Projects using the Teensy USB development board USBrewMinder YouTube VideoYouTube Video #2 A bubble counter used to monitor fermentation progress making homemade wine. It could be used for making beer also. It continuously monitors alcohol percentage by counting carbon dioxide bubbles and then back-calculating the amount of alcohol produced. On the PC side, a application to interrogates Teensy at a specified frequency and reports back the number of bubbles counted and converts volume of carbon dioxide produced to mass of ethanol produced. Sandy Oates
Teensy USB Development Board The Teensy is a complete USB-based microcontroller development system, in a very small footprint, capable of implementing many types of projects. All programming is done via the USB port. No special programmer is needed, only a standard "Mini-B" USB cable and a PC or Macintosh with a USB port. Update: Discussion / Support Forum Teensy 3.1 changes from Teensy 3.0 Teensy Loader Application Software Development Tools WinAVR C compiler. Teensyduino, add-on for Arduino IDE. Simplified USB Examples or Dean Camera's LUFA library. Breadboard Usage The Teensy is available with header pins, for direct no-soldering-required use on a breadboard, which can also be run from the +5 volt from the USB cable. The 128x64 Graphics LCD can be used with Teensy 2.0 and Teensy++ 2.0 and Teensyduino using this GLCD library.
Teensyduino - Add-on for Arduino IDE to use Teensy USB development board Teensyduino is a software add-on for the Arduino, to run sketches on the Teensy and Teensy++! Running Sketches on the Teensy Most programs written for Arduino work on Teensy. All of the standard Arduino functions (digitalWrite, pinMode, analogRead, etc) all work on Teensy. Teensyduino is also compatible with many Arduino libraries. Teensy is not limited to only serial device type. All communication is performed at full native 12 Mbit/sec USB speed. Teensy has the same built-in peripherals as Arduio: analog inputs, SPI, I2C, PWM, and a real serial port. How Does Teensy 2.0 Compare With Arduino? On May 19, 2012, Arduino Leonardo was released, using the same ATMEGA32U4 chip as Teensy 2.0. Both Teensy 2.0 and Arduino Leonardo support USB Serial, Keyboard and Mouse.
Store This audio adaptor lets you easily add high quality 16 bit, 44.1 kHz sample rate (CD quality) audio to your projects with Teensy 3.0 or 3.1. It supports stereo headphone and stereo line-level output, and also stereo line-level input or mono microphone input. The Teensy Audio Library lets you use the input and output simultaneously together with a toolkit of audio processing objects, to easily create all types of sophisticated audio applications. You can play multiple sound files, create synthesized waveforms, apply effects, mix multiple streams and output high quality audio to the headphones or line out pins. Teensy 3.0 & 3.1 have the Cortex-M4 DSP instructions which provide plenty of computational power for real-time FFT (spectrum analysis), opening up the possibility of creating advanced sound-reactive projects. Two of these 14x1 pins can be used to easily soolder the Teensy 3.0/3.1 and audio board together. A 14 pin socket and 14 pin header can be used to make them plug together.
forum • View topic - Omnidirectional Remote Controlled Robot I just did a very quick and rough assembly... and well... it works kinda, the wheels without any plastidip or similar on a wooden floor slip and slide a ton and my tiny DC motors with not much down-gearing in the gearbox spin way too fast, the robot moves in the expected direction reasonably well, but it's basically spinning at least 4 times the distance is moves if that makes sense, and since it has 4 wheels with no suspension or give what so ever going over anything makes at least one wheel free-wheel in the air. And this is without the 300g battery, motor controller boards, arduino mega and second level on top, I expect the performance to get even worse with that weight on top. I'll need to find something like plasti-dip to coat the rollers with as well, clearly needs more traction. Quick sketch
Teensy 3.1 – Hackaday Store Product Info Cortex M4 on a 1.4 by 0.7 inch board.Arduino IDE compatible.Power and program using a USB Micro-B Cable.Runs at 3.3v and all digital inputs are 5v tolerant.34 digital I/O pins (21 analog inputs).256K of Flash and 64K of RAM. Hackaday Review If you're interested in electronics and micro-controllers you've surely heard about the Arduino. You can't browse DIY electronics without encountering a project that uses one. However, a surprising few have heard about the Teensy, which is odd considering just how cost-effective, powerful, and easy to use these little boards are. The Teensy range is designed and developed by consummate hacker Paul Stoffregen who has done a phenomenal job building the boards and ecosystem that surrounds them. For those of us just dipping our toes into the world of micro-controllers, Paul has released the extremely handy Teensyduino plugin which brings all this power to the Arduino IDE. Hardware 32 bit Arm Cortex-M4 MX20DX256.72Mhz (Overclockable to 96mhz!).
