Creepy, Crusty, Crumbling: Illegal Tour of Abandoned Six Flags New Orleans [75 Pics]
Hurricane Katrina killed this clown. According to the photographer, “An abandoned Six Flags amusement park, someone spray painted ‘Six Flags 2012 coming soon’ on the wall above the downed head. But they were clownin.’ Six Flags will never rebuild here.” That’s sad, but much of New Orleans has not been restored to her former glory. Welcome to Zombie Land kids! Chained dreams of fun at Six Flags New Orleans, abandoned Jazzland – that’s what Six Flags opened as “Jazzland” in 2000. Some photographers can see past the lifeless amusement park’s decay and desolation, showing us that there is still a chance the place could be cheery and not cheerless. Like a Bad Dream. Just in case you don’t know the scoop on what Hurricane Katrina did to New Orleans and Six Flags, this photo is of New Orleans, LA, on Sept. 14, 2005. Once upon a time, Six Flags was filled with children’s laughter – but now it’s sad, silent, and surreal. No lines for dead rides. Watch out for that tree! No one wants a ride?
Top 10 Bizarre But True Drugs And Their Effects
Health Seeking the ultimate high, people have ingested all kinds of bizarre chemicals and plants through history. Fortunately they have related (those who lived anyway) their experiences so we can now recount them to you. Anafranil (clomipramine) Anafranil is an anti-depressant that causes people to have orgasms every time they yawn. Yes, this pesticide – which has now been made illegal in many countries, can produce feelings somewhat like Ecstasy (Hear that environmentalists?? DIPT is a tryptamine that affects auditory (sound-based) functions. Saffron is a flower used as a food additive. It’s not just for cats anymore! Xenon is a heavy, odorless, inert gas that can be found in the Earth’s atmosphere, lasers, gas-discharge lamps, medical imaging, in the process of creating nuclear power, for protein crystallography, in the production of MEMS (microelectromechanical systems), and for anesthesia. Various Venoms and Poisons Source: The Disinformation Book of Lists Jamie Frater
Creating seamless patterns in Illustrator
One of the frequest questions I get from readers is how you create seamless patterns in Illustrator. Today I’ll explain how I create such patterns and how you can scale and rotate them using different settings in the Scale tool options. Draw your pattern First we start by drawing a square. Select the Rectangle tool and draw a sqaure holding down the shift key. With the square still selected, hit command/control + 5 to make a guide from the square (View > Guides > Make Guides). Create an illustration inside the square to be used as basis for the pattern. Reflect the corner ornament You probably don't see this in the picture, but in the very top left corner I've used a quarter of a circle. First make sure Smart Guides are turned on. Reflect again and rotate the center ornament Select both corner ornaments and alt/option click in the center of the square again. Now select the central ornament and select the Rotate tool from the toolbox. Create variations Create a pattern swatches
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35 Photoshop Tutorials for Creating Web Design Layouts
Consistently, we have posted several web layout samples in the past. Today, however, we bring you a set of tutorials that you can look into to create web layouts. These tutorial will give you a thorough understanding in creating web layouts in Photoshop. Feel free to check out these 35 Innovative Photoshop Tutorials for Creating Web Design Layouts and take a look at the tips shared by the authors. Create a Slick and Minimalist Web Layout in Photoshop The tutorial will help you create a web layout with minimal designs. How to Design a Band Website Layout in Photoshop Learn to create a band-themed layout through this tutorial. Design a Minimal and Modern Portfolio Layout with Photoshop This tutorial will teach you to create a modern portfolio layout in Photoshop. Create a Very Simple Portfolio Web Layout with Photoshop In this tutorial, you will be guided in creating a simple web layout in Photoshop. Create a Grungy, Translucent Web Portfolio Design Create An Orange Web Layout Using Photoshop