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Andrew Fitzgerald: Adventures in Twitter fiction

Andrew Fitzgerald: Adventures in Twitter fiction

Who Controls the Children (Schools Deliberately Dumb Down Children) This is an old video that synchronuosly crossed my path right after a discussion about the dumbing down of American education. I went to high school in Pennsylvania, and this videotaped meeting from 1992 may explain some of the reasons that I feel so grateful to have benefited from an elementary, middle school and high school education that emphasized individuality, critical thinking, soul-based decisions about right or wrong, intuitive and intellectual gifts, and actual instruction about how propaganda works and how to see through it. I’ve always realized that I had an unusual education, and I did watch my siblings’ curricula gradually get watered down as the years went by. Still, when I look at some of the (now retired) teachers that my siblings and I had, in contrast to the standardized test happy current education system I hear about from clients, I feel a mixture of gratitude and, “Wow! “Locus of control: are you internally or externally motivated?

How Twitter has been creatively appropriated eg by novelists by rjsharpe Jan 4
