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Beroepsvereniging docenten MBO - Beroepsvereniging MBO docenten Dit is MBO Trendmatcher tussen ICT en Onderwijs ™ ShowMe - The Online Learning Community 100 Incredibly Useful YouTube Channels for Teachers YouTube has earned a reputation for featuring brain cell-slaughtering fare such as the truly abysmal Fred and playing host to the some of the most depressingly stupid comments this side of Yahoo! News. But for every participant liberally dishing out misspelled racist, sexist and homophobic talking points, there is at least one whose channel genuinely offers something provocative and educational. For teachers hoping to infuse multimedia into their classrooms, YouTube makes for an excellent starting point. Multidisciplinary and General Education Physical Sciences, Mathematics and Technology Social Sciences, History and World Issues Love him or hate him, Barack Obama is still America’s president. Visual, Performing and Liberal Arts Create a teacher site using Google Sites in five steps Google Sites is possibly the easiest way to quickly share information online. This platform also makes collaboration a simple and natural part of the process of creating a website, making Google Sites an ideal fit for any classroom, PLC, administration team, or grade level partnerships. Getting started with Google Sites is a breeze, and you can have a fully functioning site going in just minutes. I have worked with many teachers on setting up their own classroom portals with Google Sites. If your district or building does not have an installation of Google Sites, you can create your own page by going to Step 1: Create your site and set your sharing settings The first step in the process is to create your site. The only setting in the creation process you cannot change later is the URL of your site. Be especially careful to set up your sharing settings correctly. View the video tutorial below for a step-by-step explanation of the process. Step 2: Make your welcome page
Differentiation - tools, tips and resources Differentiation is an important aspect of education. Students learn differently, have different needs, different backgrounds, different skills, different ability levels, different interests and more. As educators, we try to create engaging lesson activities that provide a variety of learning experiences and allow students to demonstrate their learning in different ways. Differentiation should occur in both how students learn and gain knowledge and skills, and in how they demonstrate and are assessed on what they have learned. “In the practice of education, differentiation is defined as working to address the abilities, interests, and needs (both perceived and real) of individuals. Here are some resources, tips, and tools on differentiation: Digital Differentiation - ideas and tools for differentiating with digital resources Tools for Differentiation - helping teachers meet the needs of all learners Differentiating with Web 2.0 Technologies
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