils mettre en oeuvre ? Quelques liens indispensables sur le thème :

The Underbelly of Online Teaching July 29, 2011 By: Errol Craig Sull in Online Education No matter how much we embrace and enjoy online teaching, the human frailties of mistakes, disappointment, anger, frustration, and oversights will come calling each time we teach a class. And when any of these happen we can respond with an emotional and unchecked action—never good—or we can accept that these negatives will always be part of our online teaching efforts and learn how to deal with them in a sensible, appropriate manner. Some students will really tick you off. You will never have enough time. Not all support staff or supervisors will have your back. You will get blamed for problems that are not your fault. Evaluations can be unfair. You will feel burned out and drained at times. Errol Craig Sull has been teaching online courses for more than 15 years and has a national reputation in the subject, both writing and conducting workshops on it. Excerpted from Sull, Errol C.

Binary Game Skip to Content | Skip to Footer Cisco Binary Game The Cisco Binary Game is the best way to learn and practice the binary number system. It is great for classes, students and teachers in science, math, digital electronics, computers, programming, logic and networking. It is also a LOT of fun to play for anyone who likes to play fast-paced arcade games. The Learning House, Inc. and Aslanian Market Research Release Second Annual Study of Online College Students SOURCE: The Learning House, Inc. The Country's Only National Survey of Online College Students Shows This Unique Segment Wants to Study Specifically Online, Makes Decisions Quickly and Gains Economic Opportunity From Degree LOUISVILLE, KY--(Marketwired - Jun 26, 2013) - Online degrees can lead to quick and immediate success in the job market. "Online degrees continue to gain in popularity, even as traditional enrollments are declining for the first time in decades," said Dr. In the nation's only annual study of online students, Learning House and Aslanian Market Research conducted surveys with 1,500 recent, current and prospective online students nationwide. "Our research shows that online students are quick to make a decision and are dedicated to learning via an online format. Other key report findings include: Worth their time and money. Coauthors David Clinefelter and Carol Aslanian will discuss the report and its findings in a live webinar on Tuesday, July 23, at 2 p.m.

Boom des formations mixtes et du coaching Une enquête de l'Observatoire Cegos menée dans plusieurs pays d'Europe dont la France révèle que les formations mêlant présentiel et e-learning dites "mixtes" ont la côte auprès des salariés. Ceux-ci sont également plutôt satisfaits des dispositifs de formation et la considèrent comme une source d'épanouissement. La formation classique a donc de beaux jours devant elle, même si de nouvelles tendances apparaissent... La formation, source d'épanouissement Selon l'enquête de Cegos, 93% des salariés sont satisfaits des formations reçues et 36% se disent même très satisfaits. Quelle que soit les raisons, les salariés apprécient d'avoir accès à la formation et utilisent celle-ci. Le mélange présentiel/e-learning plaît Concernant les méthodes d'apprentissage, le présentiel (les formations en salle) reste le format d'apprentissage le plus apprécié de tous, avec un taux de satisfaction de 95%. Le mentorat et le coaching plébiscités

Developing and Reviewing Online Courses: Items for Consideration Clayton R. Wright, crwr77 @ (This document is a revision of “The Criteria for Evaluating the Quality of Online Courses” that the author released in 2003. This revised 2011 document is based on the author’s experience since the original publication date and the suggestions of various e-learning professionals. Quality is an elusive concept, as all who measure it can define it differently. From an instructional design viewpoint, a quality online course is one that enables students to achieve learning outcomes in a flexible and effective manner. Quality is usually achieved through the efforts of a team that may comprise a number of professionals, including the academic program head, project coordinator, subject matter expert, instructional assistant, course writer or developer, course reviewer, instructional designer, graphics or multimedia designer, copyright officer, editor, and computer and information systems specialist. 1.0 General Information 2.0 Accessibility 3.0 Organization
