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12 Things You NEED To Go Off Grid NOW!

12 Things You NEED To Go Off Grid NOW!
What do you need to go off grid NOW? Do you think you’re ready to live off grid? Where are you going to go without money? Unless you’re planning on bugging out to the wilderness in Alaska or some other wild frontier with just the clothes on your back and a way to hunt for game and live off the land, you’re going to need money to buy the things you need to live off the grid. The fact is, to do anything nowadays you need money, and usually lots of it. There’s a whole list of things you need besides money, that money will buy you as you prep for your move off grid. First and foremost, you’ll need a place to go. A place to go seems obvious at first glance, and people know this of course. Consider first, the fact you will be OFF GRID. So, when choosing the perfect location, you have to find a place which has good sun, moderate wind, and which is close enough to other resources to make living off the grid safe, comfortable and manageable for your family and yourself. Buy land which has WATER! Related:  Others PearltreesGuids

16 Year Old Builds Tiny Home to Guarantee Mortgage-Free Future 16 year old Austin Hay built this tiny house for only $12,000! This should be an inspiration to us all. 16 year old builds tiny home to guarantee mortgage-free future Below is a followup video of the finished tiny house. Teen tiny house builder Austin Hay finishes dorm on wheels You have no excuse why you can’t build one too. Austin Hay is still in high school, but he’s building his own house. A follow-up video with Austin Hay with his finished home: For more info & links, original story here: Comments comments

How To Be An Apartment Homesteader - Apartment Homesteading - Self sufficent I read. I read a lot. No really I am a book hoarder. One of my favorite bloggers posts e-books about homesteading every day and I must download at least 3 a day and just store them in my amazon library until I read them or can use them. I wont bore you with how we ended up moving from a nice little house to a tiny sad apartment but suffice it to say, this is where we are and we are making the most of it. My husband was listening to a NPR TED Talk pod cast “The Future of Cities” about what the city of tomorrow looks like from a sustainability stand point. Ideally we would stop building suburbs and turn them into more sustainable urban environments better utilizing the space we have already developed to absorb the exponential population growth the planet is experiencing with as little environmental impact as necessary. Of all the blogs I follow, none of them discuss apartment homesteading. 1. 2. 3. This roasted asparagus is super easy and delicious! 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14.

Survival Rules of 3 INFOGRAPHIC Survival has rules? No, not really. You can think of these more as guidelines on what you should prioritize if you end up in a situation where you are fighting for survival. These guidelines are often known as the survival “rules of 3″. 3 minutes without oxygen3 hours without shelter3 days without water3 weeks without food Of course, there are many factors that can influence these numbers, both external factors and in the needs of individual people. If you have oxygen, shelter should be the next priority, especially in temperature extremes. Here’s a video that breaks down each of these in more detail, along with another rule – 3 months without hope.

9 Strategies for Self-Sufficient Living When you grow your own food, generate your own energy, and work from a home office or farm for your livelihood, the so-called “costs of living” largely disappear. You become untethered to the work-earn-spend consumer economy and thrive, instead, in a more locally centered, self-sufficient economy in which monetary income is less essential for a rich life. Making this self-sufficiency dream a reality has been our goal since my wife, Lisa Kivirist, and I moved to our 5 1/2-acre farmstead in southwestern Wisconsin in 1996. Self-reliant living can take many forms. You can provide your own food and energy and be your own barber, repair person, home-school teacher, house cleaner, painter, and child care provider. By running a home-based business, you can generate the money needed to obtain essential products or services you’re unable to produce for yourself. Transitioning to self-sufficient living requires research and planning. The Journey to Self-Reliance Begins 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

Advanced timberframe homes | Our Homes Our Greenhouse is easy to build and affordable! Stuff grown in your greenhouse saves you time and money. Self-growing is incredibly cheap plus means less trips to the supermarket. Your food is clean - no industrial chemicals! Just Mother Nature! You'll feel better - clean food is healthier. Testimonial"We are very proud of our greenhouse. Is living off the grid worth the cost? - The Western Producer Independence from the power company is an attractive concept. Sometimes it is an anti-bureaucratic response because folks see the power company taking hard-earned money month after month. Others perceive power as expensive and believe going off the grid will mean economic savings. Sometimes folks are simply tired of blackouts and want power security, especially if they live in rural areas. The alternative to grid-connected power is off-grid power, which means just that: you are off the grid, on your own. In effect, you own the electrical utility and are responsible for it. On the other hand, off-grid power also means your power will still operate when the grid-tied neigh-bours’ houses go dark. We use power for a lot of purposes, including lighting, appliances and tools. As an example, most of our equipment use is measured in watts, but our consumption is measured in kilowatt-hours (kWhr). Let’s look at a fictional residential power system in the southern Prairies in the wintertime.

