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Teach Kids To Be Their Own Internet Filters

Teach Kids To Be Their Own Internet Filters
” credit=”flickingerbrad/Flickr It’s becoming less and less effective to block students from websites. When Los Angeles Unified rolled out its one-to-one iPad program, administrators expected to be able to control how students used them both in school and at home. But, not surprisingly, kids are resourceful and students quickly found ways around the security, prompting the district to require students to turn over the devices. Students live in an information-saturated world. “If we are not teaching the kids to use the web as a vehicle for enhancing learning and teaching them to be the filter, that’s a dereliction of duty.” A key to making sure good practices stick is to teach research skills when kids need them. [RELATED READING: Building Good Search Skills: What Students Need to Know] “If we are not teaching the kids to use the web as a vehicle for enhancing learning and teaching them to be the filter, that’s a dereliction of duty,” Luhtala said. Related

Ojämlik utbildning i skolan skapar digitalt klassamhälle De digitala klasskillnaderna ökar i den svenska skolan. En orsak är att kunskapen om internet och dess möjligheter skiftar mycket mellan olika lärare. Det hävdar Ulli Samuelsson, forskare i pedagogik vid Högskolan i Jönköping, i en färsk doktorsavhandling. De flesta tror att alla unga använder datorer och drar fördel av alla möjligheter som den nya tekniken erbjuder. Men snarare ökar den digitala ojämlikheten i Sverige. – Den svenska skolan ska ge alla elever en likvärdig utbildning men det uppdraget uppfylls inte när det gäller digital kompetens, säger hon. Ulli Samuelsson har själv en bakgrund i IT-branschen, bland annat som utbildare. – Mina barn hade en fördel då de växte upp i ett hem med hög ”digital kompetens”. Hon talar då inte om att ungdomar kan fastna framför datorn i timtal, om risken för att drabbas av digital stress eller näthat. Under arbetet med sin doktorsavhandling skickade Ulli Samuelsson ut en enkät eleverna i årskurs sju i en kommun i södra Sverige. Fonot.

Five Steps to Responsibly Search for Images for Digital Projects Pages This Blog Linked From Here My Blog List Wednesday, August 20, 2014 Five Steps to Responsibly Search for Images for Digital Projects at 2:04 PM Email ThisBlogThis! Labels: creative commons, infographic, webtools No comments: Post a Comment Older PostHome Home - 21st Century Skills Toolkit - LibGuides at Monterey Public Library The students, for the most part, paid attention; however, before the presentations I would ask them if they liked free food? I let them know that at the end of the presentation, we were going to play a game to see how well they paid attention to me. This got the kids going. At the end of the presentation, we played Jeopardy which included categories that coved each topic I talked about. I found is that there was always at least one kid on each team who paid enough attention to know how to FIND the answers the team didn't know by looking at the resources I provided. Overall, visitng the school and doing the presentations is a positive experience that helps build a relationship bewteen the Teen Librarian, the students, and the teachers.

ITL Research School Evolutionary Stages | The concept of common global school evolution HBO Still Doesn't Get It: Game of Thrones Again the Most Torrented Show | Underwire Photo: Helen Sloan/HBO Three seasons in and Game of Thrones still continues to set records — both legitimate and otherwise. After hitting ratings milestones earlier this year, it now has yet another accomplishment to boast about: the most pirated show of 2013. This latest honor comes via TorrentFreak, which found that the Season 3 finale of the show had 5.9 million downloads via BitTorrent, beating other shows like Breaking Bad and The Walking Dead by large margins. It’s not that HBO doesn’t acknowledge the volume of torrenting taking place. For the last decade evidence has mounted that, while some measure of media piracy is inevitable, it thrives on inconvenience: given the means, viewers will generally pay for a legitimate source, but only if they can get to it more easily than an illegal one. With a show like Game of Thrones, the impetus to piracy is twofold. This is the reality of the river that HBO is riding.

