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La storia dei cinesi negli Stati Uniti ci fa capire il razzismo di oggi - Igiaba Scego
Dopo le elezioni statunitensi e la clamorosa vittoria di Donald Trump sono stati in molti a tirare in ballo nel dibattito pubblico la parola “fascismo”. Durante la campagna elettorale il neoeletto presidente americano è stato via via associato alle figure di Benito Mussolini e di Adolf Hitler. Qualcuno, soprattutto in Italia, lo ha paragonato anche all’ex premier (nonché miliardario) Silvio Berlusconi (che però, va ricordato, ha preso le distanze da Trump) e c’è chi si è spinto a definirlo addirittura un Hugo Chávez di destra, un caudillo del Ku Klux Klan. Il leit motiv del dopo elezioni non a caso è stato “stanno tornando gli anni trenta”. Ma è davvero così? Certo, elementi in comune tra Trump e Mussolini, come ha ben ricordato la studiosa Ruth Ben Ghiat in una intervista al New Yorker, ce ne sono parecchi. Sotto questo aspetto il paragone con gli anni trenta è puntuale e calzante. Infatti insieme agli anni trenta del secolo scorso, si è fatto vivo anche il famigerato spettro del 1882.
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Top 40 Useful Sites To Learn New Skills
The web is a powerful resource that can easily help you learn new skills. You just have to know where to look. Sure, you can use Google, Yahoo, or Bing to search for sites where you can learn new skills , but I figured I’d save you some time. Here are the top 40 sites I have personally used over the last few years when I want to learn something new. Hack a Day - Hack a Day serves up fresh hacks (short tutorials) every day from around the web and one in-depth ‘How-To hack’ guide each week.eHow - eHow is an online community dedicated to providing visitors the ability to research, share, and discuss solutions and tips for completing day-to-day tasks and projects.Wired How-To Wiki - Collaborate with Wired editors and help them build their extensive library of projects, hacks, tricks and tips.
The Christian Science Monitor
Même sous Mao, la Chine n'a jamais cessé d'être Taoïste
Il y a quelque temps, deux bus se sont télescopés dans la région de Canton. Celui dont le chauffeur avait eu la prudence d'orner son rétroviseur d'un portrait de Mao s'en est sorti sans un seul blessé. L'autre bus, qui ne possédait pas de portrait, est tombé dans le ravin et tous ses passagers sont morts. Depuis dix ans, ce genre d'histoire circule dans toute la Chine, de la frontière du Vietnam aux froideurs mandchoues. Vingt-cinq ans après sa mort, l'esprit de Mao protège désormais les voyageurs. Tous les taxis sont munis du gri-gri de base: le visage du fondateur de la Chine moderne, entouré de franges et de clochettes chasse-mauvais-esprits, servant de support à un faux thaler d'argent, porte-bonheur chinois pour attirer les sous. Et l'étranger non averti s'étonne : ce géant de la pensée marxiste-léniniste, que lui est-il arrivé ? Première explication lapidaire d'une amie chinoise, arrivée en France depuis seulement un mois : "Aujourd'hui, l'esprit des Chinois est vide.
Connections | The Metropolitan Museum of Art
Connections The Metropolitan Museum of Art Share Share Facebook Twitter StumbleUpon Email Chic Jared Goss “I can't explain why unicorns aren't chic, but they're just not.” August 31 Books Ken Soehner “I think it's going to be many years before there's a formal portrait where the sitter is clutching his or her Kindle or iPad.” October 19 The Edge Thomas P. “Sometimes it's easier to come to an object from the outside in.” September 28 White Andrew Bolton “I think even when it comes to pure abstraction I look at art and I see fashion. January 12 War and Conflict Dirk Breiding “One of the questions that doesn't seem to let me go is whether war is some kind of human condition.” February 23 Endings Chris Coulson “I like that moment in the movies when the screen goes black and you’re suspended between the world of film and the reality that’s going to return when the lights go up.” December 28 Interpretation Rika Burnham “I believe that I open the eyes of the people I teach, but I believe they open my eyes, as well.”
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