Tech breakthroughs are reshaping retail shopping in the USA
SANTA CLARA, Calif. – Nola Donato has seen the future of retail, and it is in a Magic Mirror. The Intel scientist has designed a high-tech mirror that shows how clothes look on a consumer who simply stands in front of an LCD monitor. Parametric technology simulates body type and how fabrics fit — based on weight, height and measurements. Think of it as a digital fitting room. The convergence of smartphone technology, social-media data and futuristic technology such as 3-D printers is changing the face of retail in a way that experts across the industry say will upend the bricks-and-mortar model in a matter of a few years. "The next five years will bring more change to retail than the last 100 years," says Cyriac Roeding, CEO of Shopkick, a location-based shopping app available at Macy's, Target and other top retailers. Within 10 years, retail as we know it will be unrecognizable, says Kevin Sterneckert, a Gartner analyst who follows retail technology. Retail's revolution Driving the future
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How to Improve Your Memory: Tips and Exercises to Boost Brainpower
Harnessing the power of your brain They say that you can’t teach an old dog new tricks, but when it comes to the brain, scientists have discovered that this old adage simply isn’t true. The human brain has an astonishing ability to adapt and change—even into old age. The brain’s incredible ability to reshape itself holds true when it comes to learning and memory. Improving memory tip 1: Don't skimp on exercise or sleep Just as an athlete relies on sleep and a nutrition-packed diet to perform his or her best, your ability to remember increases when you nurture your brain with a good diet and other healthy habits. When you exercise the body, you exercise the brain Treating your body well can enhance your ability to process and recall information. Improve your memory by sleeping on it When you’re sleep deprived, your brain can’t operate at full capacity. But sleep is critical to learning and memory in an even more fundamental way. Improving memory tip 2: Make time for friends and fun It’s new.
frontline: the persuaders: neuromarketing
But 30 years after the commercials debuted, neuroscientist Read Montague was still thinking about them. Something didn't make sense. If people preferred the taste of Pepsi, the drink should have dominated the market. What he found was the first data from an entirely new field: neuromarketing, the study of the brain's responses to ads, brands, and the rest of the messages littering the cultural landscape. Neuromarketing, in one form or another, is now one of the hottest new tools of its trade. Getting an update on research is one thing; for decades, marketers have relied on behavioral studies for guidance. That last piece of research is particularly worrisome to anti-marketing activists, some of whom are already mobilizing against the nascent field of neuromarketing. Ruskin might be consoled by the fact that many neuromarketers still don't know how to apply their findings. With Commercial Alert's campaign thwarted for now, BrightHouse is moving forward.
iMindMap - Basic
People within organisations and educational institutions around the world are already seeing the benefits of iMindMap – start discovering them yourself today. “Your Mind Mapping software has transformed our business & become a part of our cultural DNA.” Wheaton Wealth Partners, USA “iMindMap’s Mind Mapping software is the most creative piece of technology I’ve ever used.” Graham Cullen, Head Teacher, Porchester School, UK “iMindMap helps me immeasurably at work, and keeps me focused managing risks for the international space station.” Trent Keeble, International Space Station, USA “iMindMap is one of the most useful organisational tools that I use on a daily basis. Neil Quiogue, PopCap Games, Ireland “iMindMap gives a professional edge to a creative and fun process. Alison Jones, Accountancy Lecturer, UK “No other Mind Map software affords the ability to quickly gather thoughts, brainstorm, develop and flesh out new ideas. Tom McDermott, UCD Michael Smurfit Business School
Advice for Learning Vocabulary
From Saint Louis University First, it is often helpful to have some kind of "hook" (i.e., mnemonic or memory-device) to help you to retrieve the word or meaning that you want to remember. Second, you need practice in recalling the word. Third, you need to hear, see, and understand the word repeatedly in its various forms and in its most typical contexts. Practica Quaedam Face the facts! You will save much time and frustration by discovering precisely how you learn vocabulary most speedily and securely. Your goal should be a deep-processing of words. Consilia (Recommendations) The following points, or some combination of them, may help you find your own best way to learn vocabulary. Flash-card technology is still better than the most expensive educational computer gear that you can buy. Using index cards or a pack of blank business cards, write the target words and phrases on the cards, putting one language on the front and the other on the back.
Neuroscience of Free Will
On several different levels, from neurotransmitters through neuron firing rates to overall activity, the brain seems to "ramp up" before movements. This image depicts the readiness potential (RP), a ramping-up activity measured using EEG. The onset of the RP begins before the onset of a conscious intention or urge to act. Some have argued that this indicates the brain unconsciously commits to a decision before consciousness awareness. Philosophers like Daniel Dennett or Alfred Mele consider the language used by researchers. Overview[edit] ...the current work is in broad agreement with a general trend in neuroscience of volition: although we may experience that our conscious decisions and thoughts cause our actions, these experiences are in fact based on readouts of brain activity in a network of brain areas that control voluntary action... Patrick Haggard discussing[15] an in-depth experiment by Itzhak Fried[16] Free will as illusion[edit] Relevance of scientific research[edit] William R.
Comment s'organiser au quotidien - La méthode du Mindmapping - Le Journal du Blogueur | Le Journal du Blogueur
Toujours en quête d’optimisation de mon temps, j’ai récemment découvert une technique d’organisation assez sympathique et efficace. Je vais vous en faire part dans cet article. Ici, nous verrons ce qu’est le Mindmapping, son utilité, comment s’organiser au quotidien à l’aide de cet outil ainsi que les différents services/logiciels dédiés à cet effet. Le Mindmapping, ou « cartes heuristiques » est une façon de regrouper, cartographier et structurer ses idées en les représentant sous forme arborescente, avec des liens sémantiques. À première vue, une Mindmap ressemble à un dessin avec une idée centrale, suivie de plusieurs branches accompagnées de dessins représentant chaque sujet/concept. Voici quelques exemples de Mindmap: La première question que l’on pose souvent est la suivante: en quoi le Mindmapping est-il meilleur qu’une prise de note traditionnelle ? Cette façon de noter est beaucoup plus ludique, amusante et agréable à utiliser. Connectez vos deux hémisphères ! Pour aller plus loin