Off Grid Community Pilot Project: The “Off Grid Community Project” is the first stage of a multi-stage project which if successful could expand into a small self-sustaining community. Concept: Build a sustainable living self sufficient off-the-grid home system, which anyone can build for less than $100k, and open source the plans to the world. An “affordable” 1500-2500sq ft Open Sourced natural material home, greenhouse, 5kw wind turbine, and a 5kw solar array, for less than $100k (Crowdsourced Home & Community Building) UPDATE: $25k 1280 SQFT RANCH STYLE SHIPPING CONTAINER HOME THE PROBLEM: All over the world people cannot afford to live sustainably much less comfortably. They cannot afford to buy a home, land, and the needed technology to make themselves and their families self-sufficient. THE SOLUTION: The idea is simple. By combining proven technologies the learning curve isn’t as great a hurdle, and you remove the troublesome burden of “reinventing the wheel”. HOME: 320-2500 square foot home.

Guide to Self-Sufficient Living: Advice From Nine Modern Homesteaders - Modern Homesteading Related Content Healing the Earth Self-dubbed “lunatic farmer” Joel Salatin describes how sustainable living and more conscientious ag... A growing number of us are shifting our focus homeward, making our homesteads the heart of our life’s work. For some, the quest for self-reliance begins simply: The search for a decent-tasting tomato leads you to a seed catalog, which opens the door to gardening, canning and composting. Others recall a pivotal moment. According to a recent survey of MOTHER EARTH NEWS readers, more than four out of 10 of you now raise chickens. “In previous homesteading movements, people had to make it on their own,” says Harvey Ussery, author and longtime homesteader. Modern homesteading and homemaking are built upon many choices, not solely on managing money. MOTHER: What motivated you to choose a self-sufficient, homesteading lifestyle? Harvey Ussery: It was a natural progression. Cam Mather: I was burnt out on suburban life and on earning my income on a computer.

5 BEST Reasons To Live Off The Grid Why do you want to live off the grid? Everyone, I think, has their own reasons and ideas for wanting to move off the grid. Boiling it down, these are the top 5. 1. Self Sufficiency: Living off the grid in a self sufficient manner brings with it a certain independence which cannot be found in modern living. If there were a collapse of the financial system -which is the most likely “doomsday” scenario- then the grocery stores, hardware stores, and the big box home improvement stores would be the first to be wiped out of supplies. In the biggest cities in the world, this leaves millions of people without the supplies needed to survive. People like the feeling they get when they don’t have to depend on others, and they can support their families and enjoy their lives with their friends on their own land, in their own home. 2.: Sense of Accomplishment: There’s a certain satisfaction on a job well done. 3. 4. 5. It’s all about being happy. Comments comments

Growing Salad Greens » Edible Landscaping with Rosalind Creasy Many types of salad greens grow right off the kitchen patio. Spring is a great time for growing salad greens, the weather is cool and damp, just what they love. Plant edible flowers along with the greens so you can enjoy them in the garden as well as in your salad. The easiest way to start to grow your salad greens is to grow baby greens, which will be ready to harvest in about 6 weeks. - Order seeds for baby salad greens under the name mesclun mix or make your own mix by purchasing individual packages of seeds of 3 or 4 types of lettuces and a few types of greens such as: spinach, chard, mustard, rocket, or finely curled endive. - A garden bed about 10′ by 4’ provides a generous amount of baby salad greens for 3 or 4 people. - Harvest your baby greens by taking kitchen shears and cutting across the bed about an inch above the crowns of the plants. Mesclun is a French Provencal term for a salad that combines many flavors and textures of greens and herbs. The Salad: Vinaigrette:

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