Ny forskning – det utmärker en skicklig lärare Under de senaste 20 åren har det forskats intensivt om läs och skrivsvårigheter. Men trots att kunskapen har ökat fortsätter elevernas resultat att sjunka i internationella jämförelser. Orsaken är klyftan mellan teori och praktik, menar Catharina Tjernberg, lärare och forskare vid Stockholms universitet. – Kunskapen når inte lärarna. I sin senaste studie har Catharina Tjernberg tittat på varför yrkesskickliga lärare jobbar som de gör i klassrummen. – I min studie blir det tydligt att den erfarenhetsbaserade kunskapen som överförs mellan lärare är minst lika viktig som den teoretiska, säger hon. Catharina Tjernberg har gjort en praktikorienterad studie på en skola där hon dels har observerat hur lärarna arbetar på lektionerna, dels har samtalat med dem om det pedagogiska arbetet. Den skola Catharina Tjernberg har studerat har utvecklat en modell där lärarna följer varandras lektioner. – Det här har gjort att man har medvetandegjort saker för varandra, säger Catharina Tjernberg.

Comics in the Classroom: Comics as Educational Texts Throughout the month of August, and Reading With Pictures are bringing you Comics in the Classroom, a blog series about using comics in education, including why graphic novels are complex texts as defined by the Common Core Standards, how to use graphic texts to teach in the content areas, how and where to find the best graphic texts, and more. We hope you’ll join us and bring the power of comics to your classroom! The following guest post is written by Tracy Edmunds, M.A., Curriculum Manger at Reading With Pictures Humans have been using pictures in sequence to communicate and educate for thousands of years; hieroglyphics are the ancestors of comics. The next time you’re on a flight, pull out the Aircraft Safety Card in the seat-back pocket in front of you and take a look at it carefully. This is one of the best and most immediate examples of the power of images in sequence to instruct and educate, but there are many more. There is, of course, much more to the story.

Media Fear Tactics - Articles - Gavin de Becker It would be interesting if the standards of Truth in Advertising were applied to television news as they sometimes are to television commercials. In that unlikely situation, TV news writers would be required to use phrases and words that convey accurate information – as opposed to the phrases and words they use today. I want to help you break the code of alarming newspeak so that you can more easily find the valuable information that may (or may not) be part of a story. Given the disturbing reasons we’ve all been watching so much TV news, it would be understandable to overlook the sheer ridiculousness that is inherent in some of the sensationalism. Though not offered as a comprehensive glossary, here are some examples of words and phrases I think you’ll quickly recognize: POSSIBLE: As in “Next Up: Possible links between Saddam Hussein and tooth decay…” “Officials are worried about possible attacks against…” means there have been no such attacks. Are these two things linked? They sure do.

CSTA - Computer Science in K-8 Computer Science Begins in K–8 Computer science is increasingly being recognized as an essential element of education for every child. And, as is the case for every academic discipline, the learning of core concepts and skills must begin at the beginning of a child's formal education. As part of CSTA's commitment to computer science education in all grades, this section provides resources that we believe will help elementary and middle school teachers begin incorporating key computer science content into their classroom practice in an appropriate and engaging way. K–8 Computer Science: Building a Solid Foundation This document is a comprehensive look at K–8 CS. Click here to download the PDF K–8 Research Reading List This document provides a reading list of references (and urls) drawn from current and past research on computer science education in K–8 (students from ages 5 though 12).

How to Think Like Sherlock Holmes: Lessons in Mindfulness and Creativity from the Great Detective by Maria Popova “A man’s brain originally is like a little empty attic, and you have to stock it with such furniture as you choose.” “The habit of mind which leads to a search for relationships between facts,” wrote James Webb Young in his famous 1939 5-step technique for creative problem-solving, “becomes of the highest importance in the production of ideas.” But just how does one acquire those vital cognitive customs? That’s precisely what science writer Maria Konnikova explores in Mastermind: How to Think Like Sherlock Holmes (UK; public library) — an effort to reverse-engineer Holmes’s methodology into actionable insights that help develop “habits of thought that will allow you to engage mindfully with yourself and your world as a matter of course.” The idea of mindfulness itself is by no means a new one. It is most difficult to apply Holmes’s logic in those moments that matter the most. Our intuition is shaped by context, and that context is deeply informed by the world we live in.
