Vitesse du site - Centre d'aide Analytics Utilisez les rapports "Vitesse du site" pour évaluer trois aspects liés aux temps de latence enregistrés par votre site : Le temps de chargement d'un échantillon de pages vues sur votre site Web : évaluez la vitesse de chargement de vos pages en fonction de différentes variables (différents navigateurs ou différents pays, par exemple). Aucune configuration supplémentaire n'est nécessaire. Les données s'affichent dans les rapports Vue d'ensemble et Temps de chargement des pages. Utilisez les données de ces rapports pour évaluer les performances de votre site en fonction de la rapidité à laquelle les internautes peuvent interagir avec votre contenu. Vous pouvez accéder à ces rapports dans la section Contenu > Vitesse du site. Le rapport "Vue d'ensemble" présente le temps de chargement moyen de la page en fonction du navigateur, de la zone géographique (pays/territoire) et de la page. Remarques Le suivi de la vitesse du site n'a aucune incidence sur son taux de rebond.
TheRarestWords: Intriguing Semantic SEO Project from Russia A mysterious yet intriguing project from Russia has come across our inbox. It is a search-engine optimization analysis tool for Websites called TheRarestWords. For any given URL, like Microsoft’s or Techcrunch’s, it shows you the rarest keywords on the homepage (i.e., the ones most likely to give your site some search-engine juice), other sites with related keywords, and a list of categories the site would fit under based on those keywords. For Microsoft, some the rare keywords it identifies are “silverlight,” “biztalk,” “onecare,” “skydrive, “popfly,” “ballmer,” and “ozzie.” TheRarestWords then tries to tap into crowd intelligence by letting anyone add a 100-character definition for each keyword, which could give it a semantic edge in trying to categorize each site. The developer is a mysterious Russian who does not want to give out his name. The interface is confusing the first time you go there, but there is some interesting data you can pull from it.
How to SEO Your Website: 12 steps Edit Article Page Format Issues Edited by Ianne, V Rod, Travis Derouin, Seattle SEO firm and 66 others Content still reigns as the king in the world of Search Engine Optimization (SEO). Some websites get on top of search engine rankings because of high-powered link building campaigns, but when you talk about visitor loyalty and traffic retention (and yes, public consumption), it will always require that good old optimized content. Ad Steps 1Dedicate some time to writing really great content. 6Avoid duplicate content. Page Format Issues 1Title Tags The first is your page title. 6Site Map Next is having a proper site map. Video Tips If you have a local business, get listed in the Google Local Business search results. 86% of people looking for something offline will search online using the likes of Google and Bing.
Online SEO Tools - the Ultimate Collection All tools listed below fall under the following criteria: they are all useful for SEOs;they are all web-based (no desk-top ones or FireFox extensions so far);they are all free. If you know of any online SEO tools that were not mentioned here, please comment and I will update the post. I will do my best to continuously update the article to delete the tools that are no more available and add new ones. Table of Contents: 1. More backlink checkers: Backlink Watch (checks Anchor text);Domain Backlinks Checker (sorts the results based on the first- and second-level domains); 2. Keyword Brainstorming Tools Tools that help expand your keyword lists with synonyms, related terms and keyword phrases. Social Media Based Keyword Analyzers Use social media sites to explore how people use and tag your core term, its popularity and related words. Online Dictionaries and Glossaries that Help with Keyword Research 3. Dynamic Tools for Domain Name Brainstorming: Additional domain name checkers and generators: 4. 5.
Français - Google Webmaster Help L'utilisation des informations relatives à l'auteur permet aux internautes de trouver des informations intéressantes en mettant en surbrillance le contenu d'auteurs qui pourraient les intéresser dans les résultats de recherche. Si vous êtes un auteur, votre inscription en tant que tel permet aux utilisateurs d'identifier le contenu que vous avez publié. De plus, les internautes peuvent cliquer sur votre signature pour voir vos autres articles ou pour vous suivre sur Google+. C'est aussi simple que cela. Enfin, sauf en ce qui concerne quelques questions de niveau avancé auxquelles nous aimerions apporter une réponse… Informations relatives à l'auteur dans les résultats de recherche de l'un de mes auteurs préférés, John Mueller En cliquant sur la signature de l'auteur dans les résultats de recherche, vous accédez à d'autres articles qu'il a rédigés et à son profil Google+ Questions récentes concernant les informations relatives à l'auteur 1. Bonne question ! 1. 2. 3. 2. 3. et 4. 5. 6. 7.
