Alternative to SurveyMonkey | UK/Europe Based | SmartSurvey 1. UK Servers If you operate within the UK (Europe) and perform research through online questionnaires, it's important you comply with the Data Protection Act 1998 (DPA). 2. Call us any time from Monday to Friday between 9:00am and 5:30pm GMT on our free phone number. 3. SmartSurvey offers a platform that allows you to fully customise your online surveys; this includes the option to use your own domain name as part of the survey links. 4. SmartSurvey gives advanced users the opportunity to build custom themes using HTML and CSS. 5. SmartSurvey Corporate provides multi user account functionality. 6. This feature will allow a respondent to save their response at any point during the completion of a survey. The benefit of this feature is that a respondent can come back and complete the survey at a more convenient time. 7. With this feature, you can store all your survey related documents within your SmartSurvey account. 8. 9.
QuizzYourSelf Chronosite, un CMS scolaire et associatif Tricider: Brainstorming and Voting Amazingly Easy. Free Online Tool | Online Survey Software | Create Your Survey in Minutes » FluidSurveys Voice Polls Pricing Voice Polls Create a survey Example uses How it works Pricing Pricing How much does it cost? 1 question 250 respondents $0.05/complete Create a survey now How does Voice Polls compare to the others? Compare Voice Polls with SurveyMonkey Audience and Google Consumer Surveys. RCS Education | MyDigiTest verifiche digitali per la preparazione e l'apprendimento Il tuo eserciziario digitale MyDigiTest è un ricco database di verifiche disciplinari autocorrettive e interattive per il recupero, il ripasso e il potenziamento. Offre allo studente uno strumento per: Ripassare gli argomenti trattati in classe per poter essere sempre pronto alle interrogazioni e compiti in classe Monitorare i propri risultati personali e costruire così dei percorsi di recupero mirati Inoltre grazie al sistema di report che permette di monitorare l'attività dei ragazzi, MyDigiTest va incontro anche alle esigenze dei docenti, fornendo uno strumento di esercitazione veloce ed efficace da assegnare ai propri studenti durante l'anno scolastico o come compiti delle vacanze. Materie MyDigiTest offre una ricca scelta di verifiche di italiano, matematica, latino e inglese, appositamente preparate per argomento e ordine di scuola. MyDigiTest Invalsi Italiano Classe 1 Secondaria I Grado MyDigiTest Invalsi Italiano Classe 2
6 best Alternative Apps for SurveyMonkey SurveyMonkey is a one of the best and most popular online survey tool to create and send free surveys, polls, questionnaires, customer feedback and market research, also you can get access to many professionally designed survey questions and templates. it offer both free version with limited features and premium version with enhanced features. Here is a 6 best Alternative Apps for SurveyMonkey which also give you same features in minimum costs. SurveyGizmo – SurveyGizmo is an easy to use advanced online survey tool to create online forms and surveys for marketing, lead generation and research projects. – SurveyGizmoFluidSurveys – Design your own online forms and questionnaires with FluidSurveys. – FluidSurveysQuestionPro – QuestionPro is web based software for creating and distributing surveys.