Dangerous Prototypes | A new open source hardware project every month MIDI Expression "A well made well thought out device, that performs its task utterly reliably." -- Chris from Christchurch, New Zealand Overview MIDI Expression devices are class compliant USB MIDI pedal interfaces. Pedal sensing technology built into each device automatically loads custom presets when various types of pedals are plugged in, allowing them to support a whole range of pedals with zero fuss. Reasons to use MIDI Expression You need an input that can handle a wide range of different pedals. If any of the above apply to you, I recommend spending some time checking out some videos and having a look at the manual to see if MIDI Expression is right for you. Purchase © 2016 Robert Jonkman.
BaronPilot Arduino based copilot autostabilizer with Nintendo Wii component (tricopter, quadcopter) This is a program to stabilize a multicopter (copilot), runs on microcontroller like Arduino or Teensy++ and only a wii motion plus, no other electronics needed. These project started April, 2010. Supported are planes, tricopter, quadricopter (+ and x config), hexacopter (penta and coaxial). The self-leveling capability helps when doing FPV (first person view). 19 Oct 2011 Look at the new quadricopter shop . 21 Jan 2011 First step in the UAV complete system with GPS, this is the first implementation of the DCM filtering with Wii components, and a MARG sensor array, this is really really fast way! The BaronPilot name & project will be changed, the new SuperEconomical UAV will be main target for this project. Founding a new company to project&build this vehicles, with no worry for users, cheap, and fast delivery. 3 Nov 2010 Introduced the V60 with the new Multiwii compatible mode, you don't need to modify hardware between the two platform (and to test the GUI). 1 Nov 2010 Removed old blog entry
Teensy Audio Library, high quality sound processing in Arduino sketches on Teensy 3.1 A toolkit for building streaming audio projects, featuring Polyphonic Playback, Recording, Synthesis, Analysis, Effects, Filtering, Mixing, Multiple Simultaneous Inputs & Outputs, and Flexible Internal Signal Routing. All audio is CD quality (16 bits, 44.1 kHz) and streams automatically as your Arduino Sketch Runs Tutorial Tutorial examples from this video are available in Arduino, from File > Examples > Audio > Tutorial. Design Tool Audio System Design Tool Use this deisng tool to draw your audio system, and then export as code to Arduino! Download Audio is included in the Teensyduino installerGitHub Repository (development version) General Audio Library Usage Supported Hardware Audio Adaptor, for 16 bit stereo input and output. Library Development & Technical Details
Four Walled Cubicle - LUFA (Formerly MyUSB) LUFA (Lightweight USB Framework for AVRs, formerly known as MyUSB) is my first foray into the world of USB. It is an open-source complete USB stack for the USB-enabled Atmel AVR8 and (some of the) AVR32 microcontroller series, released under the permissive MIT License (see documentation or project source for full license details). The complete line of Atmel USB AVRs and USB AVR boards are supported by the library, as are any custom user boards, via custom board hardware drivers supplied by the user. The Official LUFA Project Logo, by Studio Monsoon Photography The library is currently in a stable release, suitable for download and incorporation into user projects for both host and device modes. LUFA is written specifically for the free AVR-GCC compiler, and uses several GCC-only extensions to make the library API more streamlined and robust. Included with the library source are many demonstration applications showing off the use of the library. Downloads Show/Hide Old Releases
Teensy Audio Board - DEV-12767 Description: This is the Teensy Audio board add-on for the Teensy 3.0 and 3.1 development boards. This audio board provides you with an easy-to-use tool to add high quality 16 bit, 44.1 kHz sample rate audio to your Teensy project. With the audio library provided in the Documents section below you will be able to use both the input and output simultaneously in order to make a variety of great audio projects, incorporate synth waveforms, effects, and mix multiple sound streams and cd quality audio to your headphones or different line outs! The Teensy Audio board utilizes the SGTL5000 stereo codec with headphone amp IC to decode and drive audio files and the Cortex-M4 DSP instructions from the Teensy dev board to provide power to a real-time FFT. Each board is also equipped with 3.5mm audio jack for headphones, a micro-SD card slot for storing audio files, and optional spaces for a 25k potentiometer (volume control) and flash memory chip. Features: Documents: