Expert comptable Paris - Cabinet d'expert comptable et d'audit FEGC Tagxedo - Word Cloud with Styles HOW TO: Start and Run a Successful Twitter Chat David Spinks is the Community Manager for Scribnia, where the world's bloggers and columnists are reviewed by their readers. He also blogs at The Spinks Blog about business, careers and professional communities. If you spend enough time on Twitter, chances are you’ll come across an occasional chat being held on the platform. Twitter chats are scheduled gatherings of people on Twitter to discuss pretty much anything that interests them, using a #hashtag to keep track of the conversation. Over 3 months ago, Lauren Fernandez and I started a weekly Twitter chat for young professionals called #u30pro. 1. The first thing you have to do is choose a topic. You'll also want to make sure you pick a time that doesn't conflict with a pre-existing chat in topic areas that might attract similar chatters. Your chat's hashtag should be as short and explanatory as possible. 2. There are a number of different formats that chats can take: 1. This is how I run the chat I am involved with. 2. 3. 5. 3. 4.
Taggify.net Tagging Strategies For Successful Social Bookmarking | Social Me Jason Falls One of the social media tools I get the most use out of yet see the fewest people adopting is social bookmarking. For the purposes of this post, I’m going to refer to Delicious.com quite a bit. Not only is it my social bookmarking mechanism of choice, but it is the one utility essentially geared for just that — bookmarking. Of course, being all social media’d up, Delicious offers several ways to bookmark (copying and pasting the URL straight into Delicious; using a toolbar bookmarklet for one-click access to the entry field; or even zany sync functions with your browser’s bookmarks or favorites, which make no sense to me if you’re going totally web-based, but I digress.) At any rate, Delicious kicks ass and I use it in a number of ways. What you see below are my top Delicious tags as of late Thursday night, granted after parsing quite a few and transferring several client-based tags to a corporate account. Delicous Tags - Jason Falls 1-1-09 Keep It Simple Keep It The Same