Carl Rogers Carl Ransom Rogers (January 8, 1902 – February 4, 1987) was an influential American psychologist and among the founders of the humanistic approach (or client-centered approach) to psychology. Rogers is widely considered to be one of the founding fathers of psychotherapy research and was honored for his pioneering research with the Award for Distinguished Scientific Contributions by the American Psychological Association (APA) in 1956. The person-centered approach, his own unique approach to understanding personality and human relationships, found wide application in various domains such as psychotherapy and counseling (client-centered therapy), education (student-centered learning), organizations, and other group settings. For his professional work he was bestowed the Award for Distinguished Professional Contributions to Psychology by the APA in 1972. Biography[edit] Rogers was born on January 8, 1902, in Oak Park, Illinois, a suburb of Chicago. Theory[edit] Nineteen propositions[edit]
The One Computer Classroom What's the best way to use the one computer I have in my classroom? What strategies should I use when doing large group activities with my computer? What's the most effective way to organize small group activities with only one computer? Although many schools have computer labs, portable laptops, and multiple classroom computers, many classrooms are still dealing with a single computer in the classroom. Frustrated teachers ask, "What can I do with just one computer?" The One Computer Classroom: The Possibilities As you explore the possibilities, think about how the computer can be used. The One Computer Classroom: Across the Curriculum As you explore ways to integrate technology into the curriculum, start with reading, writing, and mathematics. The One Computer Classroom: The Issues Using one computer in the classroom can be both frustrating and fun. The Computer Computer Classroom: Links and Resources Lists of Ideas for the One Computer Classroom Articles about the One Computer Classroom
Why Incentives Are Irresistible, Effective, and Likely to Backfire Ken O'Brien was an NFL quarterback in the 1980s and 1990s. Early in his career, he threw a lot of interceptions, so one clever team lawyer wrote a clause into O'Brien's contract penalizing him for each one he threw. The incentive worked as intended: His interceptions plummeted. But that's because he stopped throwing the ball. Years ago, AT&T executives tried to encourage productivity by paying programmers based on the number of lines of code they produced. The result: programs of Proustian length. Incentives are dangerous, and not just because people game them. Take Merrill Lynch. Why are we so bad at anticipating the effects of our well-intentioned incentive plans? But the Midwestern students wrongly predicted that California students would be happier with their lives in general than Midwestern students. Focusing illusions even distort our judgments about ourselves. And this brings us back to the incentive puzzle. To be fair, there are some contexts where one variable dominates.
Challenging the Presentation Paradigm with the 1/1/5 Rule A measure of how bad presentations in academia can be is the sheer number of tips and strategies we’ve suggested on ProfHacker, in a recurring series called Challenging the Presentation Paradigm. One of these techniques I’ve used in my classes for several years is the Pecha Kucha format. With 20 slides at 20 seconds per slide, a Pecha Kucha is, as Jason writes, necessarily “SHORT, INFORMAL, and CREATIVE.” However, as I’ve found out the hard way, a Pecha Kucha format does not necessarily mean students will avoid text-heavy slides, one of the major causes of DBP (Death By PowerPoint). That’s why I’ve begun implementing what I call the 1/1/5 rule for all student presentations. Here’s how I describe the 1/1/5 rule to my students: In addition to the time constraint of the Pecha Kucha, your presentation must also follow the 1/1/5 rule. The 1/1/5 rule is just a small tweak, but it has made all the difference. Have you tried similar techniques in your classrooms? Return to Top
ictlibrary - ICT Library Catalog Welcome to the ICT Library Shop catalog! The pages linked from here show what things are available in the ICT Shop at the ICT Library in Second Life. One cannot download or buy the scripts/tools shown here (although some may be linked to external sites where it is possible). The catalog is simply a reference point for those who do not have time or the necessary skills to discover what is in the SL-based shop. To see the results of a survey I conducted regarding use of these scripts/tools, see the SLED TOOLS SURVEY page. The Freeware Centre Vendors all distribut scripts and tools that are absolutely free to the user. Commercial Vendors sell scripted tools as created by a selected number of persons who create/script in Second Life. The "On Display Only" page lists and shows tools that are displayed at the ICT Library.
