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Educational Games & Educational Activities for Kids

Educational Games & Educational Activities for Kids
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biografías de autor Teaching Resources Xpeditions is now archived in National Geographic Education's new website— If you liked Xpeditions, you'll love the new media-rich Explore the new site now for activities, maps, interactives, videos, homework help, and more! Please note: to search for Xpeditions content, check the “include archive” filter. Grades K-2 Grades 3-5 Grades 6-8 Grades 9-12 Featured Content Map Skills for Elementary Students Find spatial thinking activities for Grades preK-6. As Seen on NG Use National Geographic's rich media with educational supports. Game-Based Learning Find educational games that promote 21st century skills. Project-Based Learning Explore a marine ecology unit for middle school. Decision-Making Use this lesson to explore a real-world environmental issue with students. Education Trends National Geographic and the Common Core Find out how the National Geographic Society is connecting to the Common Core State Standards for English Language Arts. STEM Education Collection.

Educational Videos and Games for Kids about Science, Math, Social Studies and English Free Printable Children's Books. contributed by Leanne Guenther Make these free printable children's books to encourage your kids to read. There are a variety of themes to choose from -- the majority of the books target younger readers (preschool, kindergarten and early grade school) although a few of the books are a bit more challenging. The "custom stories" and holidays themed stories are especially popular! The printable books come with suggestions for complimentary activities and/or worksheets to reinforce the stories. Alphabet Stories: Here's a suggestion from JoAnna: "I was trying to keep my 5-year-old busy the other day and came up with a fun craft reading project. Here is a suggestion from Carlene and Paris: "Being an avid quilter, I came up with my own way of putting the mini books together. Here is a suggestion from Carol: "If printer resolution is high enough, the mini book pages can be reduced to 70%-75% before printing each page. For more reading reinforcement, also check out:

» Biblioteca Innovación Educativa ¿Cómo puede un solo profesor atender, de forma personalizada, a un grupo numeroso de alumnos muy diferentes? ¿Cómo ganar tiempo para acompañar el progreso de cada alumno, a costa de la parte más expositiva de la clase? ¿Qué pasaría si esa parte se grabara en vídeo para verlo en casa, como tarea, y luego se dedicara la clase al trabajo directo con los alumnos? A partir de preguntas como estas nació la “clase al revés”, que nos propone “dar la vuelta” a la enseñanza tradicional y desplazar la atención del docente al alumno y su aprendizaje. De este modo se favorece una educación más personalizada, a la medida de las necesidades de cada alumno. Jonathan Bergmann es profesor de Ciencias en Estados Unidos. Aaron Sams es licenciado en Bioquímica y máster en Educación por la Universidad de Biola, Colorado. El sistema tradicional en el que hemos crecido, y en el que continúan creciendo muchos niños, está centrado en las certezas, en los resultados fijos, en una experiencia única para todos.

9 best educational websites for kids (that are actually fun, too!) Photo: iStockphoto 1. BrainPOP/BrainPOP Jr Geared to helping kids from kindergarten to grade 12, this site offers tons of educational games and videos on subjects like social studies, math, science, art and history. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Read more:14 fun reading apps we love>10 best math apps>Printable cursive worksheets> Introducing the My Family App Enter your due date or your kid’s birth date to get a customized newsfeed of tips, recipes, developmental advice and health information, plus handy tools like the Nap Tracker and Potty Pal. TIC y aprendizaje Coding for Kids – 3 FREE & Fabulous Apps | appydazeblog Why teach kids to code? Coding is what makes computer software work. Understanding the basics of programming will help your child be prepared for the jobs of the future. Here are fabulous FREE resources to use: FREE app – ScratchJr is designed to teach kids how to code their own stories and/or games. Download link: FREE for iPad – Kodable, an introduction to programming for kids 5+. Download link: Hopscotch HD is an educational app that teaches kids how to program their own games and animations! Like this: Like Loading...

Las TIC y su utilización en la educación : 100 Herramientas TIC para aulas offline o desconectadas Estimad@s lectores de mi blog en esta ocasión me navegando por la web me encontré con un tema muy real que había pasado por alto y es que en la lista de las 100 mejores herramientas tics que publique en un post anterior, casi todas en un 95% son en la web, debido a esto y con justa razón debería publicar también una lista con las herramientas tics que son offline para instituciones desconectadas, ya que no en todo el planeta hay conexión a Internet o en su defecto si se posee es tan débil que el simple hecho de ingresar a un recurso online es casi una tortura, por tal motivo les muestro una lista de herramientas offline o instalables en sus ordenadores la mayoría es software libre y que pueden funcionar en Linux o Windows que he utilizado. Otros temas de interés 20 Herramientas para crear actividades educativas interactivas 34 Plataformas virtuales educativas gratuitas

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