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40 Impossibly Creative Advertisements

40 Impossibly Creative Advertisements

Print advertising: 85 brilliant examples | Print design In these days of digital media, it's easy to overlook the art of print ads. But the medium is still as relevant and powerful as vintage posters ever were, whether small scale magazine ads or huge billboard advertising. As Paul Arden states in It's Not How Good You Are, It's How Good You Want To Be: "Print advertising should be recognisable at a hundred paces, and it should be obvious who it's an ad for without seeing the brand name." No matter what the medium, you still need a concept that's going to stick in people's minds. We think these examples of print advertising do just that. 01. The way kids play these days has changed dramatically; gaming apps are more popular than ever and when you're not looking, your little sprog has more-than-likely purchased a few extras to make their gaming experience even better. 02. Sometimes going for a simpler approach makes the most impact. Playing with typography and bright colours, this campaign from IKEA is as lovely to look at as it is clever.

MAKING Matters The Sound of Silence: How Gravity Created a Terrifying Score for Outer Space | Underwire Composer Steven Price has also scored Attack the Block and this summer’s The World’s End. Photo courtesy Costa Communications If Alien taught us anything — besides that Sigourney Weaver is awesome — it’s that in space, no one can hear you scream. It’s true. There’s no air up there, so there’s nothing that sound can travel on. It’s just deadly silence. In Gravity Alfonso Cuarón opted to keep it scientific thanks to a handy trick – filling the void with tunes. “Ordinarily in an action film you’re often competing with explosions and god knows what else, whereas with this [movie] music could do things a different way,” Gravity’s composer Steven Price told WIRED. So what went out the window (or airlock) in the process? The composer, who previously scored Attack the Block and The World’s End, also was tasked with conveying the emotions characters were feeling, but that they couldn’t necessarily verbalize. “You can hear the synth dying,” Price said.

Veille du Brand Content Importer ses conversions offline dans sa campagne adwords ParMaurice LargeronLe3 octobre 2013 Google Adwords joue le modèle gagnant gagnant ! Je te donne 1 donnée supplémentaire, et tu me diras ce qui se passe en dehors de la plateforme Adwords. L’identification du positionnement des urls dans les serp naturels de Google et de leur corrélation avec les mots clés achetés (Adwords > Variables > Liens commerciaux et recherche naturelle)La remontée dans Google Analytics des données de coûts Adwords (conversion > attribution)La collectée des données dîtes de campagnes universelles dans GA (Sources de trafic > ajustement des enchères) L’avantage est d’apporter plus de champ (« incorporer» du offline dans du « online ») et par la même d’apporter un recul dans l’analyse des conversions dans Adwords afin de pouvoir arbitrer ses campagnes au plus juste. Le principe des remontées Offline vers online Processus de remontée des conversions Alors qu’en est-il précisément de cette nouvelle fonctionnalité ? Résumons le procédé. Cas d’utilisations

DM TRENDS The Godfather of Apple Design Spots 4 Looming Tech Trends | Wired Design Hartmut Esslinger. Image: frog Before there was Jony Ive, there was Hartmut Esslinger. The founder of the influential design consultancy Frog started working with Apple in 1982, establishing the design language that drove the look of the company’s hardware for years to come–a shift that reverberated throughout the PC industry. It was Esslinger who first pushed Apple out of a drab beige world toward cleaner, whiter hardware, and his partnership with Steve Jobs in this period helped define Apple’s core values as a user-focused, design-centric company that endure to this day. Esslinger documents this partnership in his new book Keep it Simple: The Early Design Years of Apple. It was Esslinger who first pushed Apple out of a drab beige world. In many ways, the era sowed the seeds for Apple’s resurgence in the last decade and change. A sketch from Hartmut Esslinger’s days at Apple. Flexible hardware Things like Google Now pave the way for more responsive, familiar software. More human devices

Les marques s'emparent du social gaming - Les fondamentaux du marketing Terminée, l'ère du jeu vidéo traditionnel? Sans aucun doute, la réponse est non. Mais le marché du jeu sur console de salon, et même sur console portable, se cherche un nouveau souffle. Pourquoi? Grâce à cela, en 2011, Facebook est devenu le nouvel eldorado des annonceurs. Facebook, terrain de jeu de l'advergame De nombreux annonceurs choisissent de créer leur social game pour promouvoir leurs produits. La publicité s'insère dans le jeu en ligne La méthode n'est pas nouvelle. Du jeu traditionnel au social gaming Les jeux de société déplacent leurs pions. Le jeu social dans une démarche de partage Motiver l'interaction entre une marque et les internautes.

La philosophie en graphiques minimalistes Ces illustrations sont l’oeuvre de Genis Carreras, il y en a plus ici. ( Via )