Drupal SEO is Easy | DevBee I began the Devbee website back in March as a way to help others by way of documenting what I have learned about Drupal and also to drum up a little bit of business for myself. The content of this site is extremely targeted, and I don't ever expect to see more than a few hundred visits a day. This definitely does not reflect the expectations, or at least hopes, of most website owners. It's typically all about bringing in as many visitors as possible to generate money through advertising or purchases. Sites interested in bringing in large numbers of visitors typically do this by spending a lot of time focusing on "search engine optimization" (SEO). Absolutely nothing can drive traffic to a site like a top placement in the search results on one of the major search engines. Back in the day (way back during the last millennium), all one needed to do was have a simple HTML page containing relevant words or phrases and he was fairly likely to make a decent showing in results pages. Drupal SEO
How to SEO Your Site in Less Than 60 Minutes I’ve been a bad blogger. I’m swamped at work and have been distracted outside of work, and I’ve been trying to get by here on SBS with list links and even some of my best Flickr photos. I can’t remember the last time I posted something helpful / educational. My bad…. Let me take a stab at making things better. I often get asked to review a web site and give quick feedback on the site’s SEO. SEO Your Site in Less Than an Hour A. Does it redirect to some other URL? B. C. D. Check keyword usage in anchor text. E. Repeat A1, A2, A3, A4, and A5 – this will be quicker since many objects (header, footer, menus) will be the same. Check for appropriate PageRank flow. F. Same steps as E. Also, if the site sells common products, find 2-3 other sites selling same exact items and compare product pages. G. Compare pages indexed between the three. H. All sites will have some pages in the supplemental index. I. That’s what I do when making a quick SEO site analysis. Questions for you: Translations
55 Quick SEO Tips Even Your Mother Would Love Everyone loves a good tip, right? Here are 55 quick tips for search engine optimization that even your mother could use to get cooking. Well, not my mother, but you get my point. Manage your website SEO and Social Media – Free 30 Day Trial 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. Ditch the index.html or default.php or whatever the page is and always link back to your domain. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. (1) Log out of Google (2) Append &pws=0 to the end of your search URL in the search bar 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. Richard V. Richard V.
Logiciel référencement: Suivi, controle et analyse du référencement positionnement d Basic Drupal SEO: On-site Optimization Summary Enable Clean URLsEnable Path Module and install and enable Pathauto, Global Redirect and Token Modules.Configure the Pathauto ModuleInstall and enable the Meta Tags Module.Install enable the Page Title ModuleDo NOT install the Drupal Sitemap Module.Fix .htaccess to redirect to "www" or remove the "www" subdomain.Fix your theme's HTML headers if they aren't rightRecommended: create a custom front pageModify your robots.txt file. Enable clean URLs Search engines prefer clean URLs. Install the pathauto module and enable it The pathauto module is highly recommended. Think carefully about how you want your URLs to look. At the very least, enable the path module and install the pathauto module. Caution: The above advice is directed towards new Drupal sites. Here are some pathauto settings to watch out for: For update action choose "Do nothing. There is also a more comprehensive Pathauto tutorial. Install the Global Redirect Module Read more about the Global Redirect Module. Further Reading
6 Powerful SEO Tips for Beginners SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization. It is a technique bloggers use to rank their blogs higher on search engines. It is easy for most professional bloggers to take a lot of SEO knowledge and other valuable information for granted. So when they write posts, it is very difficult for many newbie’s in blogging to learn and utilize. Anil Gupta from ScopeForMoney blog share 6 useful SEO tips for beginners. It is obvious that a blog which ranks higher in search engines will get more traffic drawn to it, so this makes knowledge of basic SEO very important. 1. The link of your title should not be a number like – ( ) or random letters of the alphabet. Instead, include the keywords of your post title in the title link. So you should always try putting in some keywords related to the content on that page in your URL? When talking about one of the most important factors of good SEO, we talk about the title of the page. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. What’s Your Tip?
Technical SEO: Tools and Approach - Search Engine Watch (SEW) While search engine optimization (SEO) as a channel is maturing and growing beyond technical competence only, there will always be a great deal of technical attention necessary in the work. Some of the biggest problems negatively impacting SEO campaigns can be traced back to technical issues, since by nature they tend to hit areas around crawling, accessibility, redirects, and indexation. These are core, foundational areas that every hard working organic search marketer needs to be familiar with. Having seen the results of technical work, I can attest first-hand that some of the best SEOs in the world are highly technical people. Most professionals realize that attention to the technical side is important in SEO. What types of areas should you be investigating, and why? I recently presented on this topic at SES New York alongside Brian Ussery, Brett Tabke, and Jaimie Sirovich, so this is especially timely for me. What Technical SEO Factors Matter? Tools for Technical Analysis SEO Crawlers
Søgeords analyse Din søgeordsoptimering, er et af de vigtigste stykker arbejde, når du er i gang med at søgemaskine optimere. Det hele bør begynde her. Før du overhovedet vælger navn til dit website og før du påbegynder designet. Hvorfor så det? De ord du bevidst forsøger at få dit website placeret højt på, er de ord du vil forsøge at ramme din målgruppe med. Sådan finder du dine søgeord - lav en søgeords analyse! Først skal du lige stoppe op og tænke lidt over hvad din målgruppe er og hvilke under segmenter den indeholder. De søger forskelligt og det skal du huske at tage højde for. Nu skal du finde ud af, hvilke ord og sætninger der søges meget efter, når de service ydelser eller produkter du vil sælge på internettet søges. Google er den mest brugte søgemaskine og den stiller statistik over søgninger tilrådighed - det er helt gratis at bruge. Googles service til at tjekke søgeord, hedder google keyward tool. Du skal lige huske at klikke på "avanceret søgning" og vælge DANMARK. Du har nu dine søgeord TIP!
Google SEO Basics for Beginners | Web Design Articles and Tutorials Introduction As many of us web developers already know, Google is rated by many as the number one search engine in the world. We personally know that our websites get about 90% of their search engine traffic direct from Google searches. Getting indexed by Google can be a pain, but getting highly placed rankings for specific keywords seems to be the nut that not many web developers without SEO (search engine optimization) experience or seo training can crack. Today we’re going to give you an informative primer on the basics of search engine optimization techniques — many of which we use everyday to optimize our websites and stay ahead of our competitors. 4 Steps to Better Rankings We personally believe in the “practice what you preach” approach to all things business related — especially SEO. Step 1. Choosing the right keywords to base your site optimization around is an important first step. We need to be more specific, which means: Step 2. Step 3. Before: After: Step 4. Conclusion