Refonte du site centrée autour des pages les plus visitées sur l'ancien site --> Arbo logique et utile pour les new yorkais
Focusing on users meant that HUGE had to make drastic changes to the site's navigation. For example, the team learned that the largest number of people visiting the site were looking for city jobs. It was a surprise, but, because they wanted to serve the users, this fact compelled them to include a Jobs tab in the navigation. The website itself is meant to evolve as people use it. The 311 "Top Requests" section is was designed to help people quickly file complaints by including the top issues the city is facing by elisegavJun 20
Refonte du site centrée autour des pages les plus visitées sur l'ancien site --> Arbo logique et utile pour les new yorkais
Focusing on users meant that HUGE had to make drastic changes to the site's navigation. For example, the team learned that the largest number of people visiting the site were looking for city jobs. It was a surprise, but, because they wanted to serve the users, this fact compelled them to include a Jobs tab in the navigation. The website itself is meant to evolve as people use it. The 311 "Top Requests" section is was designed to help people quickly file complaints by including the top issues the city is facing by elisegav Jun 20