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Games Brief - The Business of Games

Games Brief - The Business of Games

inv – Social Games, Social Gaming, Actus & Analyses In The Studio: Three EQ Curves For Effects One of the things that many young mixers struggle with is getting reverb and delay effects to blend well in the mix. This happens more with reverbs than delays, especially during those times when the reverb just never seems quite right. Usually the way the problem is addressed is to audition presets until you find something that seems to fit better, but that can take a lot of time and you can end up chasing you’re tail very easily where you’re never sure which one is the best. What many engineers seem to forget is that most of those presets are the same basic reverb with different EQ settings, which you can add yourself to get there faster. One of the things that would happen regularly back in the early days of artificial reverb (especially when plates came along but way before digital reverbs) is that one of the ways to tune a reverb was to add an EQ on the send before the actual reverb itself. We can use those same techniques today using reverb plugins on our DAW. (click to enlarge)

The Precariousness of Life « T Recs Sometimes I think that we can become numb to bad news, especially when it comes in quick succession. Recently there has been quite a bit of it globally and we are used to hearing it, broadcast with sound and image, often leaving us just stunned and usually silent in disbelief. But when the bad news affects us on a very personal level then the emotions become more focused…anger, hurt, helplessness, philosophical. We look for different ways of dealing with grief. Firstly some terrible news about someone I had only met a few times, and who some readers would also have met. He was a great help to everyone, making sense of the live streaming intricacies and keeping the vox pops down to manageable length. We heard last week that Fraser had been seriously hurt in a road accident. I’ll let the last sentence hang there…because there’s little I can add. The sadness was still with me on Saturday morning when I received a phone call from a close friend. I’m sorry for the starkness of this post.

Dimension Printers Bring Performance Prototyping In-House The Dimension 1200es features the largest build envelope of any Stratasys Design Series performance 3D printer. Running on Fused Deposition Modeling (FDM) Technology, it prints in nine colors of real ABSplus thermoplastic. This 3D printer lets you choose fine resolution or faster printing, with layer thicknesses of 0.254 mm (0.010 in.) or 0.33 mm (0.013 in.). Image Gallery Dimension 1200es 3D Print Pack The 3D Print Pack is everything you need to start building 3D models. The SST 1200es 3D Printer The SCA-1200 support removal system A startup supply of materials Materials and Bases Dimension 3D printers use ABSplus thermoplastic to build your models. Modeling bases provide a stable platform where your prototype builds. More Design Series Performance 3D Printers Dimension 1200es Printer Specs Model material: ABSplus in nine colors Support material: Soluble (SST 1200es); breakaway (BST 1200es) Build size: 254 x 254 x 305 mm (10 x 10 x 12 in.) BST 1200es

Social Games : $1 milliard en 2012 L'œil toujours intéressé par la sphère business du jeu vidéo, c'est sous ce prisme que nous évoquons ici régulièrement l'émergence d'un nouveau segment du marché du jeu vidéo : les jeux dits "sociaux", à savoir ceux qui profitent des réseaux sociaux pour se propager tel le buzz. Il faut dire que les plus gros éditeurs commencent à s'intéresser à ces entreprises qui sont celles qui, l'an passé, ont réussi à lever le plus de fonds sur le marché du jeu vidéo. PlayFish tombé dans l'escarcelle d'EA pour 300 millions de dollars, Zynga qui se rapproche secrètement de Google, SEGA qui réfléchit sa stratégie... le petit monde du Social Gaming est en ébullition. Et si tout le monde s'emballe, c'est bien sûr parce qu'il représente des opportunités déjà bien réelles. Le milliard Ce que confirme le dernier rapport en la matière publié par Screen Digest. Micro-transactions Concentration

Waveformless Webinar Marketing & Marketing Success With Webinars for Business UE Viewer | Gildor's Homepage Last update: 08.03.2017 Unreal Engine Resource Viewer also known as Umodel or Unreal Model Viewer is program for viewing and extracting resources from various games made with Unreal Engine. Feature Highlights Loading packages from nearly 200 games based on all Unreal engine generationsVisualization of skeletal meshes with animationsVisualization of internal skeletal mesh information like skeleton hierarchy and binding vertices to the skeleton bonesVisualizarion of vertex meshesVisualization of static meshesViewing supported material types and their internal structureExport of skeletal, vertex and static meshes and animations into formats supported by 3d modeling software and by Unreal engineExport textures into tga or dds formatExport sounds, ScaleForm and FaceFX System Requirements Windows OS or LinuxCPU with SSE2 supportSDL 2.0 (included into package for Windows)OpenGL 1.1 videocard (OpenGL 2.0 is recommended) Restrictions Downloads Readme with changelog Source code Installation Command Line

Social Games : les start-up françaises sur les traces de Zynga Emission enregistrée le 17 mai 2011 Pionnière de l'industrie du jeux vidéo avec des acteurs comme Ubisoft ou Infogrames (aujourd'hui Atari), la France reste aujourd'hui une terre d'accueil pour les start-up spécialisées dans les Social Games. Comment définir ces jeux de nouvelle génération ? Selon Frédéric Cavazza, spécialiste du marketing sur le web, ce sont "des jeux vidéo multijoueurs reposant sur des plateformes sociales afin d’intégrer une forte dynamique communautaire dans leur gameplay (quêtes collectives, tableaux des meilleurs scores et accomplissements…) et de proposer une expérience de jeux exploitant le graphe social des joueurs (envoie d’invitations et de cadeaux, notifications sur le profil…)" Nouveau modèle économique Les "majors" du jeu vidéo comme EA, Sega ou Ubisoft ont aussi pris le virage alléchés par le potentiel des social games. Les éditeurs doivent maintenant ajuster leur modèle économique. "Nous avons retenu deux sources de revenus.

LucyTuning*LucyScaleDevelopments*LucyTuned Lullabies*Pi tuning*John Longitude Harrison
