Kängurun Kängurun 2017 Senaste nytt[2017-03-31] Nu finns förra årets Cadet på Persiska (Farsi), fritt tillgängligt att arbeta med. Cadet 2016 Farsi. Översättningen är gjord av Mahdi Salimi. [2017-03-23] Nu finns arbeta vidare för fyra tävlingsklasser. Var? [2017-03-16] Om du får problem med att fylla i ett formulär ber vi dig att i första hand testa med att starta om din webbläsare eller prova en annan webbläsare. [2017-03-15] Ny benjaminproblem engelsk: Rättat fel i problem 5 och förbättrat formuleringen i problem 10. [2017-03-15] Anmälningssidan för Kängurutävlingen är nu stängd. RedovisningAnvändarnamn och lösenord fick du i Känguruutskicket den 13 mars eller när du efteranmälde dig. Antalet deltagande elever. Diplom för Kängurun 2017För deltagande i Kängurun 2017För goda reslutat i Kängurun 2017Poster för Kängurun 2017. Arbeta vidare (pdf)Milou för förskoleklass, åk 1 och åk 2.Ecolier för åk 3 och åk 4.Benjamin för åk 5, åk 6 och åk 7.Cadet för åk 8, åk 9 och gy kurs 1. Datum för tävlingen
Här pluggar du matematik! – Matteboken Early Years & Key Stage One (KS1) Maths Teaching Resources & Printables Shape, Space and Measures DCSF ‘Numbers and Patterns’ Maths/Numeracy display banners (Ref: SB2363) Colourful banners for your ‘Maths’ or ‘Numeracy’ displays. Mathematics display banner (Ref: SB31) A colourful banner for your classroom ‘Mathematics’ display. Maths/Numeracy display banners (Ref: SB6701) Colourful banners for your ‘Maths’ or ‘Numeracy’ display board. Maths/Numeracy display banners - black and white (Ref: SB5513) Simple printable Maths/Numeracy banners that your class can colour or paint themselves. Maths topic display headings posters (Ref: SB4280) A set of printable posters with headings for the most common maths themes. Editable Maths/Numeracy topic book covers (Ref: SB6420) Printable book covers for topics within Numeracy to stick to your pupils’ books or folders. Editable Maths/Numeracy topic book covers - black and white (Ref: SB6421) Printable book covers for topics within Numeracy to stick to your pupils’ books or folders. Numbers on Hot Air Balloons
Mathwire.com | March 2011 Maths | Relief Teaching Ideas Daylight savings kicked in for most Australian states this past weekend. I grew up in Western Australia, a state that doesn’t have daylight savings. Since moving to Adelaide I would find myself confused every time it came around. Do I add or take away an hour? Don’t get me wrong, I LOVE it! Someone, very helpfully, told me the trick to remember which way the clocks go – “Spring forward, Fall back”. To help kids remember which way the clocks change, I came up with this super simple clock craft. Students draw a clock face on the inner part of a paper plate. They can then make a spring by wrapping a pipe cleaner around their finger. They will then cut out the clock hands from coloured card. Around the rim of the plate, students can write the heading ‘Spring Forward’ & then decorate with flowers, butterflies or any other Spring related pictures. Now time to go and enjoy this extra bit of sunshine in our evening! Daylight savings explained:
The Answer Is....PART TWO My classroom is an ever evolving entity (a Triple E if you will....). I try something new and it may work or it may not. Sometimes, things that I try actually grow even more from their inception. That is what is happening with "The Answer Is...". A few months back I posted about how I was using "The Answer Is" in my classroom (you can read about it here). Each week, the students complete a "The Answer Is..." card, creating a good (usually multistep) word problem that goes along with each answer. Now, each week, the students grab one of the cards out of the little container and they have to solve it. At the beginning of the year, I started teaching my students how to build better math responses using Jen Runde's pack from her store. So I had my students take those strategies and apply them to the Answer Is. Doing this helps them to really see each step of what they are doing. Want to try a free sample of the math response sheet I use from Runde's Room?