Collected Quotes from Albert Einstein [Note: This list of Einstein quotes was being forwarded around the Internet in e-mail, so I decided to put it on my web page. I'm afraid I can't vouch for its authenticity, tell you where it came from, who compiled the list, who Kevin Harris is, or anything like that. Still, the quotes are interesting and enlightening.] "Any intelligent fool can make things bigger, more complex, and more violent. It takes a touch of genius -- and a lot of courage -- to move in the opposite direction." Copyright: Kevin Harris 1995 (may be freely distributed with this acknowledgement)
La Freedom Box ou la petite boîte qui voulait que l'Internet restât libre Paradoxes apparents. Peut-on simultanément souhaiter la fermeture des données et l’ouverture d’Internet ? Peut-on se féliciter du rôle joué par Facebook et Twitter en Tunisie ou en Égypte tout en affirmant que ces sites sont à très court terme dangereux pour ceux qui les utilisent ? C’est cette double problématique qui est au cœur de la FreedomBox Foundation, le nouveau projet du brillant juriste de la FSF Eben Moglen qui fait régulièrement l’objet de billets sur ce blog. Il est ici question de nos données personnelles, de notre vie en ligne, de notre manière de communiquer et d’interagir avec les autres. Personne ne nous a obligés. Que se passe-t-il le jour où ces quelques sites sont rendus volontairement ou non inaccessibles ? Et que font ou feront exactement ces sites, tous commerciaux (et tous américains), avec nos données ? C’est avant tout cela aujourd’hui le cloud computing que des marketeux de génie osent encore nous présenter comme de « l’informatique dans les nuages ».
Gyre Technology - How to share a broadband internet connection Summary This document is about broadband connection sharing, and it will help you answer the following questions: Can I connect two PCs to a broadband connection? It does this by covering the following topics: Methods for sharing a broadband connection How to network 2 computers for broadband connection sharing How to network 3 or more computers for broadband connection sharing How to share a broadband connection with a USB ADSL modem How to share an Internet connection with a cable modem Introduction This document describes the three most common techniques used to share a broadband internet connection with multiple computers. Contents of this page: See also the Glossary of Broadband Internet Terms Need more help? Method 1: Sharing a broadband connection using Microsoft Internet Connection Sharing Description Microsoft Internet Connection Sharing (ICS) enables a computer connected to the Internet via a cable or DSL modem to share its connection with other computers connected to it. Pros Cons
Breathingearth - CO2, birth & death rates by country, simulated real-time FreedomBox Foundation JNC, Barton-Wright, Self Defence with a cane part 1 Journal of Non-lethal Combatives, February 2000 From Pearson’s Magazine, 11 (January 1901), 35-44. Contributed by Ralph Grasso. Editor’s notes by Ralph Grasso and Joseph Svinth copyright © 2000 all rights reserved. Introduction It must be understood that the new art of self-defence with a walking-stick, herewith introduced for the first time, differs essentially from single-stick or sword-play; for a man may be a champion in the use of sword or single-stick [EN2] and yet be quite unable to put a walking-stick to any effective use as a weapon of defence. No. 1. -- The Guard by Distance -- How to Avoid any Risk of being Hit on the Fingers, Arm, or Body by Retiring out of the Hitting Range of your Adversary, but at the same time Keeping Him within the Hitting Range of your Own Stick. The mode of defence I am about to describe I have called "The Guard by Distance," to distinguish it from "Guards by Resistance." No. 6. No. 10. Editor's Notes (hit yoru back button to return to the text) EN1.
Petit manuel de contre-espionnage informatique » Article » OWNI, Digital Journalism GPS, téléphones portables, logiciels espions: les outils de la surveillance se démocratisent. Conseils utiles pour s'en protéger. Autrefois réservés aux seuls services secrets, les outils et technologies de surveillance, GPS, téléphones et logiciels espions, se “démocratisent” au point que, suite à un reportage de M6, Petits espionnages en famille, montrant comment de plus en plus de gens espionneraient les téléphones portables et ordinateurs de leur futurs (ou ex-) femmes (ou maris), enfants, nounous, Le Parisien/Aujourd’hui en France faisait sa “une”, début 2010, sur la question ( Votre portable devient espion), tout en expliquant qu’espionner les téléphones portables était devenu “un jeu d’enfant” (à toutes fins utiles, en France, leur commercialisation, mais également leur simple détention, n’en est pas moins punie d’un an de prison et de 45 000 euros d’amende). Nombreux sont les médias à s’être penchés sur la question, de façon souvent quelque peu sensationnaliste. Bon voyage . . .
