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From navigating the Web in entirely new ways to seeing where in the world twitters are coming from, data visualization tools are changing the way we view content. We found the following 16 apps both visually stunning and delightfully useful. Visualize Your Network with Fidg’tFidg’t is a desktop application that aims to let you visualize your network and its predisposition for different types of things like music and photos. Currently, the service has integrated with Flickr and, so for example, Fidg’t might show you if your network is attracted or repelled by Coldplay, or if it has a predisposition to taking photos of their weekend partying. As the service expands to support other networks (they suggest integrations with Facebook, digg,, and several others are in the works), this one could become very interesting. BigSpy places stories at the top of the screen as they are dugg. Visualize Flickr Tags Over TimeTaglines from Yahoo!

infographics Infographics News, a somewhat new BlogSpot blog, has a short list from Ninian Carter of some great infographics of the last year. Ninian Carter is an scottish infographic journalist, well, the Phineas Fogg of the infographic journalists: he has worked in Scotland, England, France, Australia… and his last job was in Canada, at The Globe & Mail, place he left recently. So, as the A Team, he is avalaible for works… (if you click on his name, opening the post, you’ll go to his personal web). Once you get past the horrible spelling of the article (spell-check people, it’s a handy feature), it’s a nice collection of infographics. I’ll probably post some of these online throughout the day in full-size.

A flexible charting library for .NET - The Code Project - C# Programming Introduction ZedGraph is a class library, Windows Forms UserControl, and ASP web-accessible control for creating 2D line, bar, and pie graphs of arbitrary datasets. The classes provide a high degree of flexibility - almost every aspect of the graph can be user-modified. At the same time, usage of the classes is kept simple by providing default values for all of the graph attributes. The classes include code for choosing appropriate scale ranges and step sizes based on the range of data values being plotted. Moreover, ZedGraph is compatible with .NET 2.0, and VS .NET 2005.

Data Visualization: Modern Approaches - Smashing Magazine About The Author Vitaly Friedman loves beautiful content and doesn’t like to give in easily. When he is not writing or speaking at a conference, he’s most probably running … More about Vitaly Friedman … Data presentation can be beautiful, elegant and descriptive. There is a variety of conventional ways to visualize data - tables, histograms, pie charts and bar graphs are being used every day, in every project and on every possible occasion.

The Best Tools for Visualization Visualization is a technique to graphically represent sets of data. When data is large or abstract, visualization can help make the data easier to read or understand. There are visualization tools for search, music, networks, online communities, and almost anything else you can think of. Whether you want a desktop application or a web-based tool, there are many specific tools are available on the web that let you visualize all kinds of data. Here are some of the best: Visualize Social Networks 5 Best Data Visualization Projects of the Year Data visualization continues to grow online and in the real world. It exists as masterful art pieces and amazingly useful analysis tools. In both cases though it brings data -- which is oftentimes cryptic -- to the masses and shows that data is more than a bucket of numbers. Data is interesting. As we collect more and more data about ourselves and our surroundings, the data and the visualization will only get more interesting. On that note, I give you FlowingData's picks for the top 5 data visualization projects of 2008.

CiteWiz: a tool for the visualization of scientific citation networks - Microsoft Academic Search CiteWiz: a tool for the visualization of scientific citation networks ( Citations: 13 ) We present CiteWiz, an extensible framework for visualization of scientific citation networks. The system is based on a taxonomy of citation database usage for researchers, and provides a timeline visualization for overviews and an influence visualization for detailed views. The timeline displays the general chronology and importance of authors and articles in a citation database, whereas the influence visualization is implemented using the Growing Polygons technique, suitably modified to the context of browsing citation data. Using the latter technique, hierarchies of articles with potentially very long citation chains can be graphically represented.

Blog Archive » The dollar’s slide: 1/3 down and falling faster well, I'm not sure the previous comment is appropriate nor relevant, but hey, if Gisele has an opinion (whether that story is bull or not) on the USD, then everyone's opinion's welcome.. For me, I just reckon we hit the bottom (for now). Ok, fair enough I thought the 1.42-44 level would be tough to break, but now we hit 1.47... ok, maybe we'll hit 1.50 but I don't think it'll come short term. The Chinese comments (which took the pair to 1.4730 at 2.30am UK last night) were not exactly new. If you have 1.43 tr of USD, of course it makes sense to diversify!!! Charts And Graphs: Modern Solutions Advertisement Charts are supposed to visualize data in order to give a more profound understanding of the nature of a given problem or recent developments. Whatever type of data presentation you prefer (pie charts, bubble charts, bar graphs, network diagrams etc.), you can create charts in graphic editors manually or use special desktop-software instead.

Related:  EgyébSocial/Data Analysis & Visualization