Coaching for Team Performance - Team Management Training from MindTools Improving Productivity by Improving Relationships Building great teamwork. © iStockphoto Teams are the force that drives most organizations. Whether it's a functional team, a team of managers, or a project team, people get most done when they work together effectively. So when members of a team don't work well together, performance and productivity can suffer. That's not good for anyone. Have you seen hostility, conflicting goals, and unclear expectations within your teams? So how can you help your team improve? Team Coaching Team coaching helps people understand how to work better with others. To coach your team, focus on interpersonal skills and interactions instead of on individual development (as you tend to do with individually-focused coaching). People must learn to work together and understand how to relate to one another – otherwise the team's output will be less than it could be. Note: Understand Team Dynamics Some people can be "pushier" than others. Establish Behavior Expectations
Le recours aux forêts W3Schools Online Web Tutorials Motivation Overview Anybody who's interested in understanding, predicting, or influencing individual behavior must start with a basic understanding of human motivation. Why do people behave as they do? This question has interested behavioral and social scientists, as well as everyday people for hundreds of years. Previously, we discussed attribution theory. This theory has been designed to explain how people attempt to explain the motivation of others. Is motivation Internal to the individual (dispositional) or the result of External (situational) forces? This overview will attempt to clarify some of these issues related to motivational processes. Energies Behavior- What initiates a behavior, behavioral pattern, or a change in behavior? There are a number of approaches to the study of motivation, each containing a number of specific related theories. These theories emphasize the role of stable dispositions in explaining the variability among individuals in the behavioral patterns. Need Theories. Worth.
Arbr'éco élagueur professionnel, se déplace secteur LORIENT - CONCARNEAU - PLOUAY - ROSPORDEN – FOUESNANT – BANNALEC – QUIMPERLE - MOËLAN SUR MER - CLOHARS CARNOËT – GUIDEL – LANESTER - NEVEZ - BAYE - Arbr'éco élagueur grimpeur professionnel actif sur le Everything You Need to Know About Image Compression - Noupe Design Blog Feb 03 2010 Proper use of image compression can make a huge difference in the appearance and size of your website image files. But compression is an often-misunderstood topic, partly because there’s a real lack of understanding on what the different types of compression are good for. If you don’t understand which type of compression to use for different types of images, you’ll likely end up with one of two results: either images that don’t look as good as they could, or image file sizes that are way larger than they need to be. Below is everything you need to know about image compression in relation to web design. We’ve covered the differences between lossless and “lossy” compression, the different file types and the compression techniques they use, and guidelines for which file formats work best for different kinds of images. 1. Many people feel that they should only use image formats that use lossless compression. Lossless Compression Lossy Compression 2. 3. Images with gradients.Photos.
How Does Dysfunctional Behavior Influence Team Performance - TCU - The Neeley School of Business October 13, 2008 How Does Dysfunctional Behavior Influence Team Performance – and What Can You Do about It? Research by Dr. Michael Cole Dysfunctional behavior can substantially harm work team functioning and diminish organizations' success. As a recent study shows ( Journal of Applied Psychology , September 2008), dysfunctional behavior creates negative emotions among team members which, in turn, diminishes team performance. With the increasing use of teams, team performance has become a critical component of organizational success. To date, research has devoted limited attention to the effects of dysfunctional team behavior. Teams differ in the way they deal with their members' negative emotions. What does this mean from a practical perspective - for the effective management of dysfunctional team behavior? In spite of such efforts, organizations are unlikely to fully eliminate all dysfunctional behavior in their teams. To resolve this dilemma, two strategies seem viable.
Black Book Éditions • jeux de rôle & jeux de société Le crowdfunding de La Colère des Justes a passé la barre des 60% !!!Il reste encore une bonne marche à enjamber pour atteindre l'objectif, mais ce départ est plus qu'en courageant. D'ailleurs, pour remercier les premiers à avoir soutenu ce financement, nous avons décidé d'offrir aux 100 premiers participants (offre valable pour tous les participants ayant pris la contrepartie Sergent de la croisade ou supérieure) 6 lithographies reprenant les couvertures des 6 tomes compilés de la campagne. Le Recueil de scénarios est le second des 6 suppléments financés grâce au crowdfunding Polaris et c'est donc tout naturellement son PDF finalisé et illustré que les participants vont pouvoir télécharger dès aujourd'hui en allant sur leur compte boutique. MESSAGE IMPORTANTS : à propos des ouvrages financés par le crowdfunding Polaris, sachez que le Guide technique part à l'impression lundi, et que Le Recueil de scénarios partira lui le lendemain, mardi 15 avril. Bon week-end à tous !
Link proposed by: Luis Rodriguez by kobda Oct 31