Best Quotes of All Time It’s been three years since we shared our original list of some of the best quotes of all time, and we felt it was a good time for an update. We’ve added another 25 quotes for you. But these aren’t just any quotes. These are quotes designed to inspire. I know quotes researched online often come in slightly different variations, so if you’ve heard another version of one of these, please share it with us in the comments. Here are our 25 new additions for our list of the best quotes of all time, including some submitted by our readers in response to the original list of best quotes, which you can still find below. “Too many of us are not living our dreams because we are living our fears.” – Les Brown “A goal is a dream with a deadline.” – Napoleon Hill “The road to success and the road to failure are almost exactly the same.” – Colin R. “Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn’t do than by the ones you did do.” – Mark Twain “Have the courage to say no.
Journalistes : protégez vos sources ! - BUG BROTHER - Blog C'est fou ce que les ordinateurs et les téléphones portables des journalistes qui enquêtent sur le scandale Woerth-Bettencourt semblent intéresser voleurs, politiques et magistrats, ces derniers temps. J'avais déjà eu l'occasion de rédiger, à la demande du CNRS, un manuel expliquant comment contourner la cybersurveillance. Puis, m'inspirant de conseils et recommandations fournis par des agences proches des services de renseignement français, un petit manuel de contre-espionnage informatique. Et, enfin, un petit guide expliquant pourquoi, et comment, fabriquer son propre Wikileaks afin de permettre aux internautes de contacter quelqu’un, facilement, de façon sécurisée, et en toute confidentialité (voir Gorge profonde : le mode d'emploi). S'il n'y avait que les ordinateurs, mais il y a aussi les téléphones portables. Je ne sais si ces journalistes avaient appris à protéger leurs télécommunications, et donc leurs sources. De Gmail à Globull Discuter par email, c'est bien.
Klein bottle Structure of a three-dimensional Klein bottle In mathematics, the Klein bottle /ˈklaɪn/ is an example of a non-orientable surface; informally, it is a surface (a two-dimensional manifold) in which notions of left and right cannot be consistently defined. Other related non-orientable objects include the Möbius strip and the real projective plane. Whereas a Möbius strip is a surface with boundary, a Klein bottle has no boundary (for comparison, a sphere is an orientable surface with no boundary). The Klein bottle was first described in 1882 by the German mathematician Felix Klein. It may have been originally named the Kleinsche Fläche ("Klein surface") and that this was incorrectly interpreted as Kleinsche Flasche ("Klein bottle"), which ultimately led to the adoption of this term in the German language as well.[1] Construction[edit] This square is a fundamental polygon of the Klein bottle. By adding a fourth dimension to the three-dimensional space, the self-intersection can be eliminated.
Le proxy le plus simple à utiliser du monde ! Je trouvais le pack TOR assez simple à installer et à utiliser mais si vous n'êtes pas de mon avis, j'ai débusqué encore plus easy-finger-in-da-nose ! Il s'agit d'un soft qui tourne uniquement sous Windows, qui s'appelle ChrisPC Free Anonymous Proxy et qui propose tout simplement une interface ultra simplifiée de TOR. Sélectionnez le pays de sortie de votre connexion, et cliquez simplement sur le bouton "Connect to proxy". Rien à configurer, pas même le navigateur. Il suffit de le redémarrer après être connecté. Vérifiez quand même votre IP sur et le tour est joué. Là pour le coup, je crois qu'on ne peut pas faire plus simple en matière d'accès à l'anonymat pour les plus novices d'entre nous. Par contre, au boulot, pour accéder aux sites blacklistés (comme le mien) par les logiciels de blocage commerciaux, ça devrait fonctionner impecc ! [Sourcephoto] Rejoignez les 59706 korbenautes et réveillez le bidouilleur qui est en vous
Old School Heavy Metal Fans Got a neck brace from decades of headbanging? Are those long black locks now wispy grey with a bald patch? Can't see your belt buckle due to your over-hanging beer gut? Just The Facts Heavy Metal music has been around since the late 1960s. 101 ways you know you've been an 'Old School' Heavy Metal fan for too long... You're going out and you have to decide which of your 50 black T-shirts you're going to wear. You have ever had an argument with your wife about wearing a heavy metal T-shirt to a family function. You don't know the words to the national anthem but you know all the words to Stairway to Heaven, including the extra bits on the live version. You see KISS every time they come to town because this just might actually be their last tour. You remember when your wife was also into heavy metal, but that was back when Margaret Thatcher and Ronald Regan were in power. You know who the original singer for AC/DC was, and it wasn't Bon Scott. You can remember when Bon Jovi were metal.
OWASP Download The OWASP Download category should be used to mark any page that has a significant download available. The download should be clearly marked and described near the top of the page. Our old download center is located at SourceForge. Many of our documents and tools are still available there. Important Note Many OWASP projects have not included the OWASP Download tag in their pages, so they are not listed here. How to add a new OWASP Download article You can follow the instructions to make a new OWASP Download article. [[Category:OWASP Download]] Subcategories This category has the following 63 subcategories, out of 63 total. Pages in category "OWASP Download" The following 68 pages are in this category, out of 68 total.
Mt Roraima, Brasil, Guyana and Venezuela (pic)