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Turn-O-Phrase - Word Puzzles for Culture Buffs Play at Work for Museums and the Web in Denver, April 17 « Carbon Five Community Dana Mitroff from SFMOMA and I are running a session April 17 at Museums and the Web in Denver, CO called Play at Work: Applying Agile Methods to Museum Web Site Development. Our goal is to give attendees a taste of some of the novel activities we use to encourage collaboration, communication and fun while engaged in the messy business of creating web software. The session is intended to be interactive – we want attendees to try some of this out with us – which should be interesting given that the conference organizers chose to put us in the Grand Ballroom, the same room used for the conference keynotes. “Gather around, everyone!” Resources Here are some follow up resources for attendees who are intrigued and want to learn more. Effective User Stories for Agile Requir This series of slides by Mike Cohn is a good introduction to user stories as a means of capturing project requirements.

games everything - alaplaya - Complex Systems Research Group Currently we offer the following topics for master and PhD theses (No paid positions available!). Autocatalytic random models for artificial life Research category: Artificial Cell We want to engage a master/PhD student in our ongoing theoretical research in the field of artificial cells and proto-organisms. Contact: Rudolf Hanel Random matrix approaches to massive data on human collective behavior Research category: Measuring Societies Quantification of human group-behavior has so far defied an empirical, falsifiable approach. We want to engage a master/PhD student in our ongoing research activities related to this data set. Contact: Stefan Thurner Analysis of socio-economic behavior in a massive multiplayer online game The goal of the master/PhD thesis is to analyze time-evolving, aggregate data and to develop explanatory mathematical models of social and economic behavior in large-scale, networked human groups. Entropies for complex systems Research category: Statistical Mechanics

Ask Joan of Art All good things must come to an end. After 18 years of service, Ask Joan of Art ® has retired and is no longer accepting questions. In 1993, when our Ask Joan of Art ® reference service debuted, there were few places where the public could submit a question and get an answer to their query. Over the years, the service garnered many fans and national acclaim. Today, increased Internet resources allow people to access a wide range of material on art and artists and the museum is developing new ways to interact with the public. Helpful tips can still be found on our website's Researching Your Art pages. Hidden Object Games - Free Game Downloads Vacation Quest - The Hawaiian Islands is a hidden objects game that puts a lot of love and care into the overall experience. Not only will you have a lot fun playing it, but you'll be able to soak in all the beautiful scenery that Hawaii has to offer. And there's plenty to keep you coming back for more, including special seashells hidden in each level. Find them all to extend your 21 day trip by another week and unlock 7 bonus locations. The concept of the hidden object game is wonderfully simple - objects are hidden and you must find them. It can be incredibly addictive and also quite challenging. You're given unlimited hints to work with, with only a small refreshing timer and a point reduction standing in your way.

James Carlson | School Factory James lives and works at the crossroads of the co-working and maker movement. After leaving high school at 16, James launched a successful career as an entrepreneur and technologist but never stopped looking over his shoulder at school. He founded The School Factory, a non-profit organization dedicated to bringing the business, education, and creative communities together to transform public learning. In 2002, James engaged Milwaukee in creating Bucketworks, a health club for the brain. Bucketworks offers people and communities both a physical space and the tools to test-drive their ideas and their passions. As the economy compressed in 2008 and 2009 and hundreds of similar spaces sprung up across America to support displaced workers and new entrepreneurs, James partnered with these spaces to form the Space Federation, a national network of creative maker environments that share resources, tools, and expertise.

La Gazette de l'Hôtel Drouot - L'hebdo des ventes aux enchères La "loi musée" a finalement été promulguée, le 4 janvier 2002 par le président de la République. Rappelons que l'ordonnance du 13 juillet 1945 accordait un statut juridique mal adapté, concernant les seuls musées des Beaux-Arts, et ce de façon provisoire. Le nouveau dessein du législateur était donc double : unifier sous le label « musée de France » les différents musées en sauvegardant leur spécificité ; consolider le régime de protection des collections. À ces fins, une nouvelle institution est créée auprès du ministre de la Culture, un organe collégial, simplement consultatif, appelé à se prononcer sur toutes questions relatives aux musées et aux oeuvres enfermées en leur sein. Initialement désigné sous l'appellation de Conseil des musées de France, il a été renommé Haut Conseil des musées de France, afin de pleinement mettre en relief son rôle et son importance. Un collège indépendantCet organe dispose d'un pouvoir d'avis général sur la politique muséale.

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