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De tout et de rien: Activités pour le Préscolaire Activités pour le Préscolaire: classification Filling plastic Easter eggs with different objects create different sounds and tones, and toddlers are just amazed to discover, manipulate and compare them. My 17 months old daughter has had a crazy fun time to play with them. She was taking two eggs at a time and was shaking them independently and banging them together. Sometimes, she was having fun to throw them, or to put them in the egg carton. This activity develops fine motor skills, hand-eye coordination, the causal link between action and outcome (eg. Remplir des oeufs de plastique avec différents objets créent des sons différents et des tons, et les tout-petits sont tout surpris de découvrir, de manipuler et de les comparer. To give you some ideas, here's what I've put in my eggs: Pour vous donner des idées, voici ce que moi j'ai mis dans mes oeufs: Top row, from left to right: cumin seeds, a bell, whole peppercorns, toothpicks cut in half, marbles and rice.
