ONLINE GRAPHS AND CHARTS | create and design your own graphs and .netCHARTING Gallery This sample demonstrates using the carside ImageBar. Microsoft Excel : How to Create a Professional Chart using Excel Today’s author, Robin Wakefield, a Program Manager on the Excel team, discusses charts. As a new program manager in Excel one of my first tasks was to understand what problems users encounter when building professional charts in Excel. I defined professional as following the principles of Edward Tufte by reducing the amount of non-data ink on a chart. On an earlier post, there were a lot of comments about this particular aspect and I agree we could do better in helping users accomplish this goal. In order to illustrate this let’s try to recreate a chart I found in the Wall Street Journal. I manually created the data so it may be a little off but when I insert a column chart Excel creates the following default chart for me. In order to make this chart look more professional like the Wall Street Journal you can make the following modifications. Step 1: Update Formatting Settings With the chart selected click the Formatting tab on the Ribbon. Chart Area Set Border Color = No Line. Series 1
Many Eyes Wiki Dashboard - Online Visualisation Tools That Feed Aren’t blog comments wonderful things? Today, I learned from a comment by Nicola on Visualising Financial Data In a Google Spreadsheet Motion Chart that Many Eyes can now be used to visualise live data via Many Eyes Wikified. Wikified has apparently been in beta for a month or two (somehow I missed it…) but it was launched as a public service earlier this week: Many Eyes Wikified now open to the public: Many Eyes Wikified is a “remix” of Many Eyes, using a wiki markup syntax to enable you to easily edit datasets and lay out visualizations side-by-side.It also functions just like a normal wiki: you can collaboratively edit pages, add explanations or documentation to your visuals, see a page’s edit history, and revert changes.Unlike a normal wiki, you can embed content from your blog or other data source within Wikified and visualize it. I have to admit to hitting a few, err, issues with Many Eyes wikified whilst playing with it on an old Mac, but the promise is just, like, awesome, dude…
The updated Universe graph for Q3 2008 : Kzero We’ve updated the Universe graph showing total registered accounts for the virtual worlds sector. New data included relates to Q3 2008. Due to the increase in VW’s in the last couple of months (both live and in development) the design of the Universe graph has been updated to allow more room. As usual, anyone requiring a high-res full version can request one here. These charts are always work in progress, updated as and when new data/worlds are available/launched. Age range: 10 to 15 Age range: 15 to 25 Age range: 25+ Useful scripts to plot charts in web pages In this post I want to suggest you a list of some interesting scripts you can use to plot easily charts (line, area, pie, bar...) in your web pages using jQuery, MooTools, Prototype and other JS frameworks.Any suggestion? Please add a comment! 1. Flot Flot is a pure Javascript plotting library for jQuery. 2. JS Charts is a free JavaScript based chart generator that requires little or no coding. 3. 4. 5. The YUI Charts Control visualizes tabular data on a web page in several possible formats including vertical columns, horizontal bars, lines, and pies. 6. ProtoChart is an opensource library using Prototype and Canvas to create good looking charts. 7. EJSChart supports mouse tracking, mouse events, key tracking and events, zooming. 8. fgChartingfgCharting is a nice jQuery plug-in which allows you to plot easly charts. 9. Data visualization is mostly achieved with flash applications or with help of some programming languages. Related Content
Timetric: making sense of statistics The new Google Spreadsheet Feature and Visualization API | Googl Today Google released a new feature for Google Spreadsheets that gives users some very powerful data visualization capabilities. Considering the multitude of different ways people use Google Spreadsheets, Google couldn't possibly create unique, tailored visualization tools for everything, so they decided to open it up and let both users and developers leverage the Google Gadget platform. One of the most requested features for Google Spreadsheets is pivot tables -- Google still hasn't delivered their own solution to this problem, but one of the early adopters who started developing with this new Visualization API has done the hard work for them. Google is effectively hiring developers from around the globe to do their dirty work, for nothing. Panorama Pivot Table for Google Spreadsheets is an interactive table that automatically extracts, organizes, and summarizes your data. Here are some basic examples Google has created to demonstrate what type of things can be done:
Visualization Challenge - Budget vs. Actual Performance | Charts Posted on March 18th, 2009 in Charts and Graphs , Featured , Learn Excel - 38 comments Update: Check out the results at Budget vs. Actual Charts Here is your chance to get a copy of The Visual Display of Quantitative Information by Edward Tufte. Reader Sumit writes in to ask, I am working on creating a visualization for data attached in the excel file (see below). Download the data in a CSV file Even though I have few ideas on visualizing budget vs. actual performance, I thought this is a great way for You, my dear reader, to share your ideas. So what are you waiting for? by Edward Tufte. Go! For inspiration and ideas visit: Stacked Bar chart techniques, 14 ways to visualize last year vs. this year performance Fine print: Upload your visualizations (preferably images) to a public image hosting service like flickr or photobucket and share the URL here. Visualizations should be made in Excel or Google docs spreadsheets Only.
gchart - Google Code Client-side GChart is a GWT chart library that supports line, pie, bar, area, and combination charts, popups, mouse events, and more. The live demo has advanced examples to illustrate what's possible. The Chart Gallery has simpler examples to help get you started. Installing gchart explains how to plug the GChart library into your application. The javadocs are so complete, you won't need a Wiki or a User's Guide The external resources page has links to applications, tutorials, and blog posts. The GChart Paint Test contains over 200 charts. GChart is layered on top of GWT's standard widget set. Though this approach has many advantages, high visual quality for non-rectangular curve types isn't one of them. Where's the forum? As of version 2.7, GChart releases are signed with the following PGP key: -----BEGIN PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK-----Version: GnuPG v1.4.9 (GNU/Linux) I'm told there are people who can read these things like tea leaves. - John C.