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Bomb Pop Shots - The Kitchen Whisperer

Bomb Pop Shots - The Kitchen Whisperer
Growing up my all time FAVORITE frozen treat were Bomb Pops! Those ‘rocket’ shaped Popsicles that were blue raspberry on the bottom, lemon in the middle and cherry on top. And I’m sure by now you all know what I did with the cherry portion. Yep, you guessed it! I cut or broke that section off. Well when I turned 21 I discovered Bomb Pop Shots. So whether you’re celebrating the 4th of July, Memorial Day, Labor Day or Tuesday, enjoy but please drink responsibly and never drink and drive! Author: The Kitchen Whisperer 1/3 ounce Sprite *1/3 ounce lemon vodka *2/3 ounce blue curacao2/3 ounce grenadineice*Note: Can use Mike’s Hard Lemonade or Smirnoff Ice in place of these Shot Glasses Mix the Sprite and vodka in a shaker with some ice to chill it.Strain into glass.Using a spoon turned upside down angled into the vodka mix just to slightly break the surface, very slowly pour the blue curacao. More deliciousness awaits

Sweet (Literally) Party Watermelon Shooter Trick! A nice twist from the normal jello shooters 50 Drinking Games Guaranteed to Get You Hammered What’s more fun than hanging out with your friends, getting plastered, and making an ass of yourself? Playing drinking games, hanging out with your friends, getting plastered, and making an ass of yourself. I’m sure in your years of wisdom and experience, you’ve come across a few drinking games. 1. You need: A deck of cards and 2 or more people Deal ten cards face down in a straight line. 2. You need: One quarter, a pitcher, beer (of course), 8+ people (2 teams) Pour beer into the pitcher. 3. You need: One deck of cards and 4 people The play: Start by dealing out all of the cards. Ranking system: The four players are ranked as follows for each round played. - President: The first person to go out - Vice President: The second person to go out - Secretary: The third person to go out - Asshole: The last person to go out Ranking Privileges: 4. You need: Four shot glasses, a quarter, and 6+ people split into 2 teams (the more the merrier) Don’t worry. 5. Place a deck of cards on an empty bottle. 6.

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