Reciprocal frame architecture Arbr'éco élagueur professionnel, se déplace secteur LORIENT - CONCARNEAU - PLOUAY - ROSPORDEN – FOUESNANT – BANNALEC – QUIMPERLE - MOËLAN SUR MER - CLOHARS CARNOËT – GUIDEL – LANESTER - NEVEZ - BAYE - Arbr'éco élagueur grimpeur professionnel actif sur le 11 - Fare ta oto api PUNAAUIA TAHITI - Tahiti - géobiologie : santé des lieux de vie "international DOWSER" Je vous présente des exemples de mes travaux de géobiologie, simples, en language courant, que vous puissiez apprécier l'ampleur des possibilités d'informations et ce qu'est concrètement de la Géobiologie moderne ... à ma façon ! cette maison, la nôtre, est de mon concept et réalisation. volets bois sur terrasse, repas et cuisine ronde, pièces techniques, mezzanine nord terrasse de toiles sur canopée purau de la vallée bureau entrée, escalier vers les 2 mezzanines, pin vernis au sol salon, porte de la chambre cloisonnée, mezzanines occultées de toile, mobilier IKEA Los Angeles Longbeach. le jardin allée et deck d'entrée, atelier de sculpture (assis sur flux d'air frais) venant de la forête de Purau : le car port 1/2 (voie en cul-de-sac) sur container cave "abri paracyclonique", le Katar (2cv4x4) et la 2CV en toîle aussi. un exercice incontournable scindé en 2 parties, son environnement qui est la basse vallée de Vaipoopoo, et la maison déjà construite. Un petit hameau familial assez sympa !
Comment construire un toit à ossature réciproque | L'Année de la boue: Cob et de construction naturels A reciprocal roof frame This is a long-delayed post about building my reciprocal roof frame. This entry documents the details of building my reciprocal roof frame, including the type of wood I used, the number of rafters, and the work process itself. Raising the reciprocal roof A reciprocal roof is a beautiful and simple self-supporting structure that can be composed of as few as three rafters, and up to any imaginable quantity (within reason, of course). My Reciprocal Roof Frame Here are some specs of my reciprocal roof frame: 14 primary raftersBlack locust poles except for one pin oak (used green)All rafters have a diameter of roughly 5″ at the top end of the poles (heavy!) In total, the roof frame is composed of 28 poles. Note “charlie stick” holding roof up during building The Charlie Stick You will need a sturdy center post, or “charlie stick” to temporarily prop up the rafters. Prop up your post with some braces. Heavy poles! Setting Rafters Continue around and around. The Last Rafter
Carl Rogers Carl Ransom Rogers (January 8, 1902 – February 4, 1987) was an influential American psychologist and among the founders of the humanistic approach (or client-centered approach) to psychology. Rogers is widely considered to be one of the founding fathers of psychotherapy research and was honored for his pioneering research with the Award for Distinguished Scientific Contributions by the American Psychological Association (APA) in 1956. The person-centered approach, his own unique approach to understanding personality and human relationships, found wide application in various domains such as psychotherapy and counseling (client-centered therapy), education (student-centered learning), organizations, and other group settings. For his professional work he was bestowed the Award for Distinguished Professional Contributions to Psychology by the APA in 1972. Biography[edit] Rogers was born on January 8, 1902, in Oak Park, Illinois, a suburb of Chicago. Theory[edit] Nineteen propositions[edit]
Tiny Pallet House david a. kolb on experiential learning Contents: introduction · david a. kolb · david kolb on experiential learning · david kolb on learning styles · issues · developments – jarvis on learning · a guide to reading · links · how to cite this piece As Stephen Brookfield (1983: 16) has commented, writers in the field of experiential learning have tended to use the term in two contrasting senses. On the one hand the term is used to describe the sort of learning undertaken by students who are given a chance to acquire and apply knowledge, skills and feelings in an immediate and relevant setting. The second type of experiential learning is ‘education that occurs as a direct participation in the events of life’ (Houle 1980: 221). Much of the literature on experiential learning, as Peter Jarvis comments (1995: 75), ‘is actually about learning from primary experience, that is learning through sense experiences’. Village One is concerned particularly with assessing and accrediting learning from life and work experience…. Issues
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Challenging the Presentation Paradigm with the 1/1/5 Rule A measure of how bad presentations in academia can be is the sheer number of tips and strategies we’ve suggested on ProfHacker, in a recurring series called Challenging the Presentation Paradigm. One of these techniques I’ve used in my classes for several years is the Pecha Kucha format. With 20 slides at 20 seconds per slide, a Pecha Kucha is, as Jason writes, necessarily “SHORT, INFORMAL, and CREATIVE.” However, as I’ve found out the hard way, a Pecha Kucha format does not necessarily mean students will avoid text-heavy slides, one of the major causes of DBP (Death By PowerPoint). That’s why I’ve begun implementing what I call the 1/1/5 rule for all student presentations. Here’s how I describe the 1/1/5 rule to my students: In addition to the time constraint of the Pecha Kucha, your presentation must also follow the 1/1/5 rule. The 1/1/5 rule is just a small tweak, but it has made all the difference. Have you tried similar techniques in your classrooms? Return to Top
le site du réseau écolo libertaire (écologie, anarchie, distributisme pour un autre monde) Black Book Éditions • jeux de rôle & jeux de société Le crowdfunding de La Colère des Justes a passé la barre des 60% !!!Il reste encore une bonne marche à enjamber pour atteindre l'objectif, mais ce départ est plus qu'en courageant. D'ailleurs, pour remercier les premiers à avoir soutenu ce financement, nous avons décidé d'offrir aux 100 premiers participants (offre valable pour tous les participants ayant pris la contrepartie Sergent de la croisade ou supérieure) 6 lithographies reprenant les couvertures des 6 tomes compilés de la campagne. Le Recueil de scénarios est le second des 6 suppléments financés grâce au crowdfunding Polaris et c'est donc tout naturellement son PDF finalisé et illustré que les participants vont pouvoir télécharger dès aujourd'hui en allant sur leur compte boutique. MESSAGE IMPORTANTS : à propos des ouvrages financés par le crowdfunding Polaris, sachez que le Guide technique part à l'impression lundi, et que Le Recueil de scénarios partira lui le lendemain, mardi 15 avril. Bon week-end à tous !