SLJ Talks to 13-year-old Author, Nancy Yi Fan
Sorry, but the article or page you’re looking was not found. In May 2013, School Library Journal underwent a major server migration for its archived web content, which happened slightly sooner than originally expected. As a result, much of the content from 2004 to 2012 is currently unavailable to the public. However, this content has not been lost, and our web staff is in the process of converting these past articles for integration into the WordPress-based website you see here, which was launched in 2012. Many of these older articles have already been restored, and more will continue to be restored on an ongoing basis as they are cleaned up. Ultimately, this migration will allow for greater discoverability of all archived SLJ content, both on the website and across the Web in general. Keep in mind that the article you’re looking for may already have been restored to the new site.CLICK HERE TO SEARCH FOR IT BY TITLE (this link will open in a new browser).
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Study Shows iPads in Kindergarten Class Improve Literacy
Image Source: Initial results from a research study in Auburn, Maine show that kindergarten literacy scores increased in classrooms where iPads were used. Auburn is the first public school system in the US to provide iPads to each of their youngest students; and they are monitoring the iPad program carefully. The research findings are part of a randomized control trial, as explained by a report from the Auburn School Department: During the Fall of 2011, the district provided iPads to half of Auburn’s sixteen kindergarten classrooms. The remaining eight classes used traditional resources.
Digital Humanities Resource Guide
Because I’m in a library and information science program and have a deep interest in the digital humanities, when an assignment to create a subject guide came up, I had to choose DH as a focus. It was really informative to work on, and I wound up grabbing resources that I thought demonstrated the field and its history well. I also wound up pointing to the HASTAC blogs and forums as a resource for people new to DH to find out more. I made the assignment public on my blog, but thought, why not host a copy here? Enjoy! The term “Digital Humanities” (often called “DH” by members of the Digital Humanities community) was not widely used on university campuses until the 21st century.
rarelitslash - Community Profile
This community is for the purpose of posting rare or unusual book-based fiction/fanfiction. To be perfectly clear, that means: NO Harry Potter fanfiction andNO LOTR fanfiction However, we say YES to fiction/fanfiction based on almost anything else!
Irish Historical Mysteries: Molly Malone
Irish Historical Mysteries: Molly Malone Reverie As well as being known and sung internationally, the popular song 'Cockles and Mussels' has become a sort of unofficial anthem of Dublin city. The song's tragic heroine Molly Malone and her barrow have come to stand as one of the most familiar symbols of the capital.
10 best iPad apps for kids
Toddler and pre-schoolers take to the iPad and iPhone like the proverbial duck to water. There's something so intuitive and simple about touching things on the screen that they just dive in without needing to be shown how it all works. The problem is that the App Store can be a confusing place if you're looking for the best iPad apps for kids. For example, the lowest age rating that Apple uses for apps is 4+, but there are many apps that can be used by, and are clearly aimed at much younger children. Even children as young as one can use an iPad to some degree, so long as you're careful about them not damaging it, and have a case that's tough enough to protect it from the inevitable bumps and scrapes it's going to have to endure. When you're choosing apps for toddlers or preschoolers you need to be sure that what they are getting is age appropriate, educational and something they will actually enjoy playing.
Empowering Students with Digital Reading
When Connie Dopierala was hired as the media services administrator for the Charleston County (S.C.) School District, one of her tasks was to update the district’s library books. “I was shocked by how dated some of the books were,” she says. “One school had a biography on Nelson Mandela that was written while he was still in prison.” Some of the younger librarians suggested buying digital books, but Dopierala was skeptical. “I wanted to prove that kids still love having books in their hands,” she says.
FAQ: Fanfic
There is currently a debate/flame war/storm in a teacup raging in certain quarters of the internet over fantasy author Diana Gabaldon's recent declaration of war on fanfic. Seeing this is a topic of major concern to writers and readers of fanfic, I thought I'd better nail my own colours to the mast. If you know what fanfic is and you don't care, you might as well stop reading now. If you don't know what fanfic is, well, wikipedia has this to say: "... stories about characters or settings written by fans of the original work, rather than by the original creator.
The Famine Memorial and The World Poverty Stone - Dublin Docklands
The Famine Memorial 'Famine' (1997) was commissioned by Norma Smurfit and presented to the City of Dublin in 1997. The sculpture is a commemorative work dedicated to those Irish people forced to emigrate during the 19th century Irish Famine. The bronze sculptures were designed and crafted by Dublin sculptor Rowan Gillespie and are located on Custom House Quay in Dublin's Docklands. This location is a particularly appropriate and historic as one of the first voyages of the Famine period was on the 'Perserverance' which sailed from Custom House Quay on St.
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September 11
there are a lot of opinions, but sometimes it's important to think about how often we change what we think because of what we read. John by abkavanagh May 10