Web standards checklist Date: 13 August 2004 Author: Russ Weakley Web standards – more than just ‘table-free sites’ The term web standards can mean different things to different people. In other words, a site built to web standards should ideally be lean, clean, CSS-based, accessible, usable and search engine friendly. About the checklist This is not an uber-checklist. to show the breadth of web standardsas a handy tool for developers during the production phase of websitesas an aid for developers who are interested in moving towards web standards The checklist 1. 1.1 Does the site use a correct Doctype? A doctype (short for ‘document type declaration’) informs the validator which version of (X)HTML you’re using, and must appear at the very top of every web page. More: 1.2 Does the site use a Character set? If a user agent (eg. a browser) is unable to detect the character encoding used in a Web document, the user may be presented with unreadable text. Character encodings 1.3 Does the site use Valid (X)HTML? 2. 3. 4. 5.
Welcome to CAcert.org YoNoVeoTele The Ultimate Website Launch Checklist | Our Blog We launched the original website launch checklist back in 2009 and, as is rapidly becoming tradition, have revisited it to check it's still relevant, valuable and useful. So, take a look and make sure you're ready to launch in style. Why are you launching a website? Let’s start by asking the most important question of all - why are you about to launch something new? It’s only possible to measure success if there are defined goals and targets against which you can analyse and compare results. Those same targets are the basis for determining if new content is appropriate, if a design choice is likely to be effective, and helps drive testing of the underlying code as well. Website goals and supporting objectives are documented What kind of website are you launching? A website can come in all shapes and sizes and these days there are very few limits to what is possible, especially at Box UK! The boundaries of your expectations for launch have been defined. Measuring success Content Design
WebBackup | Download WebBackup software for free blogs.lanacion.com Hay marcas que me pueden. Veo que estrenan campaña y sé, por anticipado, que caeré ante la idea y su ejecución. Lurpak es una de esas etiquetas. Una manteca danesa cuya comunicación publicitaria está en manos de la oficina de Wieden + Kennedy en Londres, una de las usinas creativas más potentes del mundo y cuya tarea puede observarse en cada pieza que ponen al aire en la tanda europea o global. Hace poco más de dos años les advertí sobre esta marca en un post que reunía tres comerciales y ahora reafirmo aquellos conceptos con el estreno de “Cook’s range”, la campaña cuyo spot central demuestra que Lurpak significa un verdadero hito en la historia de la publicidad gastronómica. Tenemos que estar preparados para ver una avalancha de imágenes similares. Veamos cuatro campañas que acaban de estrenarse y que demuestran que, para las marcas, abril indica el inicio de una cuenta regresiva irreversible. Iba a titular “La marca de la gorra”, pero me pareció un exceso.
Website Check List (David Skyrme Associates) This website check list is a high-level check list of activities to include in your project plan. A successful web development requires attention to several strands of activity, an in particular the organization of information and changes in origanization and business processes. We have used the activities on this check-list as the starting input list of activities for several project plans for website development and as part of our Internet strategic consulting. See also our Good Web Guide. Preparation and Planning Briefing Appraisal of existing web site, IT systems Confirmation of corporate and marketing objectives Budget indication Roles and Responsibilities Pilot Selection Initial timetable First draft web marketing plan. Content development Overall look 'n feel Standards and templates Information Architecture Navigation Paths Interactions Writing Page mark up Response forms / scripts Other special content. Guidance Each element may include lower level elements.
Ancient Grunge Scroll In this tutorial I will show you the techniques used to create an ancient grunge scroll. There are several uses for these... banner, backgrounds, etc etc etc. The final product after I'm through will be a template for a blog/artwork website that's got an uncomfortable sense to it. Now before we begin there are a few things I would like to point out. I tried to write this tutorial for days, without the use of 3rd party brushes, but I simply could not create the desired effect. To being, download the following brush sets and install them. refice_dirty3 - creator Eduardo Recife Tioem_set37 - creator Tioem If you do not know how to install photoshop brushes, please click here for instructions. Bonus Brushes: Here are some more free brushes for use with this type of technique: Step 2. Start a new document that is 500x500 in size, and fill the background with a dark color. Step 3. Create a new layer. Step 4. Next go to: Filter->Add Noise and apply these settings: Step 5. Now select the Burn tool ( .
Customer Service Scorecard: What’s Your Grade? As we near the holiday shopping season, online businesses are scrambling to get email campaigns, paid search ads, home page banners, SEO tweaks and last-minute site updates out the door. But customer service policies and features are just as important to winning sales – especially when you’ve got many competitors. So how does your stack up in the customer service department? There are a lot of small things that impact customer service, so I’ve developed a Customer Service Scorecard which you can download for free to find out your CSQ (Customer Service Quotient). Don’t have Microsoft Excel? You can access the Google Doc version here. How to use the scorecard First, make sure you’re using the appropriate scorecard for your industry. Each line item has a point value from 1-4, with 4 being most important. The line item point values total 100, but you can get bonus points for certain features like a free return shipping policy or the ability to re-order items from past invoices.
The Official ‘Successful Website Checklist Challenge’ If your website doesn't stand out and do a heck of a lot of things right, then chances are it's going to crash and burn. Take our "Successful Website Checklist Challenge" (below) and see what you're doing right, what you're doing wrong, and what you're forgetting to do. We've even included notes and resources for nearly every item on the checklist (just to make your life easier). This page doubles as a comprehensive article/checklist. Although, by default, descriptions and notes under all of the checklist items are visible, you can hide them. If you wish to toggle the descriptions and notes under all of the checklist items "On" or "Off", Toggle Descriptions Now!. Although our "Successful Website Checklist" is pretty thorough, we consider it a work in progress.
SEO Guide for Designers According to a poll I conducted, just over 1 out of 10 people don't think SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is mandatory as a designer; and what really surprised me is about 24% don't even know what SEO is! If you’re among the quarter of people who don’t know what SEO is or understand how it can help you, you should really read this article. This is an SEO guide for designers who want to learn about making it easier for websites or blogs to be found by search engines. I'll explain the common mistakes made by designers and developers. Loading ... Why Should You Learn About SEO? SEO isn't only for online marketers. The Basics: How Search Engines Work? First, let's look at how crawler-based search engines work (both Google and Yahoo fall in this category). When searchers enter a query in the search box of a search engine, the search engine’s job is to find the most relevant results to the query by matching the search query to the information in its index. Your Job As a Search Engine Optimizer
A Step by Step 15 Minute SEO Audit (A Sample from SEO Secrets) The author's posts are entirely his or her own (excluding the unlikely event of hypnosis) and may not always reflect the views of Moz. About seven months ago, I was asked by Wiley Publishing if I wanted to write a book about advanced SEO. Assuming they had accidentally contacted the wrong person, (You know Rand is spelled with an 'R' right?) I eventually accepted and found out they had indeed wanted me. The following is one section of one chapter of my book. Chapter 4: Finding SEO Problems Sections: 15 Minute SEO Audit 10 Minute Brand Reputation Audit (Not included in this blog post) Identifying Search Engine Penalties (Not included in this blog post) 15 Minute SEO Audit The basics of SEO problem identification can be done in about 15 minutes. Prepare Your Browser Before you start your audit you need to set your browser to act more like the search engine crawlers. Disable cookies in your browser Switch your user-agent to Googlebot How Do I Do This and Why Is It Important? Homepage Secret: Tip: