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BBC Learning English - 6 Minute English / Why take a gap year? <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href=" class="noscriptbanner"><p>For a better experience please enable Javascript in your browser</p></div> Pedagógus-továbbképzés Akkreditációs Rendszer A továbbképzés megnevezése: Az IKT alkalmazása az angol nyelv tanításában - a beszédértés készség fejlesztése és mérése internetes anyagok segítségével Szervező neve: Pécsi Tudományegyetem Bölcsészettudományi Kar Felnőttképzési nyilvántartási szám: E-000327/2014 Alapítási engedély szám: 12/195/2019 Alapító neve: Pécsi Tudományegyetem Bölcsészettudományi Kar Az alapítási engedély érvényességének dátuma: 2024. 08. 28. Foglalkozási órák száma: 30 A továbbképzés szervezésének formája: tanfolyami A továbbképzés célja: A képzés célja, hogy a résztvevő angol tanárok ismerjék meg a különböző internetes anyagok (videók, audiók) sokrétű felhasználási lehetőségeit az angol nyelv tanításában, különös tekintettel a beszédértés, mint készség fejlesztésére és mérésére. A program tartalmának rövid ismertetése: A beszédértés készsége alapvető fontosságú a tanulás folyamatában, mivel kommunikációnk mintegy felét a beszédhallgatás teszi ki. Javasolt munkakörök: Tanár A továbbképzés helyszíne(i):

A Nyelvtudásért - Országos Nyelvoktatási és Nyelvvizsgáztatási Szakmai Egyesület Lewis Pugh, UN Patron of the Oceans, who swims the Arctic in his speedos to fight the climate change crisis Lewis Pugh realized just how extreme the conditions were when he saw a wave in the choppy Antarctic waters wash over his boat and freeze instantly, creating a layer of ice on the clothes and gear of the people on board. The sea, because it was salty, was already below freezing. But the air temperature was -37°C (-35°F). It was February 2015. Pugh is the first and so far only UN Patron of the Oceans. Kelvin Trautman Born by the coast in England and raised in South Africa, Pugh loves to swim, and he clearly likes personal challenge. But the increasingly dangerous challenges he’s undertaken in recent years, and the UN title awarded him in 2013, are focused on one goal. His most recent efforts have been concentrated on the Ross Sea, a tract of ocean off Antarctica that, campaigners say, is one of the last pristine seas on earth. Driven to swim It does perhaps require a certain level of lunacy to take on the particular kind of discomforts and terrors Pugh puts himself through.

British Museum Tour Short read: “incomparably rich treasure chest” Long read: The British Museum is the big one. The most important museum on the planet, it brims with things of world historical importance. The Rosetta Stone, the Egyptian antiquities and mummies, the Assyrian lion-hunt reliefs, the Parthenon Sculptures, the Black Obelisk, the Enlightenment Gallery, 4,500-year-old “Ginger” (the “pre-dynastic” red head!), the Sutton Hoo treasure, the Portland Vase, Roman gold, Celtic gold, ivories and enamels, tiles and pottery, an astonishing display of instruments for measuring time… here is civilisation, manifest. The British Museum Tour takes place at 2.30 pm every Monday, every* Wednesday and every Saturday. The meeting point is just outside the exit of Russell SquareTube. N.B. *Except Dec. 25 and Jan. 1

What Languages Do Bilinguals Count In? Post written by Aneta Pavlenko. It is often said that bilinguals continue using their first language for simple arithmetic operations, such as addition or multiplication, long after they shifted to the second language in other domains. I am not an exception to this phenomenon. After two decades in the U.S., I live, lecture, and write in English but when it comes to balancing my checkbook, calculating a tip, or counting the number of reps at the gym, I often switch to Russian. article continues after advertisement To study the relationship between bilingualism and numerical cognition, researchers commonly use experimental tasks that range from number recall to complex mathematical problems. The first language advantage, however, is limited to speakers whose early schooling was in their home language. Yet the picture emerging from bilingualism research is significantly more complex. For a full list of "Life as a bilingual" blog posts by content area, see here. References Salillas, E. & N.

Why you might be counting in the wrong language - BBC Future Both groups had the same levels of accuracy in terms of their final eye position, but when the numbers were spoken rather than written down, the Dutch subjects were more likely to look towards the position of the inverted number first. So, if asked to look at 94, their eyes might first flick towards 49. The English subjects almost never made such movements. The results are surprising, because it’s assumed that by the time we are adults, number names have been automated, so language doesn’t affect how we process them. “The effects are small, and yet this is numeracy at its most basic, just estimating a number on a line,” explains Xenidou-Dervou. So, given that more transparent counting systems seem to make it easier for us to process numbers, what does this mean for how we teach maths to children? “Well, I don't think that this should be the basis for which language we teach children in,” says Dowker. Xenidou-Dervou agrees.

Episode 01 | Podcasts - Series 2 Section 1: "It's Tess's birthday today…!" Ravi: Hello and welcome to the Second series of the LearnEnglish Elementary podcast. This is podcast number one. If you listened to the first series you’ll remember – I hope – that my name’s Ravi…Tess: … and I’m Tess. Tess: Thank you.Ravi: Are you doing anything special? Tess: We’ve got our quiz, then we’ve got people telling us about their favourite food. Section 2: I’d like to talk about… Tess: But to start with, we’ve got something new. Esther: Yeah. Ravi: Blimey. Esther: Yeah, knitting. Tess: Good point. Esther: Not really. Ravi: That’s interesting.Esther: Remember that they didn’t have machines for knitting till the nineteenth century, so everything was done by hand - even clothes for kings and queens. Esther: Yes, I did.Tess: It’s really nice. Tess: I could never make something like that. Esther: You could. Esther: Thank you.Tess: Ravi? Tess: A father sheep and a mother kangaroo? Section 3 – Quiz Ravi: OK. Ravi: What are you up to today?

Calvin & Hobbes Search Engine - by Bing I have always been a big fan of Calvin & Hobbes comics, and their author, Bill Watterson. Since discovering the complete script online, as well as a collection of every daily strip on another website, I knew I could make the two reference each other and therefore create a "Calvin & Hobbes Search Engine" for lack of a better name. So I set out to do it. Currently the search only looks for EXACT phrases (not case sensitive), so if you're looking for a comic with the words "balloon" and "airplane" you cannot enter them both, or it will search for "balloon airplane" together. Perhaps in the future I will fix this, but it's actually a lot more difficult than leaving it as-is. There is one exception though! Please find the credits for everything found on this page below. - Michael "Bing" Yingling Calvin & Hobbes : Copyright & All Rights Reserved by Bill Watterson and Andrews McMeel Universal Calvin & Hobbes Search Engine by Michael "Bing" Yingling Script from Scribd, likely from S.

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